"Te l'avevo detto (I told you), she threw the girl to the end of the store. It was incredible." Someone whispered. I think it was Giovanni because he talks the freaky Italian language that I never understood.
I was listening to what Remus, Giovanni, Bryson and Eros were talking about with my uncle. They are in his office right now. Some say it is eavsdropping but to me, it's just listening to people when they don't know it.
I don't really know what the hell he's talking about exactly, excuse my language. I think I heard him say 'she threw the girl to the end of the store?'. What does he mean by that? I threw no one anywhere.
Was he talking about that girl that I met in the clothing store? I heard some more murmuring from the office but didn't understand what they were saying. The discussion lasted for ten more minutes before I heard footsteps.
I bit my lip and grew nervous. Where will I go? I looked left then looked right. Which is the shortest escape route? I heard the footsteps coming closer and took whatever way. I ran left but to my luck, I was caught.
"And where do you think you're going?" Came a voice, making me stop in my tracks. I slowly turned around and came face to face with Bryson. I smiled sheepishly and looked behind his head only to see the rest of them lined up behind him. Great, just great!
"Uh, looking around?" I answered. The guys didn't look convinced. Bryson had a smirk on his face, same as Remus while Giovanni was crossed armed. Eros, as always had a neutral face but I think I saw some sort of smirk. I stared at him but saw all traces of emotion gone, same as before.
"We're going to talk about this later." He gave me a pointed look and I nodded. Remus threw his arm over my shoulder and pulled me closer to him. What's up with him?
"So?" he looked at me with interest in his eyes. What is he talking about? "So what?" I replied. I have to say I am puzzled. More than puzzled actually. "Do you like any of the guys in this school?" He whispered.
Okay, this guy is totally losing his mind. I mean look at me, am I dating material? "You are!" Remus cut in. We all stopped walking and stared at him. The difference was that the guys had a killer looking glare on their faces while I had baffled one.
"I am what?" I asked. This is weird, why does Remus always answer questions the questions that I ask in my head? "What Remus was trying to say was, uh." Giovanni rubbed his neck nervously before continuing.
"You are a beautiful girl that every guy in this school would want to date." He finished with a smile on his face. I blushed at his comment and soon, I forgot what I was talking about. What was I talking about anyways? I stared at Giovanni who had a smirk on his face and glared. My glare turned into a small smile. I shook my head and walked forward. That boy, he always knew when to make a girl forget everything.
"Hey, when will I get my schedule?" I asked looking at the three of them. Where was the fourth one anyways? I saw Eros strolling our way with a coke in his hand. I couldn't help but keep on staring at his face.
Someone nudged me, making me snap out of my daze. I looked at the person and saw that it was Bryson with a small smirk on his face. What's up with these guys and smirking? This is the second day for me here and it's the one hundredth time I've see them smirk.
"What?" I whispered but Bryson shook his head chuckling and turned around. I gazed at his back with my head bent to the right side. Is something wrong with Bryson? I guess it is something they call "Guys are complicated."
Giovanni was rubbing his chin. He had a frown on his face. It was as if he was thinking about something that was annoying him. Remus was watching Giovanni with an evil glint in his eyes. What are they up to?
"Well V, we have some things to do so you will go with Eros to get your schedule." He spoke enthusiastically before rushing out of the hallway with Giovanni by his side.
I stood in place as I replayed what Remus just said. Did he just say that I have to go with Eros to get my schedule or was I not hearing right? I looked at Eros who was frozen in his place with an icy glare.
In a flash, Eros was next to me with his hands in his pockets. He had an unfriendly expression but quickly turned around and started walking. I think this was his way of telling me to follow him.
I walked behind him down the hallways. His muscles were rigid and clenched. I wonder why Remus ran away leaving me with Eros. I wanted to hear Eros talk, I don't know why but I just want to.
"So what's up?" I wanted to smack myself. What's up Violet? Really now? Eros kept on walking not even glancing once my way. It was as if I'm not with him. We took a turn that lead to another hallway.
"What's your favorite color?" Again, with another stupid question. What's wrong with me? Eros looked at me with a murderous glare in his eyes. I was taken back by it.
The anger and hate in his eyes were beyond measures. I realized that it was time to stop talking so I followed him silently. I'm not sure but I think Eros's bipolar. That was just a guess.
I saw a woman sitting behind a desk. I turned to look at Eros but he was too busy looking ahead. I think he's ignoring me purposely. "Ah, Eros, what a pleasant surprise! What do you want sweetie?" I watched as a big smile was set onto Eros's face. Ah, I guess he smiles after all.
"Hi Claudia." His voice was smooth yet, held a lot of authority in it. The woman's eyes, who assume was Claudia darted to me. "And who is this young lady?"
"This is Violet White, Connor White's niece. We need her schedule please." The woman nodded and looked at her computer, probably searching for my name. I looked at Eros and glared. Okay, I officially dislike this guy. What is wrong with him?
Claudia printed the papers and gave them to me with a warm smile on her face. "Inside is your schedule and the school's map honey, welcome to S. Sheffield Academy!" I smiled, thanking her. She reminded me of my mom, always bubbly and full of joy.
I looked down at the floor and sighed sadly. Mom, I miss her so much. I really hope she was still here with me along with dad. Someone bumped into me making me look up.
Of course, it was none other than Eros. I stared at him quizzically but he ignored me and continued walking. Does this always have to happen with me? Him walking and me following? Oh, for crying out loud, didn't he hear of something called ladies first?
After a few minutes of walking, I asked Eros a question. "Why do you hate me so much?" My voice echoed through the hallway. Eros stopped in his tracks and clenched his fists. We stayed like that for a few seconds before he turned around looking as if he was ready to kill.
He strolled towards me, each step of his making me take a step backwards. Soon, I was trapped beneath his arms. From his eyes, I knew he was more than angry. "I hate you?" His voice was humorless. He chuckled but quickly, he was laughing out loud.
He suddenly stopped and stared at me with dangerous eyes. "I despise you!" He spat. His voice was rumbling. His eyes were starting to turn a deep shade of red. His eyes had fire in them. He looked so scary.
I took short breaths in and prayed that he won't kill me. Oh my gosh, I didn't know Eros is this scary. What will I do now? I felt a squash of wind making me open my eyes. No one was in front of me. Eros was gone.
I put a hand on my chest and breathed in deeply. My heart was racing a million times a minute. "I despise you." Why did he say that? I've done nothing to him but here he is telling me that he loathes me.
I looked forward and saw that my dorm was a few feet away. My feet carried me to my dorm and I slowly opened the door. Instantly, I was greeted in a bone-crushing hug. My head was in someone's chest making it hard to breathe.
"Oh thank God! You took so long. I thought he killed you!" I patted Bryson's shoulder as he hugged me tighter. I think I was turning blue because I couldn't breathe. Someone finally pulled Bryson away from me.
I put my hand on my tummy and breathed. I looked at Bryson with a frown on my face. He was smiling awkwardly. I smiled a little and chuckled. "I thought he would kill you!" Well, I thought that too buddy.
"Um, it's okay. Finding my schedule took time so that's why we were late." I gave him the best look of determination and frankly, he believed me. Wow, my Aunt always told me that I was a terrible liar.
I stared at the room and saw Remus was grinning. Giovanni looked deep in thought. That boy was always deep in thought. Eros was changing the channels on the T.V. His face was emotionless, as usual and didn't look at me to see if I was okay. Jerk.
"I'll go to my room now; I have some things to do." That was the best excuse that I could come up with. I needed time with myself. I didn't want anyone to interrupt me. Surprisingly, the guys seemed to understand that. All they did was nod and resume to what they were doing before I arrived.
I slowly walked to my room and opened the door. I put my schedule and the school map on the nightstand and sat on the bed. I looked at the window and started thinking. What made Eros talk to me like that? Does he hate me that much? Why does he even hate me?
I looked at my hands and sighed but a small smirk made its way up to my face. I'm going to find out why Eros hates me so much even if it was that last thing I did.