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Teaching Them A Lesson

They knocked on the door again. This time, it was harder.

Kayla heaved, rolled her eyes, and let the door wide open.

Ryan and Evelyn were standing at the door, looking gorgeous and happy as a couple.

Ivy became stiff when her eyes landed on them. Different emotions were in her eyes but that of betrayal was more vivid. Her inner man was telling her to run inside her bedroom however, she was curious. She wanted to know what she did wrong to deserve what they did.

"Are you sure you haven't knocked on the wrong door?" Kayla asked, folding her arms. Anger was swelling within her and she shut her hands tightly, trying to control her anger.

The couple pushed her aside instead of responding to her question, they walked majestically into the room and stopped in front of Ivy.

Ivy shut her eyes and opened them almost immediately, she raised her head slowly and put on a bright smile. She was pretending to be happy. She didn't want them to see themselves as winners.

"Oh! The latest couple is here," She teased, forcing a bitter smile off her lips.

Ryan and Evelyn both looked at each other and glints of disappointment were in their eyes. They didn't meet the Ivy they expected. They wanted a broken Ivy. A miserable Ivy instead the one before them looked like their actions did not affect her.

"Please, have your seats, I wouldn't want to keep our perfect couple standing," saying this, Ivy got up and headed toward her bedroom nevertheless, Ryan held her hand and she halted. His cold hands bared into her body and she trembled slightly.

With tears brimming in her eyes, she yanked his hands away and was about to open her door, Evelyn stood in front of her, blocking her from doing that.

Kayla saw this and wanted to react nonetheless, Ivy signaled to her, asking her to wait and see. She shook her shoulders disappointedly and slumped on the couch.

Ivy took a deep breath and threw a question at her, "What else do you want from me, Evelyn? Haven't you done enough damage?" Her voice was distant and shaky.

Evelyn's dejected face lit up when she heard the brokenness in her voice. She giggled slightly and clapped thrice.

"If dumb was a person, then it would be you, Ivy. I have been fucking with your fiance for a year and you never noticed. Wow!,"

Evelyn snorted with evil laughter and walked majestically around her. Ivy was breathing heavily because she was trying to control her anger and brokenness. She has been Evelyn's friend from childhood, she knew more than anyone that she was only doing this to see her reaction. She refused to let her win.

"Evelyn, please leave," Ivy muttered slowly. She tightened her fist and shut her eyes.

Evelyn couldn't contain her joy when she saw the effect of her words on her. She decided to carry out her malicious plan, which was to provoke Ivy until she raises her hand on her. She wanted to make Ryan see her as a woman with a bad temperament.

"Ah! My dear best friend. Why do you choose to chase me away because I came to visit you with my husband?"

Evelyn said in a wistful way, she was about to touch Ivy's shoulders when Kayla grabbed her hair and pulled it harshly. She groaned and struggled with Kayla, trying to escape from her grasp but Kayla wasn't having it.

Her grasp became tighter the more she struggled with her. Ryan tried to interfere but Ivy ran to the kitchen and brought out a bottle of oil and a bowl of flour and poured it on his head.

"idiot! You thought you were smart huh? You think you can just betray your friendship and go unhurt, huh? You are going to regret ever showing your face here," Kayla shouted while dragging Evelyn toward the door with her hair.

Evelyn's face had turned red because of the force from the hold.

"You are not a man. You are just a weak asshole who couldn't resist his fiancee's friend's temptation. You are a weakling," Ivy let out while hitting him with the bowl.

"I promise you are going to regret this. You will regret laying your finger on my wife," Ryan promised before Kayla slammed the door to their faces.

Ivy dropped the bowl in her hand and collapsed on the couch. Kayla also did the same while breathing heavily. The sisters looked at each other and burst into a peal of laughter.

"Did you see his face covered with flour and oil? I can't imagine the kind of scrubbing he will need to wash them off," Ivy said amidst laughter and it increased.

"Did you see the so-called wife? She is going to have a headache for the rest of her life. The face she made while I was pulling her was so unforgettable," Kayla muttered while laughing. She mimicked the face Evelyn made and they burst into another round of laughter. Ivy held her stomach and fell from the chair, her stomach hurt from laughing uncontrollably.

Kayla stopped laughing all of a sudden, making Ivy stop too and the sitting room became silent. Kayla went to sit close to Ivy and held her hands. She uttered while looking into her eyes, " Don't deprive yourself of happiness because of those two. I am sure they are going to regret their actions. You deserve to be happy, Ivy and that is what I want you to do now. Be happy,"

Ivy sighed and nodded her head positively. She embraced Kayla and whispered, "You are the best sister,"

*. *

The sisters had just finished eating dinner when they decided to watch some news. Dillon's face popped out as soon as they switched the TV on.

"What! He is the CEO of HORSE group?" Kayla exclaimed absently, the prawn cracker she was about to eat fell from her hands. She dug her nails into Ivy's lap and glanced at her with a stunned face.

"We are in a lot of trouble, Kayla,"

"I know right,"

They both fixed their eyes on the TV again and shouted, "Ah!

"What have I done?"

"You did nothing. We just have to leave here right now," Kayla said, jumping from the chair.

"We will leave in 30 minutes," Kayla shouted and zoomed into her room.

They were already by the door with their luggage in 30 minutes. They took a last glance at the apartment, sighed, and stepped out of their apartment.

They decided to stay in a hotel for the night since it was already late. They boarded a taxi to the nearest hotel, paid for a room, and checked in.

They placed their luggage in a corner of the room, removed their pairs of shoes, and flung them wherever.

They drifted off to sleep as soon as their heads touched the pillow.

*The Next Day*

Ivy opened her eyes slowly as the knock on the door persisted. She wondered why the room service would be knocking so early in the morning and in that manner.

She got off the bed and stretched lazily while footing toward the door.

Her legs became weak as soon as she saw Dillon and she fell to the floor with a gasp.

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