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Finding Her

Dillon Long

I have been restless ever since I got married to an unknown woman yesterday. I couldn't concentrate even when I got to work from the church.

I instructed my personal assistant never to mention what happened to my family, especially my mother. She is going to create a fuss if she learns I got married to a random woman.

"Send everything about her to my phone in the next 20 minutes. I want to know from the smallest and meaningless information," I instructed before strolling into my house.

Ezekiel has been my personal assistant since I joined the HORSE group as their CEO and he has been faithful. He is computer literate and a professional researcher.

Looking for that woman was a simple task to him.

My phone beeped and lit up before I finished removing my clothes. "I trust him," I mumbled. A cute smile appeared at the corner of my lips.

I picked it up and read the message on it.

"Ivy Hughes. A graduate of theater art and an upcoming actress. 23 years old, an orphan with only one family. She stays at Block 49, Crescent Way, New York. The last room by the right,"

I dropped the phone after reading and flopped on the bed, facing up and resting my back on the bed. A mischievous smile crept out of my lips, I couldn't wait to see that woman's face again.

I spent the whole night thinking about her and imagining what it would feel like to have her on my bed. It was almost noon by the time I woke up the next day. Thankfully, it was a free day for me.

I got off the bed and ambled into the bathroom to get ready for the day's activities. I couldn't help grinning as I put on my suit while staring at myself in the full-length mirror. I guess this is what all newly married couples feel. I can't believe I am married. The country's most eligible billionaire bachelor is married to a random woman.

My cook, Mrs. Smith, was cleaning the living room when I got downstairs. She stopped what she was doing as soon as she sighted me, stood upright, and lowered her head in respect.

"Good morning, Mr. Dillon,"

She greeted me and I replied with a low hum.

"I will set the dining table again,"

She turned and was about to step into the kitchen but I stopped her.

"Do not bother,"

I strolled out of the house and entered the already-opened Toyota Venza. I can't wait to see my wife. Waiting to eat was going to delay me.

The door to her flat opened before I could knock the second time and Kayla's face popped out. She was bewildered to see me. I was already losing my patience when she looked like she wasn't ready to regain her senses but Ivy spoke up. Her calm and refined voice sent butterflies in my belly. She was already beside her sister before I could control myself and her face was covered with shock.

I don't know what she thought about our wedding but I am definitely not letting her go. She is married to me and she is mine.

* * *

Ivy's flat

Kayla rushed out of the kitchen and dropped the popcorn she was eating on the table. "What! He really said so?"

She slumped on the chair with a stiff face.

Ivy nodded, cupped her face with her hands, and rested her ankle on her lap.

"I warned you, Ivy!,"

"Not again, Kayla. You don't have the right to judge me. I did what I had to,"

"Don't, Ivy. There are so many ways you can handle yesterday's scene but you chose getting married to a stranger,"

"I never got married to a stranger, it was a fake wedding,"

Kayla stood up and placed her hands on her waist.

"Oh! Fake wedding it is but who are you going to explain it to? Are you going to explain to the man who insists you are married? Or to the people who were present on that day?"

"Stop it!" Ivy ordered with a croaky voice. Water has welled up in her eyes and nothing is going to stop them from falling if she shakes them.

"Kayla, it was unavoidable. I was betrayed by them but I was the one taking the blame. They made me do what I did. They fucking pushed me to this. I fucking did that to save my face,"

She screamed and tears flowed down her face freely. She had kept it in for too long. She wanted to cry out. She needed to let it all out. It was eating her up.

"Ryan and Evelyn are at fault. I didn't do anything. I was faithful to Ryan. I took Evelyn like a sister. They messed me up, Kayla. I didn't do it. It wasn't me,"

Her voice tone decreased as she made each statement. The tears were making her voice faint.

Kayla sighed and walked up to her, she sat beside her and hugged her tightly.

"I am sorry, sister. I was just concerned about you," She whispered and kissed her hair.

The two sisters were in that position for three minutes before they heard a knock on the door. Their hearts raced, they thought it was Dillon.

They were both looking at each other and were still thinking of what to do when they heard another knock but this time, it was louder and it looked like whoever was fiddling with the door knob.

"I will take it," Ivy spoke up.

She stood up and went to open the door. She creased her brows after discovering she had seen the face nowhere.

The lady at the door looked at her with scrutiny, shoved her aside with her body, and walked into the house majestically. Ivy shook her head, slammed the door, and followed her.

"How may I help you, ma'am?" Ivy asked, walking to her sister and she stood beside her. Kayla hits her gently with her shoulder, questionably raising her brow and Ivy shrugs her shoulders.

"Whoops! I can't believe Dillon stepped his feet into this filthy room and sat on these low-budget chairs," She spoke up.

The two sisters glanced at each other, shocked and confused.

"I think you have got the wrong room. No Dillon came here," Ivy explained calmly.

"Wow! It's interesting. You even have the nerve to lie to me. I thought I heard wrong when I was told Dillon got married to a girl yesterday but everything makes sense when I secretly followed him here. So, are you the so-called wife?"

Ivy swallowed hard when she realized where she was driving. She peeked at her with scrutiny, with one glance, one could tell she wasn't just an ordinary lady. She must be from a rich home or a celebrity and she might be the man's girlfriend or wife.

She forced a smile and held her dress tightly, trying to suppress her anxiousness.

"I think there is a misunderstanding, I am not married to him. It was a fake wedding and everything was dissolved this morning. That was what he came to do this morning," She expatiated, inspecting her reaction so that she could know if it was good to continue or not.

"So, do you mean you guys have nothing to do with each other again?" She asked, eyeing the sisters for any suspecting moves.

"Yes, be rest assured,"

"Well," The lady started, coughing to clear her throat.

"You better be careful because I don't joke with my fiance," She added and footed out of the house almost immediately.

Ivy's leg gave way as soon as she slammed the door and she fell to the floor, trying to catch up with her breaths. Balls of sweat formed on her forehead. Kayla bent to her level and embraced her. She knew at that moment that all she needed was a coax.

A loud thump on the door made Ivy jump out of fear. Kayla rushed toward the door angrily, ready to blast whosoever was at the door.

She opened the door, hissed loudly, and banged the door to their faces.

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