"Don't you get cold?" I frowned as I asked Remus that. He shrugged and wore a jacket. "I got used to the cold here so it doesn't matter." I was not convinced with his answer but nodded anyways.
The guys and I decided that it's the perfect time to go shopping. Giovanni and Remus seemed excited while Bryson and Eros were dreading it. The guys told me that we have to cross a few towns to reach the clothing stores. I asked Remus if there were any malls close by. His only reply was, "There are no malls here."
At the moment, I was in Bryson's new car that was a 2012 Ford Explorer XLT. I didn't really know what the type of the car was but Bryson kept on talking about it. I'm the first one who bought this car. This car is awesome. My car is one of a kind. I love this car. I wanted to scotch his mouth shut to make him shut up.
Of course, Bryson's the one who's driving the car. Giovanni was sitting in the passenger's talking about how hot the girls this year were. To my luck, Eros was sitting next to me in the back seat; he was clenching his fists. Thankfully, Remus was sitting on my right side making jokes.
Eros hates me!. Yes, I know hate is a strong word but that's what I think. From the moment I stepped inside the dorm, Eros didn't even speak to me. It was strange. I looked at Remus who was in an argument with Giovanni and Bryson. It had to do with 'hot' and 'Megan Fox'. They're such guys!
"We're almost there." Shouted Bryson . All of a sudden, the car stopped. I looked around me and saw people walking. Guess we're here.
"Put on your sun glasses boys, it's time to work our charms." What was Giovanni talking about? What charms? "Uh, what?" I was confused right now. Giovanni turned his whole body around and stared at me with a smirk on his face.
"Guys like us," he pointed to all the guys, "have to look cool." He stated in as a matter-of-fact tone. "Right!" Bryson said as he looked at me from the front mirror. "After all we're royal- Awe!" He cried out and clutched his shirt. "For the love of God Eros, why did you-Awe!" I looked at Bryson whose eyes turned gold. What the...
"Eros!" I stared at Giovanni wide-eyed. I never thought he could be this intimidating. Giovanni was looking at Eros with a threatening expression. I never thought Giovanni would look this serious. I heard a dark chuckle coming from my left side so I turned my head looked at Eros who had a smirk on his face. The tension was thick in the air and increasing.
I saw Bryson relax a bit but I was still worried. Does he need a hospital? "Bryson, are you okay?" He nodded but I was still concerned. Giovanni and Eros stopped their glaring fest and put their sunglasses on.
"Come on Violet; let's get you some awesome clothes." Remus winked and opened the door. He held out his hand and I took it stepping outside. He's such a gentleman!
"Can we go?" Groaning as I threw the last piece of clothing on Remus's head. I never was a fan of shopping. Remus took the piece of clothing off his head and shot me a glare. "Stop throwing things at me!" Wow, someone's snappy today!
"I am not snappy!" He rolled his eyes but froze in place. The others did the same and looked at him with a look that said 'shut up'. "How did you even-" I started but was cut off by Eros. Yes Eros, I'm shocked myself.
"Remus reads people's expressions well so don't ask." His voice made me freeze. This is the second time I hear his voice in two days. I say it's an improvement. I nodded and kept going through clothes. Damn Giovanni, he's the one that's making me go through this pain.
"I think this is enough for today, don't you think Gio?" Remus asked amused. A smile made its way to my face and I silently hoped that Giovanni will say okay. I want to leave. No, I need to leave. If I stay five more minutes in here then Giovanni's going down!
Giovanni sighed and nodded. "Sure." What the hell? Why does he sound sad? He wants to shop more? This is so weird; I never thought a guy would like shopping. All of us went to the cash register and gave the lady our items. She had dark brown hair black eyes. When she saw me, she froze then smiled after a few seconds passed.
The guys were talking to a group of girls a few meters behind. Of course, Eros was talking to none of them. Remus, Bryson and Giovanni made me wait half an hour in the store. Why? Well, they were fighting about who should give me his credit card.
It's really fascinating when they foght. Each starts insulting the other and then Eros has to break them apart. I don't know, but I have a feeling that Eros was the strongest out of them all. The way he could make them stop anything by a glare was just weird.
I paid for the clothes and thanked the lady. Before I could turn around and walk to the guys, the lady grabbed my arm and pulled me in her direction. "Your future holds a lot of surprises. Some are good and some are bad. Don't make quick choices and be patient my child." I took my arm out of her hand and ran to the guys.
This was so weird, why did she tell me that? Many things ran through my head making me dizzy. "Woah, you okay there?" I looked at Bryson and nodded, putting a fake smile on my face. I observed the girl in front of me with her friends. Yes, definitely sluts.
"This is our friend Violet." Remus sent me a smile that I gladly returned. The girl that stood in front of me reminded me of April. I shuddered when I remembered that. Leave the bad memories behind. I gave the girl a small smile and waved.
"Hi, I'm Violet." The girl sneered, "Why is the mensch (human) with you?" She spat and I looked at Remus who was standing next to me with a puzzled expression. All of the guys had dark expressions. I can tell that they were angry.
She took a step forward so we were head to head. "She deserves no respect. She the lowest out of all beings and isn't worthy of living." I gritted my teeth and closed my eyes holding in my anger. I can't believe she just said that.
I want to punch her so bad. I remembered the cartoons that I used to watch when I was a kid. There was an episode where a girl gets lifted up in the air and thrown away, I would like to see that happening to her . I opened my eyes when I heard a scream. I thought I was about to be looking at her but was surprised when I saw no one there. Her group was running to the back of the shop fearfully. What just happened?
I looked at the guys who were staring at me in shock. Giovanni was the first one to snap out of it. His shocked face turned into a one with a smirk. Giovanni threw his arm over my shoulder and started walking. I looked at the other guys who also had smirks on their faces.
I looked forward and saw Bryson's car. The only thing that kept running through my head was what happened to that girl?