"Thanks, "I said when Mickey opened the door for me. I got out and turned to him.
"I am nervous," I said smiling nervously. I am damn nervous, I don't know why.
"Why?" he frowned.
Why is he mad? Maybe because of that last time. He really cares about me. I don't know what I would have done without him in my life. He has always been there for me no matter what. This time too, I was so tensed about telling my brother that I am going out for dinner as I know he would insist on coming with me but Mickey managed the situation. He is my knight in shining armour.
"You said this is nothing and that you won't get attached then why are you being nervous," he said very calmly.
I sighed. "You are right. I won't be nervous and won't get attached. I will call you when the dinner is over."I said and started walking towards the door of the restaurant.
I can do this and it's nothing for me. Mickey is right, I shouldn't be nervous.
I took a deep breath and entered inside opening the door.
Where is he?
I looked around the place and found Stance sitting at the corner table looking down. I walked over to him. He stood up as soon as he saw me approaching and smiled.
"Hey!"I said smiling.
"Hey!" he said giving me his cute smile. He is looking hot. Tight T-shirt and jeans are making him look like a model.
"You look beautiful," he said looking at me from head to toe. I flushed a deep red.
"Thanks, "I said.
"This is for you. It's not as beautiful as you are but it will look beautiful in your hands," he said giving me a bouquet of red roses. "It's beautiful," I said shyly.
No one has ever said such things to me. It feels so good to hear someone call you beautiful, I never knew this.
He came over to me and pulled out my chair for me like a gentleman. I can see why he is the most popular guy, with his looks and this gentleman attitude it's hard not to notice him or fall for him.
"I thought you won't come," he said and laughed nervously.
"I said yes to you so how couldn't I., "I said smiling.
The waiter came and took our order.
"I am sorry that I couldn't come to pick up my date," he said
"You shouldn't apologise for that. It was me who asked you not to. Anyways my friend took care of that. He will come to pick me up too."I said and the waiter brought our food.
"He is just a friend?"Stance asked when the waiter left.
"Yes. Why did you ask so?"I asked him confused. Why is he asking me such a question?
"Actually I heard that no guy remain your friend more than a day," he said taking a bite of his food.
"Mickey is a childhood friend," I said.
"So, your brother doesn't have any problem of you being with this Mickey guy I mean friend?" he asked.
"You can't call him Mickey. It's only me who can call him that and he is my brother's best friend too. Now, if your questions about Mickey is over can we talk about something else?"I said irritated by his questions. No one asks me questions enquiring about my friends especially Mickey or my brother.
"Ya, sure," he said looking confused by my behaviour.
"I was thinking of giving you a nickname if you don't mind?" he asked nervously.
"Sure," I said blushing. Why is he asking me this? He can just call me whatever he wants as everyone else does.
"How about Susi?" he asked.
"No, only Mickey can call me that. You can call me Su, all my friends do."I said.
"But I am not your friend. I am your boyfriend," he said looking hurt.
Oops. I forgot. He is my boyfriend.
"Yes. You can call me anything you want except Sus and Susi. My brother calls me Sus and now his fiance too. Other than these you can call me anything you want."I said.
"Ok. Then how about I call you....beautiful? I mean it suits you more." he said winking.
"Your wish, "I said blushing deep red.
I received a message from Vis.
I opened the message and read it, "When will you reach home. I will be home in half an hour. I wanted to spend some sibling time too as I don't get enough time due to all the work. I will be waiting."
My brother is the best. He loves me so much. He is so busy now as he has to complete all his work in order to take a month leave for his honeymoon so whenever he gets time he spends it with Grace and me.
I have to go now so that I reach home when Vis does. And the dinner is already over so it shouldn't be a problem for Stance if I left.
"Stance, I had a great time today, "I said getting up.
He looked at me and got up too.
"Me too," he said smiling.
"I will meet you at college tomorrow," I said smiling.
He nodded.
"Call me when you reach home," he said coming to my side.
I nodded.
He brought his face close to me. What is he doing? Oh god...he is going to kiss me!!!! I can't do this. I can't kiss him.
"I should go, Mickey must be waiting for me, "I said stepping back.
"Is there a problem?" he asked.
Did he notice what I was trying to do?
"What problem?"I asked trying to look innocent.
"You tried to avoid our first kiss," he said.
I sighed. So, he noticed.
"I can't do that. It will be like breaking my brother's trust. He trusts me that I won't do anything that he doesn't want me to. I mean I am already dating you and hiding it from him which is really a lot for me. We both never keep secrets from each other and this is the first time so, if I do anything else then it will be like cheating my brother."I said biting my lower lip.
"It's ok. I can understand. I won't force you to do anything that you don't want to." he said and I smiled. He is so understanding. He is perfect.
"Can I at least hug you?" he asked nervously.
"Sure."I giggle.
He hugged me and then I went out.
I had the best time. I don't know why I think it won't end like last time. I falling for him??!!! If I tell this to anyone they will get friends and Mickey. I can't be already falling for him. I just met him today and spent some time together. I don't even know him that well. I am sure I am just impressed and it was also my first experience so I think I am just happy.
Mickey!!! I should call him to come. I took out my phone looking around. His car..why is his car here. Someone is sitting in the driver's seat.
I hurried towards the car and saw Mickey sitting inside. Why is he here? Was he sitting here the whole time I was inside?
"Mickey!"I said.
He looked at me confused and got out.
"You didn't go in?" he asked.
"I was inside for about two hours, "I said giving him a confused look. What's with him?
"I didn't notice the time," he said.
"How was your date?" he asked when we sat inside the car.
"It was great," I said smiling.
"Oh," he said looking hurt.
" roses...nice...such beautiful bouquet on the first date. You must be happy," he said looking at the bouquet that Stance gave me.
"Yes. But, I can't take them home. You know Vis will ask me who gave me these and.."I was saying when he interrupted me, "Then tell him that I gave you this."
"Will that be ok?"I asked tensed.
"Yes. You asked me to help you have a blissful time with your boyfriend and I agreed. So, I will help you even if I hate it." he said the last part more to himself than to me.
I don't know why but he seems hurt and sad, I don't like this. I have never seen him like this. I should change the topic.
"Mickey, what did you bring me this time?"I asked and half turned towards him.
"Oh..that.," he said hesitating.
I looked at him shocked. Why is he hesitating? He always brings me gifts and gives it to me as soon as we meet and I never had to ask him for it. Did he forget my gift? Was this the reason that he was sad? No, this can't be. He can never forget about my gifts.
"Did you forget to bring me a gift?"I asked hurt.
He looked shocked. "No!! No, no, no. How can I forget to bring a gift for you?" he said and then sighed. He took something out of the dashboard and gave it to me. "Here's your gift," he said smiling.
I took it happily. I don't know why but I always feel happy when he gets me something. It just makes me feel special.
I opened the wrapper and saw the pink lip gloss I wanted. I looked at Mickey shocked. It's yet to be launched.
"Yes, yes, I know it's not yet launched but I pulled some strings to get it beforehand because you said you wanted it," he said and chuckled nervously.
I smiled and tried to hug him only to realise that I am sitting in a car wearing a seat belt because of which I can't hug him right now.
We both laughed at this.
"Thank you so much. By the way, why didn't you give me this before? You always give my gift as soon as we meet."I asked him.
"So that you could have worn it for your date and kissed that guy." he murmured. But I heard it. So, that's the reason.
I don't understand why he said that but I can see hurt on his face.
"I didn't kiss Stance" I said looking at the lip gloss. I just feel like telling him this.
"What?" he looked at me shocked but I can see happiness in his eyes.
"Yes. It's already a burden to make a boyfriend and hiding it from Vis and if I do more than just holding hands and hugging I won't be able to look at my one and only brother in the eyes."I said.
He nodded.
He dropped me home and went back. But, now he was happy than before which made me happier.
I went in to find Vis sitting on the couch with our favourite game of chess on the coffee table.
He saw me and his smile broadened and seeing this my smile also broadened.
"So, let's have a game and see who's the winner," he said with a smirk.
"Ok. Let's see."I said and went to sit on the couch to put the bouquet on a nearby chair.
"Nice flowers."Vis complemented.
"Thanks, "I replied nervously.
"Anyways, don't think I will let you win because you are my younger sis," he said.
Wow...he didn't ask anything else about these flowers. It's strange but I guess he must have thought that if I went out with Mickey then who else will give me these. That makes sense.
"I know. I will win on my own."I said and with this, our game began.