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Escaping From Him

Ivy Hughes

Kayla was still sleeping by the time I got to our suite. I tapped her hurriedly, waking her up.

She whined, stretching and sitting up on the bed. She rubbed her eyes to be sure I was the one standing.

"Ivy! Is it noon already? Are we checking out now?" She asked, dumbfounded.

"No! But we have to leave here now,"

I mumbled while pulling our luggage from the corner. I put on my shoes and stood by the door.

Kayla was looking like it was hard to understand the only statement I made.

"But why?"

"He owns here. He was here a while ago," I replied, hastily.

She twitched her face and opened her mouth to say something but halted, her twitched face shifted into a terrified expression.

"What!" She removed the duvet from her body, got off the bed, slid her legs into her shoes and we dashed out of the hotel.

"What did he do to you? Did he say something?" Kayla asked.

She waved her hand, trying to stop a taxi.

"He told me to prepare to move home,"

I replied.

A taxi stopped afterward and we both rushed in. Without telling him our destination, he drove off.

"What! Are you also moving?" Kayla asked, shocked.

I wasn't so stupid to agree to such a thing. Staying with a man I barely know. Never!

"Oh! God! What have I brought upon myself," I muttered, hitting my head on the chair. Kayla could only sigh.

Kayla's face lit up as if she had thought of something. She thrust closer to the driver and said, "Take us to the airport, sir,"

I glanced at her with stunned eyes. This girl was only my sister, I can never know what was on her mind.

"Don't worry! It's nothing. I still have some money I saved from my internship program. We can use that to travel to the nearest country,"

She explained. My eyes brimmed with tears before she could finish her statement. Who did I save in my previous life to get a supportive sister like her? Words failed me. I pulled her closer and embraced her.

"Thank you, sister,"

"You don't need to say that. It's just us two," Kayla whispered, patting me softly.

We got to the airport shortly and got a ticket to Alaska. Our plane will take off by 2:00 pm and it was just noon, so we decided to look around and keep ourselves busy till then. Or should I say we were looking at our country's airport for the last time? Only God knows if we'll be coming back or not.

"Excuse me, sis. I need to visit the convenience,"

Kayla informed coquettishly and sped off before I could tell her I wanted to go there with her. Maybe, I should have just obeyed my instinct and run after her but I didn't. I made a foolish mistake.

I shook my head and chuckled at her childishness. Sighing, I turned and almost jumped out of terror when I saw him in front of me. Yes! Him! Dillon was standing in front of him.

But how did he find out we were here? Oh! Stupid Ivy! Have you forgotten he is a rich man and he definitely has many connections?

"Fuck! He must have planted eyes everywhere to look out for me. Why didn't I think about this earlier?" I mentally scolded myself. If I had thought about this, Kayla and I would have disguised ourselves at the airport.

His eyes were emitting daggers as he stared at me. I knew for a fact that I wouldn't be able to escape from his clutches today. He was furious.

"Oops! I need to pee," I mumbled, however, I made sure he heard what I said. I turned and was footing towards the bathroom. Before I could take another step, he lifted me to his shoulder and headed outside.

"Hey! Drop me! Where are you taking me to? Isn't this kidnapping?"

Screams escaped from my mouth, I prayed and hoped someone would step out to help me, yet no help came. Everyone in the airport was busy taking pictures and recording the scene.

"Help! Help me, mister!"

I struggled to escape, but he wasn't flinching. I hit him on his back, wishing he would get angry and drop me to punish me, but sadly, nothing happened. I dug my teeth into the nape of his neck, he didn't make a sound.

A car was waiting outside and the door was held open by his chauffeur, I think. He bundled me into the car and hopped in after, the door was closed and the chauffeur drove off.

"Why are you doing this?"

I asked angrily. I can't take it anymore. How could he treat me like I was some sort of belonging he owned just because I got married to him to save my face?

I felt frustrated, the urge to pounce on him and tear him into pieces was surging within me, nevertheless, I couldn't do that because I knew if I successfully tore him as I wished, I wouldn't live to see the light of the next day. His men are going to make me suffer until I breathe my last breath.

"I told you everything that happened between us was just a lie. Don't you get it?"

He was mute despite my screams. He flashed a smirk, took a white handkerchief from his pocket, wiped his hands with it, and threw it out of the window. His smirk sent creeps over my body. My heart skipped at the thought of what could be on his mind.

He wasn't someone I could raise my voice on, I needed to try other ways. I tightened my eyes, curled my lips in an 'O ' shape, and took a deep breath, trying to ease my rage.

I opened my eyes and flashed an ambiguous smile at him.

"Mr. Dillon! Could you please, let us settle this amicably?"

At this statement, he peered at me but he retracted his gaze almost immediately. I could read warnings in his eyes. I knew better than anyone that the warnings meant I should shut up in that instance.

That was not working. Unto the next plan which is emotional blackmail.

I folded my legs and placed my head on my knees. I forced tears out of my eyes as much as I could and wept loudly.

"Mr. Dillon, please, have mercy on a weak woman. I apologize for raising your hope,"

I pleaded with a croaking voice. He tilted his head and looked at me for a few minutes.

For a second, I thought the emotional blackmail worked on him, nonetheless, his next move left me speechless.

He pulled me closer and planted a kiss on my forehead. He uttered,"

"Welcome home, Mrs. Dillon,"

Saying this, he got out of the car and strode into the house.

I was so engrossed in my plans that I didn't realize we'd gotten to his house. I was shocked by the kiss and didn't see the car door had been opened by the chauffeur.

"Ma'am!" The chauffeur called, jerking me out of my space. My body shook, startled. I looked at him and tried to force a grin but it didn't work.

"Scratch that!" I descended from the car and an audible gasp flew out of my mouth. The building in front of me should be called the mini heaven.

It was as big as two mansions that were placed side by side. It was painted white and all the exterior decorations were silver. Above the building were two silver horse statues, and artificial leaves were set at the top of the building wall.


I didn't know when I said it. The chauffeur cleared his throat, informing me he was still with me. I rescinded my glance from the building and lowered my head, embarrassed.

"This way, ma'am," He respectfully bowed, pointing at the entrance. I nodded awkwardly and walked in.

Did I call the exterior of the house mini heaven...? Oh! Ignore that. The interior is the heaven everyone has been praying to make.

"How can a house be this heavenly!" I exclaimed and slumped onto the couch behind me.

The sound coming from the entrance couldn't let me get enough details of the interior design. I turned to see what was happening and Lo and behold, Dillon was shutting the door.

My brows creased and I wondered what he was thinking of. This man is unpredictable. He walked towards me when he was done with the door and halted in front of me.


He commanded in a stern voice and my heart shirked.

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