I am a little relieved now. She got a boyfriend so what at least she won't be lovey-dovey with him and it's enough for me because I am going to make her break up with him within a week or before that, as soon as I get enough information about that Stance guy.
I stare at her till she is inside her house then started the engine and went home.
I opened the doors of my house and saw Grace sitting at the couch. I guess she is waiting for me because as soon as I entered she stood up and smiled.
"Hey, Mike!" she said smiling and came towards me.
"Hey, Grapes!"I said walking towards the couch.
I call my twin sis grapes because she loves to eat grapes and when we were younger she used to eat grapes a lot, she used to even eat my share too.
"I heard from Vicki," she said smiling like a maniac.
She calls Travis as Vicki. And he calls her cupcake. I know it's too cheesy but I like it that they are so much in love with each other. Sometimes I laugh when I see them together thinking how they used to try to hide their feelings and try to make each other jealous and look at them now, how they don't leave a single chance to show their love. I just hope that one day my sweet lovely Susi and I can be like them.
"Uh-huh. So what did you hear from him?"I asked sitting down on the couch.
"Don't try to hide it from me. I know that Vicki asked you to date Sus," she said sitting next to me in Indian style on the couch facing me.
Grapes can call Susi as Sus. Susi told her to call her that when her brother started dating Grapes. She said that she wants both of them to call her Sus as Travis and Grace are counted as one now in her view. I don't get her logic but I like whatever she meant. She is Susi, how can anything she says not be right.
"You both tell everything to each other, right?"I said shaking my head.
"No, that's not true. I never told Vicki that you have been in love with Sus ever since we were kids," she said and grinned.
I looked at her shocked then composed myself and looked away.
"What are you saying? There's nothing like that."I try to deny her.
"Really! Is that so! Then I guess I shouldn't have convinced Vicki that you are the best guy in this whole world for his sister." she said.
I turned to look at her shocked.
"I think I should just go and tell Vicki that I was wrong." she sighed.
I blinked several times to sink in this new information. Then I shook my head.
"No!! No, no, no!! That's not true. You can't just go and tell him this. I mean...um...you know..."I tried to find the right words to say when she started laughing.
"I won't do such a thing, silly," she said and laughed more. "I did this because I know you won't be able to do anything without my help. I am your twin sis, Mike. I will know who you like and what you think just by looking at you. First, I thought that I will just let you make Sus fall for you and convince Vicki too. But then I saw that you are my good to be nothing brother who can't do anything by himself and now that I am going to get married in a month, I thought I will just help you out before I start my new life. I also knew that Vicki who won't let any guy near his sister, that possessive brother won't let his sis get married ever. So, I convinced him that Sus is grown up now, which he continued to deny and then I made him realise that she will have to get married one day. He didn't like the sound of her marring and leaving him but then I told him that you would be the best guy for her as you care about her a lot and Vicki knows you too well. So, at last, he agreed." she said and smiled.
I just stared at her. I knew my sis is the best but I didn't know that she is the most amazing sister in this world.
I hugged her. She laughed and hugged me too.
"Thank you for helping your brother who wasn't able to help himself, "I said laughing nervously.
"You and Sus helped to set me and Vicki. I know if you and Sus didn't give him a push he would never get the confidence to confess to me and me being me would have waited my whole life for his confession but wouldn't confess first. So, basically, we both helped set each other up. And how can I neglect this love between you too? You haven't realised but Sus loves you too and she doesn't even know that." she laughed. I looked at her shocked. I can't believe that Susi loves me. She thinks of me just as a friend.
Suddenly, she stopped laughing and looked at me with full seriousness and asked, "So, how did it go?"
"What?"I asked confused.
"Your first date, silly," she said shaking her head.
"Nice. It was nice."I said looking everywhere but her.
"Mike, what's the matter? Look at me. Is there any problem?" she asked worried.
"Nothing. Really, it's nothing. I think I am just tired. I should go and sleep."I said getting up.
"Wait," she said holding my hand.
I turned to look at her.
"Mike, I have told you this before that we are twins, I can see through you. I know there is something you are trying to hide," she said looking me in the eyes.
My sister is really the best. She cares about me a lot and she can see through me.
"Grapes, don't worry about me. I am fine and now that you have helped me this much, I won't let it go waste. Stop worrying about me and concentrate only on your big day preparation."I said and kissed her head.
She nodded still not believing me. But, I have to solve my own problem. She can only help me set up with Susi but not make her fall in love with me. I have to do that myself.
I smiled and walked towards my room. I opened the door to my room and turned to look at my sis who is still in the same position on the couch. "Nighty night, Grapes, "I said. She smiled and said, "Nighty night, Mike. And I believe in you."
I smiled and walked inside my room and closed the door. I have to do something and make Susi break up with that Stance and also make her fall in love with me.