I and Sus entered the place. This is the first business party for Sus, I really want her to enjoy and have fun. I look around and saw every guy is staring at my baby sis or should I say drooling over her. I clenched my fists in anger. I really hope I don't end up beating a few of them today because that will only make my baby sis sad. How I hope my cupcake was here, I know she would find a way to calm me down and also Mike would have helped me to keep Sus safe.
I look at Sus. She is smiling, not just any smile but her mischievous one, this means she is really up to something and I can't even stop her because I love her so much.
"Why are you smiling one of your mischievous smiles? What are you going to do?"I asked her a little worried.
"Nothing." she said smiling innocently.
"Come, I will introduce you to all my clients first."I said walking to a group consisting of some of our business partners.
She nodded.
At least this will keep her busy for a while.
"Hello, gentlemen!"I wished them.
"Oh! Hello, Junior Ronnie Raymond!"Mr Drayton said and others nodded their head in recognition.
"It's a pleasure to meet you all here."I said smiling and shook each of their hands.
"It's our pleasure. We have been working with your dad and now we are happy to work with you too. You are as hardworking as your father."Mr Drake said shaking my hand.
"Travis, who is this beautiful lady standing beside you? And where is your fiancé, Grace Wood?"Mr Lee asked.
" apologies. Grace went to meet her parents so she won't be coming today. I wish she could come. And this, this is Susan Raymond, my younger sister."I said smiling.
"Sus, this is Mr Lee Chan, and here this is Mr Antony Worrall, and he is Mr Drake Drakelow, and here he is Mr Drayton Manor, and he is Mr Louis Walsham."I introduced them
Sus shook hands with everyone.
"This is the first time you brought your sister to any business party."Mr Louis said.
"Yes, she is going to graduate this month and then will join our business."I said proudly.
"That's great. We will be looking forward to working with a beautiful young lady like you."Mr Lee said.
She smiled and nodded.
"So, Susan, have you decided which company you will like to join?"Mr Anthony asked her.
"I haven't decided yet." she answered nervously.
I never thought about her going somewhere else to work. Will she really leave New York and go far away from me. But I don't want that.
"You have time, don't worry."Mr Drake said.
She nodded.
"We must be boring these youngsters here. Travis, Susan enjoy the party, we will see you around."Mr Drayton said and smiled.
I nodded and we took our leave from their group.
I looked around. My friends are standing in one corner glancing at us. Should I take Sus and introduce them to her or should I not? Umm...let's just introduce them, that way they will know that Sus is my younger sister and they won't try to come near her. They know how protective I am of my baby sis.
"There, they are my friends...."I said and looked at Sus.
"I will just go and hang out at that bar and try to talk to those girls there if you don't mind." she said giving me a puppy face.
"Ok. But, no drinking."I said.
"Sure. Thank you." she said hugging me.
This is fine too. She will stay away from them and then they won't try anything that will make me angry. And I will keep one eye on her so that if any guy even tries to approach her I will run towards Sus and won't let him manipulate my baby sis.
I watch her as she made her way to the minibar. I sighed and went to my friends.
"Hey! Travis! Long time no see!"Alex said as soon as I reached them.
"Hey! Buddy!"I said giving them all a bro hug one by one.
I glanced at Sus. She is talking to the bartender. Then she took her glass and left the minibar. I sighed. I think I am worrying too much but I have never let any guy come near her and so I feel uneasy.
"Hey! Are you listening?"Marc asked waving his hands in front of my face.
I looked at him confused.
"I asked, where is your fiancé?"he asked again.
"She went to meet her parents."I answered.
"And who is that hot chick you came with?"Kristin asked staring at Sus's direction. I noticed all of them were doing the same.
"Stop staring at her."I said clenching my jaws.
They looked at me confused and on seeing my death look they looked uneasy.
I guess I should tell them who is she.
"How're the preparations going on for your wedding?"Alex asked changing the subject taking my chance to tell our relation.
"It's going on well."I said and glanced at Sus. She is talking to a group of girls. What is she talking about? She doesn't even know them. But at least she won't be bored.
"Hey! Your fiancé and best buddy are here."Marc said looking at the entrance.
I followed his gaze and saw my beautiful cupcake coming towards me with her brother.
I smiled on seeing her.
Now, I don't have to worry that much about Sus.
Grapes and I entered the party.
When I told her that I wanna come to this party she agreed without asking me anything. She also helped me to lie to our parents saying that there is some sudden problem in our office that has to be taken care of immediately. Mom was not happy about us leaving so soon but dad convinced her.
I looked around for Vik and Susi. "Over there."Grapes said.
I followed her gaze and saw Travis standing with our friends, but I don't see Susi there. She came to this party or not. But Vik said that she is going to come here that's the reason I came here. We went towards them.
"Vicki!"Grapes said and went to his arms. He is smiling broadly. How is wish I and Susi can be like this someday.
"Hey, everyone!"she acknowledged everyone else.
"Hey!"they all said together.
"Hey! Michael!"they said to me.
"Hey!"I said giving them all bro hug one by one.
"Where is she?"Grapes asked Vik. He looked at a group of girls.
We both followed his gaze saw her talking to some girls.
Wow!!!! She is looking so beautiful!!! Stunning!!! That black dress that's hugging her, those tendrils of hair that are touching her cheeks. Those red lips. I can stare at her my whole life. She stole my heart for the second time. If I could just go and hug her kiss her now. Why doesn't she just fall in love with me as I did?
"I will go to meet her."Grapes said breaking me out of my thoughts and walked towards Susi.
"Michael, who is that hot chick Travis brought as his date. I mean I have never seen her and you must be definitely knowing about her as you and Travis are best buddies."Marc said in a low voice from beside me. I think they have already seen his anger flare and so they are asking me.
I looked at Travis, he isn't paying any attention.
"Say one more word about her and you will go home with a broken jaw."I said with clenched fists.
"Wooh!! Who is she that both you and Travis get so angry if we say anything?"Alex asked while Marc put his hands up in surrender.
"She is Susan, my younger sister. So, remember about keeping your distance from her because I will forget that you are my friend if she feels uneasy because of any of you."Travis said glaring at them.
" it! Got it!"they all said throwing their hands up to surrender.
I looked around and saw that every guy is staring at Susi and Grapes. I know they won't even dare to approach Grapes as everyone knows about Grapes and Vik but no one knows who Susi is. I don't know how Vik managed to keep himself under cool because I am losing my mind here. I don't want anyone to look at her let alone stare.
"Hey! Vicki! Mike! Come here!"Grapes called out to us.
We both looked at each other and shrugged then started walking towards them.
Susi linked her arms with Vik and me as soon as we reached them. Grapes just giggled.
I bet these two are really playing something here. I can tell that just by looking at them and I know Vik has also realised this.
Susi looks even more beautiful up close than from distance. I think I am the luckiest guy here because only I can be this close to her. I know all the guys here must be jealous of me.
"Will you both guys tell these ladies here that you both know Sus and also love her a lot as I love her."Grapes smirked at the girls who were standing there.
We both looked at each other confused and then at them.
"Is there any doubt about how much we love you, Sus?" Vik asked Susi.
"Oh god! Vicki, can't you just say that out loud even if she already knows it?"Grapes said rolling her eyes.
"We love her a lot." Vik said smiling.
"She is our life."I said looking only at Susi.
"You both are." we both said together.
Susi and Grapes looked at each other then at the girls and started laughing at their reaction.
We both looked at them confused.
Grapes linked her arms with Vik and Susi with me and started walking away. I feel so happy. I have always dreamt about this day when I and Susi walk like a couple. This is really a dream come true and that too Susi herself linked her arms with me.
We all stood at a corner where Grapes and Susi were laughing uncontrollably and I along with Vis were trying to stop them. Everyone is staring at us but who can stop these ladies here.
After a while, they both stopped laughing and we took a sigh of relief.
"We will bring something for you girls to drink."Vik said.
"Your throat must have become dry from laughing so much."I said and they both again started giggling.
We both looked at them and shook our head and left.
We walked towards the minibar to get the juice.
"So, how did you both come here when you both decided on staying for three days?"Vik asked me.
"We thought that you will need our help as you were taking Susi with you and also Susi doesn't know anyone here so she would feel lonely and out of place."I said smiling.
"Thanks, bro. I really needed help. Susi really needed you both too. Look how happy she is with cupcake."Vik said looking at the girls smiling and talking.
I too smiled and we both went back to them.
"Girls, your drinks are here." we said together. They took their glasses and took a sip.
"Can I have a dance with you?"Vik asked Susi smiling, extending his hand.
"Sure." she said smiling, taking his hand.
He took her to the dance floor and started swaying to the music.
"Let's dance too until your crush is dancing with her brother."Grapes teased me.
"Sure."I said offering her my hand and we both went to the dance floor.
"Stop staring at her otherwise Vicki will notice you."Grapes said shaking her head.
"I am not staring."I lied. I can't take my eyes off her. She is so beautiful and today she is looking even more beautiful.
"I know." she laughed.
"Go, ask her to dance. I too want to dance with my fiancé." she said smiling.
"You know, you are the best sister in this whole world."I said before going towards them.
"I know." she said behind me.
"Can I have the honour of dancing with Miss. Susan Raymond?"I asked from behind them.
They both stopped and looked at me.
"Sure. All yours." Vik said which is really unexpected but now that he has given me permission to be his sister's love, that's why he is helping too.
Vik left us and went dancing with Grapes.
"Shall we."I said holding my hand out.
"Yes." she said taking my hand.
We started dancing in slow motion.
"You look beautiful."I said looking her in the eyes.
"Umm...thanks." she said blushing.
She looks more beautiful when she blushes. She must have blushed in front of that guy too. I shouldn't think about him now. I will just enjoy these moments with Susi. Anyhow, after tomorrow he won't be in her life anymore. I smiled at the thought.
"I heard you came for someone. Who is that lucky person?" she asked suddenly.
"I guess I am dancing with her." automatically came out of my mouth. I looked away embarrassed.
What if she doesn't like this response? What if she thinks I am a flirt? I don't want that.
"I mean, this is your first business party, how could I not be a part in it, right?"I said nervously laughing.
She nodded.
"Anyways, as I am here, let's watch movies tomorrow. If that's ok with you?"I asked nervously.
"Sure, sounds fun. We will have so much fun, you, me, Vis and Ace." she said excitedly.
So, she wants to have fun with everyone. But, I choose tomorrow because Vik is not going to be around and I know my sis won't disturb us. And tomorrow I have to show her Stance's reality.
Loren has already done with the investigation and now I know what that playboy was up to. I just have to show Susi reality and tomorrow is my chance.
"Umm...I think your brother didn't tell you but he is going for a three days business trip and as for Grapes, she will be busy too. Your brother might have thought to tell you after the party so you can enjoy your time now."I said.
She nodded and looked at Vik and Grapes.
"What are you looking at?"I asked.
She looked at me and smiled and said, "Nothing."
I too smiled. I know she is thinking about how lucky Vik and Grapes are to have each other's love but she doesn't know that she too has such love, she just has to look the right way.
"Can I have a dance with the beautiful lady?" someone asked from beside us.
It's Billy, the number one playboy and the king of one night stands and not to forget the biggest flirt. How dare he come to ask Susi for dance? I really want to punch him right now.
"No. You can't."I said irritated.
"Michael, don't you think you should let the lady answer." he said giving me a pointed look.
"You can leave."I said rolling my eyes. He really thinks that I will let Susi dance with him even if she says yes.
"Sorry. But, I think I won't be able to dance with you."Susi said with an apologising smile. Take that jerk. I smiled.
He nodded and left.
"Let's go."Vik said coming towards us with Grapes holding his hand.
We both nodded and went out.
I and Grapes got into our car and Vik and Susi in theirs and left for home.
Tomorrow is going to be the best day when everything will become normal.