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The Punishment

Dillon Long

I splintered my brain, trying to understand the reason this woman was so stubborn. Despite my warnings, she still decided to run away from me. She must know better than anyone that nobody can run away from me. Not in this country and not even in the country she was trying to run to, Alaska.

I was sure she didn't know I owned half of the country she was running to. My properties are everywhere, from the airport to the crooks and corners of the country.

I watched as she tried to trick me into letting her go without knowing I had already seen through her tricks. I wanted to stop her but she was fun to watch. So I let her continue with what she called smartness.

I was irate. I just wanted to take her home and teach her a lesson she would never forget. I strode inside after giving her a reason to be stunned. I couldn't resist giggling when I saw her puzzled countenance.

I got into the house and sat patiently on the couch, waiting for her. It took her a lifetime, however, she finally walked in. Her puzzled face was clouded with astonishment when she saw the interior of my house. I wasn't surprised, my mother who had seen beautiful things all her life was also astonished by the beauty and simplicity of my designs.

"How can a house be this heavenly," She slouched onto the couch, exclaiming. Intrigued by what she was seeing, she didn't notice when I stood up and sauntered to the door, before she could turn to see, I had latched the door.

Crinkling her brows, she wanted to say something but I beat her to it. "Unclad," I commanded with a stern voice.

I was sure it caught her unaware because she stared at me with questioning eyes. Maybe she doesn't understand what I said or she wanted me to repeat my statement. I would do her the favor.

"Get up and remove your fucking clothes,"

I commanded. This time, my tone was becoming hoarse and filled with anger.


She flared up and looked into my eyes.

Oh! Fuck! I could see the pains in her gazes and the impulse to embrace her and assure her everything would go her way from now on almost overshadowed my vexation. I quickly removed my eyes from hers and pinched myself secretly.

"Be focused, man,"

I mentally chided.

"That's your punishment. Go naked,"

"What! Don... Don't you... Why would I....,"

She stuttered, trying to form her words.

This behavior exhausted my patience and I couldn't hold it any longer. I took another step nearer to her, closing the little space between us. My hands were already on her waist before she could react and I pulled her closer to me. Her succulent breasts squeezed my chest and her already hard nipples were pricking my skin. She was going to make my work easy because she wasn't putting on a bra.

"Wow! This woman is already ready for me,"

My lips revealed a satisfied smile. She tried to struggle out of my grip, but, the more she struggled, the more she was making me harder. Only if she knew she was only getting into more trouble.

"You started this first, Ivy! I told you not to try and run away from me but you did," I whispered, still pulling her to my body.

She groaned, trying to remove my hands from her waist. "I am sorry. Just let me go,"

"Nah! Your time is up. You didn't use it wisely when you had the chance,"

Before she could say another word, I pressed my lips against her and she went numb. That alone was enough for me to do what I wanted. Since her dress was a revealing material, I didn't have to stress myself. I pushed her to the couch and placed my hot tongue on one of her breasts.

This action jerked her out of her numbness and she stared at me with fear. She tried to push me away, but I held her hands before she could do that. I swirled my tongue on her hard nipples.

After playing with them, I stopped to see what I had done. Her breasts were now visible even under her clothes. She made a good choice putting on transparent clothes. I mashed my lips on her and kissed her down to her neck, making sure I left enough imprint there.

"Mr. Dillon...,"

I held her hands with one of mine and unbuttoned her shirt. Before she could finish her statement, her breast was in my mouth again. I sucked on it gently, though, I was a bad guy, and I didn't want my lady to get hurt. She has to enjoy every moment. She held her breath at this instance. I stopped sucking the first breast and jumped to the second. I could confess she had the softest and most tasty breasts ever. I didn't want to stop.

"Ah!" She moaned stylishly. This woman must be going through a lot just to conceal her desire.

I smirked inwardly, I wanted to see how far she could go with that.

With my only spare hand, I widened her legs, and interestingly, she wasn't wearing pants. Can anything be easier than this?


I slid one of my fingers in before she could stop me. Damn! She was already wet.

"You behave like you don't want me but you are already wet down here," I mumbled and became more furious.

How dare she reject me after getting married to me? Am I not good-looking? Every lady would do anything just to get on the bed with me but she was trying to run away from me.

She opened her mouth to moan but stopped herself. Gently, I pushed my finger in and out, while watching her reaction. She tightened her eyes and clasped her lips.

To be sincere, I was more like a BDSM guy. When it comes to sexual activities, I was never gentle, yet, a part of me wanted me to be soft on her. I changed a finger to two and thrust in and out.

My thrust was gentle at first but it became rough as my temperament got the better part of me. I became fast, jerking her up and down at my pace. This time, she wasn't suppressing her moans, she moaned loudly and tears were strolling down her face. Maybe, she was shedding tears of joy because of the fun.

"Ah! Stop! Please," She begged amidst her moans.

"Shut it, you hypocritical woman! How can you stop what you are enjoying?"

I was furious. I slapped her honeypot gently. She moaned following the sound. Her moans got me charged up and I continuously spanked her pussy, and rubbed it gently afterward. She had turned red.

I removed a vibrator ball from my back pocket and dipped it into her pussy. She wasn't aware. I released her, stood up, and went to sit on the couch in front of her. She thought I was done with her when we only just started with her punishment. She sat up on the couch and covered herself up with her clothes.

I giggled inwardly." Cover all you want. You will be the one to open it yourself when I activate the vibrator.

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