My eyelids fluttered open and closed again as sunlight hit them. I groaned and forced my eyes to open taking in the room. I smiled once again when I thought of it as my room. I sat up straight, yawning as I stretched. I took the covers off me and stood up, slowly walking to the bathroom while I rubbed my eyes.
Last night was pure bliss. The bed was as comfortable as feathers. I did all what I needed to do in the bathroom then went out. I opened my walk in closet and took out a pink and white sweater and yes, it was cold here.
I wore my black skinny jeans along with it then combed my hair. I decided to leave it straight because it looks better that way. Looking at the clock, I saw that it was 10:00 a.m. Wow, that's a lot of sleep for me.
I put on my white Nike sports shoes and walked to my door. I froze in place when I realized something; there is school today. I rushed out of my room but stopped, I have no bag. I heard someone talking so I followed the sound that was leading to the living room. Isn't today a regular school day? Shouldn't everyone be in their classes?
"Va bene; vi ringrazio Marshall, sì certo. Ho intenzione di parlare con il consiglio soprannaturale sulla questione." (thank you Marshall, yes sure. I am going to talk with the supernatural council about the issue.) I frowned when I heard Giovanni say that, why does he have to talk in Italian? I understand none of it. I'm not sure but I think I heard him say a word in Italian that's close to supernatural? I'm not really sure...
"Certo, non preoccuparti." (Sure, don't worry about it.) I was hiding behind the wall that lead to the living room. I have to say, Giovanni sounds pretty hot when he's talking Italian. I smacked myself but immediately regretted it. Pain surged through my head, making me hiss silently.
"What was that about?" I think it was Bryson who was asking. Giovanni was mumbling a couple of things but finally raised his head to stare at Bryson. Bryson had his feet on the table and hands behind his back. He was wearing black baggy jeans, a red t-shirt and a black jacket. I'm not sure but I think it was leather.
"Nothing. Just a few problems with the council." Giovanni sighed. I frowned. Council of what exactly? Giovanni was rubbing his temples, looking worn out. Bryson was nodding, telling Giovanni that he understood what he meant.
I decided that it was time to reveal myself so I stepped forward. Almost instantly, both of the pair's eyes spotted me. Giovanni's face broke into a smirk while Bryson's broke into a smile.
"Morning." I smiled at Bryson and he said morning back. Giovanni put his arm around my shoulders. "Good morning sleeping beauty." He lowered his arm and leaned against the wall. I actually blushed when he said that. Blushed! Can you believe that? I don't blush but yet again, when I was in Oklahoma, no one complimented or even flirted me.
"Morning." I murmured back. I moved forward and sat next to Bryson on the sofa. Giovanni narrowed his eyes while looking at Bryson. This made him chuckle. I didn't understand why Giovanni was glaring, maybe because Bryson's arm was around my shoulder. I'm not sure.
"Shouldn't today be a regular school day?" I turned my head to look at Bryson. He was staring at me with a small smile but finally nodded. "Yeah, but your Uncle said that we can take the day off to go and buy school necessities and clothes." He looked at what I was wearing then his lips turned into a thin line. "Exactly." He pointed to my sweater making me look down. Why did I have to wear this sweater today? Oh, yes, because it was cold!
"Hey, my clothes aren't that bad!" I exclaimed, crossing my arms. Bryson looked at Giovanni who was chuckling quietly. I sent Giovanni a glare. C'mon, my clothes aren't "unfashionable". I looked down at my clothes and frowned. Okay, maybe they were.
"V." Bryson looked at me with serious eyes. I smiled when I heard my new nickname. V, I like that. "You have to wear fashionable clothes." He cried out, throwing his hands up in the air. I heard Giovanni hum in agreement and I mumbled under my breath. Yeah people, gang up on me. Note the sarcasm.
"After all." he paused before continuing, "you are the princess-principal's niece." He said quickly. I looked at him confused. Did he just say princess? What does it have to do with me being the principal's niece? Bryson was sweating and looked nervous. I stared at him for a short while then looked at Giovanni who was glaring daggers at Bryson.
Giovanni coughed, grabbing my attention and started talking. "What Bryson meant is that you have to wear designer clothes because you're family to the principal." Giovanni finished looking proud of himself. I nodded and stood up. I can't help the fact that I was still puzzled but I didn't press the subject.
I was about to ask Giovanni where the other guys were when Remus entered the room with Eros, who was trailing behind him. Remus's face brightened when he saw me. I sent him a cheeky grin, making him smirk. What's up with Giovanni and Remus always smirking?
"Hola." He greeted, making me chuckle. I said my greeting and looked at Eros who wore a dark expression on his face. All the guys were looking at him with their jaw clenched. They probably wanted him to show some respect. Eros finally nodded my way.
"Hi." He turned around and went to the kitchen. I looked down, staring at the table in front of me. I still didn't know why Eros hates me. I know hate is a strong word but by the looks of it, I think he does. I just arrived yesterday and I've done nothing to him to act this way.
"Don't mind Eros. He doesn't really interact with new people so he needs time for warming up to you." Remus chirped in an excited voice. He was wearing dark blue jeans with a black T-shirt.