We were getting ready to leave with Zack when Travis re-entered the house dressing in a black bikers jacket and holding two helmets. "You can take Ruby and Janelle to the College with you. Jaylin's taking a ride with me." He said to Zack handing him the car keys before turning to me.
He was holding a helmet out to me. "Trust me sugar, I'll make it the best few minutes of your life if you take a ride with me." He said. "Or if you want to play it safe you can also go with Zack." He suggested. "Not a chance am I playing it safe." I said accepting the helmet from him. "Thought so." He said with a smirk. I followed him out of the house and up to his bike.
"A pick-up truck, dirt bike, and a motorbike. I don't know if I should say you are a mysterious man or if you are secretly a rich bachelor." I said watching him slip onto his bike. A Kawasaki H2 to be exact. "Let's just say my dad would do anything to get me to fall out of the motocross regionals." He replied smiling at me as he turned the key bringing the bike to life.
"So, you compete in motocross?" I asked while slipping on my helmet. "Not for long. Want to go Supercross next year." He said. "You any good?" I asked. "I'll answer you that question once you get your ass on this bike." He said tapping the spot behind him. "Are you going to need any help getting on?" He asked.
"It's not my first rodeo." I said climbing on and scooting closer to him until my chest touched his back. I wrapped my arms around his waist, shut the visor of my helmet, and tapped his leg motioning for him that I was ready. "Hold on, sugar." He said before pulling out of the driveway and down the street.
I loved the rush. The adrenaline pumping through my veins. The free feeling of everything around you fades away. Nothing compared. Not even my skateboard when I'm the air doing a trick. Camille was definitely the daredevil between me and her. And I never understood her obsession with her bike until I had my first taste. And with Travis it was different, he pushed the limits, showed off his skills but stayed in control and never lost focus or tried to be over-arrogant.
Travis pulled up in front of the College making a few people look at us when he revved the engine. "You still with me, sugar?" Travis asked finding an empty parking space. "You just lost me for a few seconds there." I said jumping off the bike. I laughed at my quivering legs probably from the adrenaline.
"Told you that I would make it the best few minutes of your life." He said unclipping his helmet and slipped it off. He ruffled his hand through his hair with no care in the world that it was standing in all kinds of directions. The girls sure made he knew that they liked it.
"You are such a tease." I said noticing a few girls ogling him. "Nah, they are just a bunch of girls who has their first taste of freedom and would have sex with any man who gives them the thrill." He replied surprising me. "Welcome to College." He carried on not noticing my surprise.
I didn't even notice that we passed Zack and the girls on our way over to the College. Zack only pulled up now. "You sure know how to make the girls worry." He said to Zack motioning to Ruby. "That wasn't funny." Ruby protested hitting Travis on the arm. "What is it with you slapping me around? Are you sexually frustrated." He teased her. "Or are you just a bully I don't know about?" He continued teasing her. "Haha, you are so funny." That was sarcasm from Ruby.
"Would the two of you like a room?" Janelle asked coming to stand next to me. I smiled at Ruby's flushed face. Travis thought it was amusing as he wrapped his arm around his shoulders. "Nah, little Ruby here is like my little sister."Ruby rolled her eyes at his comment but I see the smile in her eyes.
"Aw, how cute." A snarky comment made everyone turn to look at the culprit. "Isabella." I heard Janelle mutter from beside me. "Ruby is finally making some friends." She cooed. This girl needs to grow up. "Lay off, Isabella." Travis grumbled. "Aw, are you still the little nerd's guardian?" She was starting to make me nauseous.
"Why don't you run along? I said getting her attention. "Or maybe even get back into your lane?" I asked. "And what lane might that be?" She looked amused. "I don't know but maybe you should think about growing up and realize this isn't high school. We are in College. So, if you can't keep up with the pace you can leave." She looked taken back.
"Who are you?" She asked. "That's not important. Just important enough to know if you lay one finger on Ruby you'll eat my fist for breakfast, lunch, and dinner."
"Is that so?" She asked giving a fake laugh. "Jaylin." Ruby begged but I held my hand up to stop her. "Is that a threat?" She asked. I actually smiled when I noticed her making sure she was far away from me as possible. "I don't make threats. I make promises." I watched her visibly swallow.
"Isabella." A voice saved her from me. We all looked in the direction and found Damian calling her. "I think that's your queue." Zack said motioning towards Damian with his head. She didn't say anything as she made her way over to Damian. "You do know that you only started a war with her?" Ruby asked. "I don't care because I'm not afraid of her. I've dealt with scarier people than her."
"Well, I think it was pretty hot to watch." Zack acknowledges holding up his hand for me to give him a high five. "Someone has to teach that little chihuahua what happens when you bark at the wrong tree." Zack continued.
Ruby just looked at him as if he was crazy. "Did I hit you too hard against the head?" She asked making him smile at her. "You can hit me any day." He said winking at her. Travis laughed out loud and pushed himself off his bike uncrossing his arms. "We better get you to class before it's your funeral." Travis said grabbing him at the back of his neck and pushing him away from us.
"See you girls around." He said. "And, sugar. Please if you beat up anyone, do call me." Travis said before walking away.
"Sugar, eh?" Ruby asked. "I'll call Zack back for you." I warned. She just stuck out her tongue. "So mature." I mumbled jokingly.