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Strange Man Is After Her

Ivy Hughes

The sounds of the bustles in the kitchen made me open my eyes weakly. I tried to sit up but a heavy headache sent me back.

I had cried until midnight, it would be impossible to wake up hale and hearty.

It was a habit to always keep a jug of water and a cup beside the bed. Fortunately, it was helpful. I poured myself a glass of water and emptied it in three chugs. I must have paid no attention to my thirst yesterday.

"Ivy, are you awake?"

Kayla shouted. I could hear footsteps coming closer to my bedroom. I jumped out of bed and dashed into the bathroom. I don't want her to see my swollen face.

"Are you in the bathroom?"

She asked when she didn't meet me in the room.

"Hmm... yeah. I will join you after having a quick bath,"

There was a brief silence and she left the room afterward. I sighed after hearing the bang of the door.

My face was all swollen in the mirror. I must have really lost it yesterday.

"Yesterday... yeah... yesterday... Who was the man from yesterday? He was so calm and he got married to me without asking me any questions," I mentally asked and shrugged the thoughts away.

He was gone and I will pretend nothing happened between us.

I had a quick bath and walked into the bedroom, creamed my body, and got into a baggy, short dress.

"I thought you were trying to hide from me,"

Kayla spoke up as soon as I stepped out of my room. She dished the breakfast and pushed it in front of me.

I chuckled and had a bit of the sandwich. "You know I can't do that,"

"I know. I just want to see you try hard," She chuckled.

"How are you, Ivy?" She asked, putting her food aside and looking so serious. I knew the moment I had been running from was here. How can I forget Kayla wasn't the type who gave up so easily?

"Erm... I... can we not talk about this?"

My voice was getting shaky and I couldn't dare to look at her. I might burst into tears again, which I don't want to do.

"How long do you want to keep running away from the truth, Ivy? We can't......,"

A knock on the door stopped her. I breathed a sigh of relief and mentally thanked whosoever was at the door. That person is a lifesaver. She glanced at me and threw me a questioning look, I shrugged my shoulders instead, I wasn't expecting any visitor.

"I will quickly take the door,"

She stood up and ran to the door. I lifted the cup of coffee and took a sip. I felt my nerves relaxing. Kayla doesn't know her coffee does wonders to the body.

It was past few seconds and there was no sound from Kayla. I turned my head to look at her and I found her, standing and holding the door handle. Her body was frozen like she had seen some ghost.

"Hey, girl! Why are you so quiet like a ghost is at the door?" I asked with a chuckle.

"This would have been better if he was a ghost,"

She replied absentmindedly. Her eyes were still fixed on whatever she had seen. I got up and moved to the door.

My heart skipped out of fear and my eyes almost removed out of the socket.

The man smiled brightly. I swear this man in front of me had the cutest smile I have ever seen, his eyes could testify because it seemed he was also smiling with his eyes.

"I was so eager to see my new bride but it seems she doesn't want to see me,"

He uttered, jolting us out of our shocked state.

"Ah! Sor... What ar... Pl... Please come in,"

Words were finding it hard to be formed. I moved aside and pointed at a couch as a gesture for him to have his seat. My head was lowered and my eyes were staring at nothing. The situation was awkward and dumbfounding.

"I will be in my room. Let me know if he tries nonsense with you," Kayla asserted, putting her hands on her ears as a signal. She took a last glance at him and left us alone in the living room.

The man chuckled lowly and said, "Your sister sounds like a gangster,"

"Don't call my sister a gangster," I retorted, raising my head and my eyes met with his as soon as I did that.

I quickly lowered my head and mumbled a question, "Why are you here?"

"Is that supposed to be a question?" He asked but I was mute.

"Okay, I am here to see my wife. I miss my wife even if she doesn't miss me,"

My head was raised and lowered almost immediately at his statement.

I shut my eyes tightly and slowly raised my head. I summoned courage and opened my eyes unhurriedly.

I almost bowed my head with the way his eyes were pricking into mine but I controlled myself.

"Mr. .....," I emphasized it, waiting for him to tell me his name but he wasn't flinching. He was not ready to let me know his name.

"Mr., I really appreciate the fact that you saved me from getting embarrassed yesterday and I wouldn't dare take it for granted. I had to do what I did yesterday because I wasn't thinking straight and we can't even be called a couple,"

I explained gently, trying to make him see my point of view.

"Why do you say so? We were made husband and wife. We exchanged vows in front of 200+ citizens and in front of God. We have been blessed by God and the priest,"

"Sir, you are getting this whole thing wrong. Yes, we had a church wedding but it was only a facade. It wasn't real. I don't even know you and you don't know me too,"

I uttered, already getting annoyed by his stubborn attitude. He is a clown for taking what happened yesterday at the church so seriously. He is an adult and old enough to know I only got married to him because of the betrayal.

"Oh! You think you don't know me but you do. Everybody knows me and I am sure you will be so glad you got married to me if you found out about my identity," He bragged.

My brows creased at his statement. I was confused even though I paid little attention to it.

"I don't think there is anything we need to talk about again. I hope you will leave a broken woman like me alone and let me go. Please, pretend as if nothing happened between us. Thanks for your understanding,"

At this statement, I stood up and wanted to go and open the door for him. He held my wrist, I missed my steps as I wasn't expecting the action from him and was about to fall. He pulled me to himself and I fell on his lap. My ass pressed against his already hard dick and my face became flushed. I lowered my head, embarrassingly.

"I wish this never ends," His cold voice echoed in my ears. I was jerked out of my dirty thoughts. I got up from his lap snappily and rushed to the door.

I was about to turn after opening the door when the door slammed unexpectedly. I almost jumped out of fright.

I turned my head and saw him behind me, I got frightened and faced him properly, resting my back on the door.

"Wh...wh...what are you do... d... doing?"

My heart skipped at every step he took. He finally halted, leaving no more than a half inch between us. We were so close that I could feel his hot breath. And my heart was racing shamelessly at the scent he was emitting. I prayed mentally that he wouldn't move closer so he would not hear my heartbeats.

Our faces were so close and any movement from him was going to make his lips press against mine. I shut my eyes, terrified of the dirty thoughts in his head.

A few seconds passed but there was no movement, I opened my eyes slowly and he laughed.

"Hey! So sad I have to disappoint my wife. I am not here to do what you crave. Maybe I might consider you when you move home," He mumbled, Still giggling

I bit my lips and bowed my head, shamefully.

"I wasn't craving anything," I retorted with a tone mixed with disappointment.

"I know right, your voice says it all," He teased

"Stay safe and be good, my love. Husband has to go and work for you,"

He patted my head lovingly and I felt my body getting calm. How can my body be this shameless because of this man?

I moved away from him but he laughed. He opened the door, gave me a wink, and walked out. I fell to the closest couch immediately after I heard the slamming of the door. I didn't know how many minutes or seconds I had been holding my breath but I found myself trying to catch up with my breaths. I hope he never comes back.

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