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Running Back Into His Den

Dillon Long

If I hadn't obeyed my instinct of asking my men to keep an eye on them, she would have escaped from me.

My veins popped out of my skin after I finished talking to one of my men. He told me Ivy and her sister left their apartment with their luggage. I assumed they saw the news and decided to run away from me.

Although I was angry, I couldn't stop the chuckle because of their naivety. So stupid of them to think they could escape from me when I had just started with them. I don't let my belongings sleep out and Ivy is one of them. She is mine now.

"I will ask the driver to drop you off," I told Mirabel and walked into the bathroom. I need to cool my nerves and that can only be done by taking a cold bath.

"Babe, I want to have you for the third time," She mumbled, trying to be seductive but it almost made me vomit. I threw her a disgusting look and stepped into the bathroom. I am sure she would leave before I finish my bath. Mirabel might be obsessed with me, but she also knows what to do at the right time.

Mirabel is the lady my mother chose for me. I don't know how she managed to pull her trick, I am sure she is my mom's favorite. And as a smart girl, she's been using my mom's likeness for her to her advantage.

I heard her grumble as I turned the shower on but it was nothing to worry about.

* *

I was already at the hotel very early the next day and I went to their room. I can make use of the spare key and go in straight but I don't want to scare them. I knocked on the door gently, but there was no response, that got me anxious and I thumped on their door repeatedly.

The door opened when I was about to knock on it again and Ivy's sleepy face was struck with shock. Her legs became weak and she fell to the floor.

"Hey! Don't do that," I uttered, bending and carrying her up. She moaned as my cold hand touched her bare skin. She peeked at me and quickly removed it when she realized I had caught her.

"My wife, you betrayed your husband first," I whispered to her ears. My cold voice sent shivers down her spine, her body shook and she glanced at me with pitiful eyes. She bit her lower lips and I felt a spark all over my body. My d..k became hard all of a sudden.

"Woah! What kind of effect is this woman having on me?" I mentally asked. My eyes were filled with lust when they landed on her breast which was moving up and down because of her heavy breaths.

"Don't do it again," I mumbled and took her out of the room. She tried to call Kayla for help, I shut the door before she could do that. Her body became stiff and she looked terrified. I took her into my private elevator and it took us to my penthouse. I placed her on the couch gently as soon as I stepped in.

Ivy sat up hurriedly and moved farther from me, she folded her legs and placed her head on them, it made her look like a young girl who had no one.

"What do you want from me?" She asked, eyeing my movements. I went to the bar, poured myself a champagne, and strolled back to her.

"Do you know what you are doing is punishable by law? You brought me here without my consent and it is not different from kidnapping," She continued.

I chuckled as I was about to take a sip of the champagne, I removed it from my mouth and looked at her jokingly.

"Tell me what law is going to punish me for bringing my wife to one of my properties?" I questioned, moving my face closer to hers and she was shifting her head until it rested on the couch. She widened her eyes in awe seeing I wasn't ready to stop bringing my face close to hers.

"Don't," She whispered with a plea and I halted. Our faces were an inch away and I could feel her hot breath on my nose.

"I brought you here so I could talk to you,"

I spoke up, raising my head. Her tensed bones got relaxed and she adjusted herself on the couch. It took me a lot of discipline not to pounce on her at the moment especially when she licked her lips.

I tightened my eyes, took some breaths, and opened them.

"When are you moving home?" I asked in a calm tone.

Looking at her eyes, I saw nothing but fear and brokenness. The woman in front of me looked like she had been broken many times. My heart tinged with despair, seeing her in that condition. All I wanted to do was to give her all the happiness she deserved.

"Home? What home?"

She squeezed her face like what I just said was disgusting to her. I don't blame her. Anyone in her position will do such. She only got married to me when she was vulnerable and void of thoughts.

She wouldn't just take me as her husband so quickly. I should give her some time.

"Have you forgotten we are married?"

"Oh! Mister Dillon!"

Hearing her call my name sent an electricity of happiness over my body. My name on her lips made me feel some inexplicable comfort. I don't want to stop hearing that.

She shut her eyes like she was trying to organize her words and opened them back after some seconds. She continued, "We are not married! All that happened that day was a joke. That man and woman betrayed me and I can't just leave the church and face the embarrassment they planted. I did what I had to do. Please, I am sorry if I toyed with your emotions,"

She explained, hoping I would understand her dilemma. I chuckled and stood up, holding a glass of champagne. I took a sip and sat closer to her, making sure there wasn't a tiny space between us. She stiffed when our bodies brushed and my heart sank, sadly.

My wife is scared of me. What an irony!

I moved my mouth closer to her ear and lowly, I said,"

"You can take it as a joke while I take it seriously. You are going nowhere. You are mine,"

Her jaw dropped and her eyes dilated as she had just heard something forbidden. She glanced at me, still in shock. My lips curled up and I revealed the most captivating smile to her.

"Be ready to move home tomorrow," I let out and left the room.

She sighed and dashed out after confirming I had walked far.

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