After college, I said my goodbyes to my friends and went to the nearby cafe. Claire said that she will be in the library and will come to pick me up when I am done with the date.
I entered the cafe and scanned the room for Stance. He is sitting at one of the corner table looking lost in thoughts. I went to him and waved my hand but I think he is so deep in his thoughts that he didn't notice me even when I sat down across him.
"Hey, Stance!"I waved my hands in front of his face bringing him to look at me.
"Hey! When did you come?" he asked surprised.
"Just now. Anyways, what are you thinking? You were so engrossed in your thoughts."I asked.
"Nothing, just some stuff," he said and smiled his heart-melting smile but his smile didn't reach his eyes. I always feel that his smiles are forced but why will he force himself to smile when he is the one who asked me out.
"Let's order. What do you want?" he asked me.
"I will prefer a cappuccino," I said.
He nodded and called the waiter.
"A cappuccino for the beautiful lady and a coffee for me," he ordered to the waiter. And for no reason, I blushed. Oh god, I blush a lot these days.
We talked for an hour or so and then I called Claire.
She picked up on the second ring.
"Hello!!" she said trying to talk while laughing.
"Hey, Claire! Where are you?"I asked her confused. She should be in the library but then she can't laugh in there.
"Su..oh god...Su, I am so sorry. Actually, when I was going towards the library I got a call from Joey that his car broke down and then I had to give him a ride back home and I stayed here for some movie and I totally forgot about you. I am so sorry. I will be right there to pick you up." she said all in one breath.
I sighed. I don't want her to spoil her time with Joey.
"No, it's ok. I called you to tell you that you don't have to pick me as I...I came back home with...Mickey, yes...he took me home. Ok..enjoy yourself. Bye."I said and hang up.
I sighed and looked at Stance who was staring at me.
"If you don't mind, I can give you a lift," he said with a grin.
Should I accept it or not? I don't know what I should do?
My phone rang. I looked at the caller's Mickey. A smile was formed on my lips as soon as I saw his name. I picked up the call smiling.
"Hey!"I said into the phone.
"Hey, Susi! Where are you? I am so tired of being in this office and I thought to talk to you will be a good refreshment." he said.
"Awww..why do you work so much? And more importantly what's on your mind that you have to keep yourself busy in order to not overthink."I asked him. I know him too well. He overloads himself with work when there is something disturbing him.
"Nothing." he sighed.
"Anyways, what are you doing?" he asked me about changing the topic. He knows that I won't leave him until he spills everything out. He is really smart.
"I came here for a coffee date to the cafe near my college with Stance and Claire was going to come to drop me back home but she had to go and now I just don't know what to do?"I said sighing.
I looked at Stance from under my eyelashes. He was staring at me with no expression.
"What??? Wait there, I am coming to get you. You should have called me. Just wait." he said. I can hear him running when he said that and then hang up the call.
I smiled and looked up at Stance who has no expression, staring at me.
"So, it seems I don't get to take you home," he said sighing.
"Mickey is coming to get me. And it will be nice since my brother won't find about you."I said trying to convince him.
He nodded.
After 10 mins I got a text from Mickey saying he is outside the cafe. I looked at the text shocked. The ride from his office to my college is 45 mins then how come he is here already.
He is going to get some scolding from me. I got up from my seat.
"I will accompany you to his car."Stance said and walked beside me.
"I think you shouldn't. I mean, he is my brother's best friend too and if I have to tell my brother about you then your impression on Mickey is really important. And I am not ready to introduce you to him, not yet."I said nervously.
He nodded and smiled.
"Ok. As you say. Bye, beautiful." he said and hugged me.
I blushed and went out.
Mickey was standing outside his car. He came running towards me as soon as he saw me. He doesn't know how angry I am on him right now. He must have exceeded the speed limits and must have got few tokens while coming here. When he was close enough to me I start hitting him with my bag. He was shocked and tried to block my hits.
"What did I do to deserve this? Stop!!! Susi!!! What's wrong???" he said while my bag fell down from my hands and I started using my hands to hit his chest but he caught my hands and kept it on his hard chest.
"Susi, talk to me. Please. What's wrong? What did I do?" he begged.
I looked at him and said, "How could you be so careless? How could you exceed speed limits like this, just to come here fast? What if something happened to you? What if..."I said choking on my words. I can't even think of a day when Mickey is not around forgotten living such a day. How much I miss him when he goes on his business trips, only I know how just hearing his voice calms me down. I have never told this to anyone because I know they will think about it in a different way.
"Sorry, Susi," he said wiping my tears I didn't realise has slipped my eyes.
He hugged me and whispered in my ears, "Shh...I am sorry. I won't repeat this ever. I am so sorry."
I calmed down. I always feel so calm and protected in his arms.
"Let's go," he said walking me towards his car.
Why don't I feel this way when I hug Stance? The feeling that I feel when Mickey hugged me like this was not even near what I feel when I hug Stance, they are so different. I think this is the difference between what I feel for my friend and what I feel for a person who is my boyfriend. I hope what I am thinking is right. Ugh...These feelings are so alien to me that I can't even understand my own heart.