Jaylin Anderson is your average rebellious College Student who just moved from New Orleans to Los-Angeles not only to wo...
"You are really going." Camille noted help packing my bags while Sasha-lee just stood there looking from me to Camille. Sasha just learned that her mother has been diagnosed with incurable cancer and that she has been carrying cancer around with her ever since she was a child. Sasha didn't take the news too well and the thought of her mother passing away was hanging like a cloud above her head.
"Yeah." I replied zipping up my last bag and handing it to my dad who was packing my bags in the back of his truck.
I applied for a scholarship at the University of L.A and ever since I've learned that I was accepted I planned on going. It was hard to leave my girls behind as we have been through a lot together. Even Camille who kept on acting tough in front of everyone had burdens she needed to overcome. My dad helped her get back into school to rewrite all her subjects and too can graduate.
"Do you really have to go this far?" Sasha asked. Camille gave me a knowing look. It feels like everyone is leaving her.
"I might be over 2000 miles away from you but I'm just a phone call away. And I will always have my phone on me whenever you just want to chat." Sasha nodded but she didn't look convinced. I pulled her in for a hug.
"I know I can't make things right or better for you. But I will be there for you." She nodded and hugged me back.
"Just don't forget about us." She mumbled into my shoulder.
"Not a chance." I released her and hugged Camille.
"You better enjoy your new life in L.A but still remember who you are and where you came from." She said handing me a framed photo of us with your dance crew.
"They can't be here to say goodbye." I nodded.
"Take care of them." Camille pulled up her shoulders.
"I'm too young to be their leader. And the team will never be the same without you."
"You changed a lot of souls, either helping them or giving them hope."She explained comforting a crying Sasha.
"You are going to be missed by a lot of people. But we are all rooting for your success and one day we are going to celebrate your success."
They joined me as my father drove me over to the airport. It was hard saying goodbye to everyone, including my dad. He has been trying his best to take care of me by being my mother and father. He found his unique ways to explain the changes my body will go through when I become a woman. Even as an army-ranger he has tried to be a father who is always there for me. Lesson number one: Be yourself.
My mother left with my brother years ago, I was three years old when she packed her and my brother's belongings and left. She never tried to re-connect with my father and me. I don't even know what my brother looks like, I only knew his name. Damian. And that he was my twin brother.
And this might be my only chance to find him.
I hugged my father for the last time. "You look after yourself." He said cupping my face between his palms.
"I will, captain." He chuckled and hugged me tightly before letting me go. I waved goodbye at everyone as I took the tunnel down to where I had to go to board the plane.
This was it. A new City. New people. No pressure.