I woke up with a really good mood, smiling brightly. I had the best day yesterday. I went on my first date and had a great time with Stance. He is really not as bad as my friends say. He is really a gentleman. I blush when I remember the nickname he gave me, beautiful. Then I spent quality time with my brother after such a long time and also won the game. Vis's face was so funny when I won for the fourth time. He was so shocked and was pouting. Now, his pouting face is his new caller id pic. He really becomes a kid when we play. If any of his business associate or anyone from his company see him like that, they will be in a huge shock. I laughed and got up to get ready for college.
Just then Vis walked in to wake me up. He looked at me surprised and blinked several times. I was trying not to laugh. I know why I am getting such a reaction.
"What are you doing? Sus, how did you wake up without anyone waking you?" he asked shocked.
I laughed.
"Vis, I have to get used to getting up on my own as you are going to get married soon and then we won't be living together."I smiled trying to joke but I guess it didn't work as he looked upset.
"I know," he said sadly.
I looked at him shocked. This is the first time he accepted me leaving him. He used to get angry from the idea of me living far from him even if someone said it as a joke. Something is really odd. But, I think he also knows that he had to accept this someday. The earlier the better. But, I will really miss him. I haven't decided where I want to go after graduation. I should decide that soon.
I just hugged him. He patted my head lovingly.
"I will go and get ready now, otherwise I will get late for college, "I said walking towards my bathroom.
"I don't know if I am thinking too much but it seems like you are really desperate to go to college." he laughed.
I just went inside my bathroom and closed the door. I heard him laughing and then going out closing my room's door.
I think I know why I want to go to college so badly. I blushed. But, why did Vis comment like that? That's a mystery for me.
Quickly I got ready wearing jeans with a sleeveless top that looks good on me, leaving my hair loose and because my hair is little curly at the ends it makes me look beautiful. Then I went to the dining table where Vis was waiting for me. He looked at me and smiled.
"I see, my sis is looking so beautiful today. What's the occasion that made you dress up for college?" he asked with a grin.
Why is he grinning? Normally, he would be looking surprised but his reaction is strange. There is really something fishy about his behaviour since yesterday or should I say since I got asked out and Mickey came back. I just couldn't guess the reason and I know he won't tell me because if he wanted to then he would have told me before. He didn't guess that I am dating someone, right? No, that can't be true as he would have already made a huge fuss.
"There's nothing like that," I said biting my lower lip nervously. He just chuckled. It's like he knows something but he isn't telling me.
"So, Mike is coming to pick you up?"Vis asked chewing his toast.
I looked at him confused, why is he asking me this, he knows that Mickey only picks me when Vis is not around or is busy.
"No, we didn't talk about that. And since you are not busy or away for any meeting why would he come to give me a ride?"I said giving me a confused look.
He just smiled and shook his head.
"I think since you both are in such a way, I will have to drop you to college," he said and got up.
I gave him a confused look again and got up taking my bag from the chair next to me.
Vis dropped me off at the entrance of my college. I walked inside and saw my partner in crimes waiting for me. I smiled and hurried to them. They all smiled when they notice me walking towards them.
"So, how was your first date?"Molly asked not that excited.
I blushed when I remembered my first date.
"You are blushing!!! That's new."Elsa said smiling.
"He didn't try to do anything stupid, did he? If he did just tell me, I will kick..."Claire was saying when I giggled.
They are stared at me.
" know, I love you all so much, "I said engulfing them for a group hug.
They hugged me back.
"So, how was it? It's not that we are interested but still, we want to know."Claire said sighing and continued, "How I wish it was Michael instead of that playboy. How happy and excited we would have been."
I shook my head. Will, they ever accept that there is nothing between me and Mickey, I guess no, they won't.
"I went and told Mickey about me getting a boyfriend. He was angry, or should I say more than angry."I sighed.
"That's expected," Molly said.
I rolled my eyes and continued, "Then I got a text from Stance asking me for a date."
"We know that. Tell us after that, we just want to get this over with. I am not least bit interested in knowing about that playboy but now I have to hear about him because my stupid friend has to date him."Claire said annoyed.
How much they like Mickey they hate Stance more than that.
I ignored her and continued, "I asked Mickey to pick me and drop me back too. He agreed. I was so nervous about what I will tell Vis but Mickey came and just told my brother that we are going for dinner and he agreed and then he dropped me to the restaurant. I was so nervous. I went inside and saw the stance waiting for me. He took out my chair for me just like a gentleman, gave me a bouquet of beautiful red roses and then we talked and ate our dinner and he also gave me a nickname too, beautiful."I blushed. They all rolled their eyes. I can see if there was Mickey's name instead of Stance they would be jumping around like kids but I guess they will never be happy till I am with Stance.
I sighed and continued, "Then I got a text from my brother saying he wants to have some siblings time and so I got up to go. Stance came to see me off till the door as I told him that Mickey was coming to pick me. Then suddenly he brought his face really close to mine..."
I looked at my friends to see their reaction. Now, they seem to be interested.
"He didn't kiss you, right?"Elsa asked.
"You didn't let him be your first kiss, right?"Molly asked.
"You didn't give him what belongs to Mickey, right?"Claire asked.
I can understand the questions from Molly and Elsa but Claire, oh god, she has already declared that I belong to only Mickey.
"No, sillies. How can I kiss him when I am already hiding about me going out with him from Vis? I don't want to hurt Vis. He would think that I betrayed him if he comes to know that I didn't tell him about going around with a boyfriend and doing things that I shouldn't do. I can't break his trust."I said.
They all nodded their head in agreement.
"Hey, beautiful!" someone said and we all looked behind to see Stance walking towards me smiling. He is looking so good in his ripped jeans and V-neck T-shirt. I waved to him smiling. My friends rolled their eyes.
He hugged me when he reached us. I saw my friends making faces.
"I was thinking about going on a coffee date with you. What do you say?" he asked nervously.
I thought for a moment and said, "Sure. I will text my brother not to pick me up as I am going out for coffee with my friends and then one of my friends can drop me back home."
I looked at my friends who were glaring at Stance. Poor Stance. I don't know how long he will be able to survive my friends.
"That will be great even if I hate that I won't be able to drop my girlfriend home but if that's what makes you comfortable then I am fine with it. See you afterwards, beautiful." he winked at me and left. I blushed.
"I don't like that you are blushing after hearing that playboy and I hate it even more that you are going on another date with him, "Claire said still glaring at Stance's back.
"Don't worry. I will be fine. So, who can drop me home?"I asked looking at them all.
"I will. Elsa and Molly didn't bring their cars today as their boyfriends picked them for college."Claire said.
I smiled and texted Vis not to pick me up.
"Anyways, Mickey brought that lip gloss I wanted to buy as a gift. He managed to get it before its official launch."I said smiling.
"Really!"Molly said smiling brightly.
"You must be really happy," Elsa said.
"See, he really loves you a lot," Claire said going into her dream world.
I shook her hand-rolling my eyes.
"Let's go to class dreamy girls," I said and they all nodded.