I glared at the driver. The dude did not talk during the whole ride from London and it is getting on my nerves. Yes, my Uncle actually lives in England; Sheffield to be exact. I remember that I visited that place once in my entire life but from what I remember, I think it's beautiful.
I think I was ten when I went there. I remember that everything was green. My Uncle resided in a big mansion near his private school; yes, he does own a private school and is the principal of S.Sheffield Academy. I don't really know what the 'S' represents, but I know that the school has a great education.
I looked outside the limo and my eyes popped out of place. I remember that Sheffield was beautiful but not this beautiful! First, everything was green. The whole place was green. There were no buildings, no houses but trees and large landscapes.
My jaw hit the floor when the limo parked. In front of me was a huge castle. The driver came to my side and opened the door. I stumbled as I got out of the limo, still surprised with what was in front of me.
All of a sudden, the life was being hugged out of me, making it hard to breath. When the anonymous person pulled away, I was looking into my Uncle's eyes. A smile made its way to my face and it was my turn to hug the life out of Uncle Conner.
It had been a long time since I have seen Uncle Conner. The last time I saw him was at my parent's funeral. My smile dropped when I thought of my parents. My Uncle noticed that but didn't press the issue any further; he knew that I'm not comfortable with the subject.
"Wow kiddo, you've grown up a lot since I last saw you." I smiled a little when I heard him say that. It was the first time a person looked at me with that amount of admiration in their eyes. All I have seen from people was pity; they always pitied me. What I like the most about Uncle Connor is his heart; it is so big that it could fit any person in this world.
"I missed you. How are you?" He asked me with a glint of interest in his eyes. He had a wide smile on his face. It's as if I lightened his whole world, which I doubt I did. I looked at the ground and muttered fine. I thought he didn't hear me because of how low my voice was but was surprised when I heard him hum in approval.
"I'm really glad you're here, Violet." He flashed me a big smile that I returned with a nod. I could see that Uncle Connor changed a lot in past few years. His dark brown hair had white locks and his dark blue eyes that once were filled with joy and happiness were now tired.
The gate of the school was opened and I was immediately greeted by the smell of roses. The entrance of the school was like a forest. There's an aisle of small rocks in the middle while big, huge trees were lined next to it.
I saw students walking a few feet away from us but the strange part was that they lowered their heads when they passed by my uncle and I. I guess it was weird because I never saw people doing that except in movies. Maybe it was tradition to lower your head when the principal passed by, who knows.
Many students stared at me as if I was an alien from Mars but when their attention went to my uncle, they quickly lowered their heads and looked away. What's up with them? We passed many hallways; each one was decorated more beautifully than the other was.
All I could say was that the inner part of the school was mesmerizing. As we walked, my Uncle told me that he wanted to get some things from his office. I nodded and waited for him outside. My uncle talked about many things but I didn't listen to any of his words because I was too hypnotized with the beautiful portraits.
At the moment, my uncle's bringing 'something' from his office and I'm bored as hell. I looked to my right and found a huge oak wooden door. Should I go in there? I glared at the door as many questions crossed my mind. I finally decided to hold myself together. I took a few steps forward and opened the door.
I was anxious and slightly scared of what might be behind it but my hand left the doorknob when I saw what was inside. Tons and tons of books were lined up on the shelves. I looked around me in awe as I touched the surface of the books.
A title of a book caught my eyes; the book was called 'Le Monde Surnaturel' . I looked at the book with confusion so I opened the book. The first sentence that I read was 'Le monde surnaturel est divisée en cinq royaumes...'
I frowned when I saw that the language was French. I started flipping in between the pages and my confusion increased when I saw pictures of mythical creatures. I jumped when I heard someone cough from behind me.
I looked up to see my uncle standing a few feet away from me with a small smile on his face. I nervously put the book back in place and stared at my uncle with worry. "I was just uh-" I couldn't find anything to say but crinkled my nose when I heard Uncle Connor chuckle.
"It's okay, I won't bite Violet." Uncle stated as he took strides in my direction. He took the book that I was looking at from the shelve and stared at the title with an amused expression. "Supernatural creatures huh?" He asked as his eyes bore into mine.
I nodded and crossed my arms. He started humming and looked at me. "What's your favorite mythical creature?" His eyes shone with excitement. Why is he that excited?