"W-WHAT! Varun Y-You are sweating.... L-Let me on A/C for you. "
She tried to change topic and about to leave from his arms but he again slams her on the wall and pin her hands up and kissed her roughly.
Mahi was struggling to let go. She doesn’t want to get used. After a while she stops struggling seeing her pushes doesn't affect him but she still didn't kiss back.
He broke the kiss and lean his forehead to her.
"I... love you." he said panting against her lips.
Her eyes shut open and stared at him with tears wanting to pour out. She couldn't able to utter a word, her world stopped, her surrounding blurred only focusing on his eyes who were staring her deep.
She was confused not because of his action but is it true? Without realizing she was laid on bed by Varun, hovering her.
"You are driving me crazy Mahi......." he said nibbling her ear. He started sucking her neck.
"P-Please s-stop" she tried hard to hold herself.
"I’m sorry I.... can't tonight." he attacked her sweet spot and suck harder making her give-up for him.
They had a long night mesmerized in each other and made love. Her minds say on but her soul says to let him take her to the haven.
Next morning his alarm ringed at 6:00 a.m. and he woke up with a head ache.
Varun's P.O.V.
Aargh... I hold my head with my hand as I felt a bit dizzy. I try to sat up but Then I realize some weight on my other hand so I turn to my side and found Mahi smuggling in my chest.
Her small hands on my chest and mine around her waist. She looks so adorable but it hit me that both of us were naked.
WAIT! what is she doing besides me and why WE are like THIS?! What happened last night?!
I tried to recall but I didn't remember anything since after last night she went to bath. My eyes fall on the cloths scattered in the room, I tried to join the dots and....
OH GOD!! SHIT!! My eyes widen more and fall on her again
"Did we... did that!!" I whisper yell in shock.
How can I do something like that without in sense. I think harder where did it all start.
Yes!! That drink!! It must be strong but still how can I lose control because it never happened.
He didn't remember any detail he said to her and did with her, but the view was clear enough to make him understand that they had sex last night.
He sighed and got up from the bed but again something catches his eyes. Blood... He may saw blood many times but this blood made him nervous.
"She was virgin..."he glace at her with confusion and worries. He just sighed again and get fresh up and clean her and made her wear his shirt on floor.
After packing their cloths, he came back to her and sat beside observing her beautiful face, deep in his thoughts.
"So I was your first...and I kept cursing you for what you never did..." he put hand on her cheeks rubbing it gently with thumb.
"The more I wanted to away from you the more I end up to you. I need some time to clear my mind and accept all this...." little did he know he had already confessed his feeling to her last night.
"I don't care anymore who so ever you are, what I know is now you only belong to me."
His mobile ringed showing Prakash so he left her in the room and went to balcony.
"Varun I had something to tell about Maria."
"Hmm. go on"
"Well I found that Maria use to live in New York so I asked my friend there at airport to check if she left the city. He told that A month ago she booked an Economy class for Toronto but... "
"A month ago, means when all this started...then What but?" he asked curiously.
"When her plane landed she was not spotted coming out of plane or airport. How is that possible even I checked the list of departures from New York, and her name was there but cctv at Toronto Airport didn't showed her and that flight also didn't have any stop in between so where in hell she flew away."
"She is more than we thought Once I catch her I swear I will cut her legs....do one thing check out her workplace and seminars footage to whom she met and hangout normally.... and show me them when I return." he cut the call and came back to room found Mahi rubbing her eyes.
He chuckled at her but again wear his dark aura.
"Get ready. We are leaving for London in 1hr." he said with poker face in stern voice and left.
"Here comes my cold ass husband again. *sigh* Do you know what you said yesterday and did to me?!!" She rants in his absence.
She got up and saw his shirt he wore yesterday was on her. As she checkout herself in mirror smiling stupidly, she smells the shirt which had the smell of Varun's drink had yesterday.
"C2H5OH? it’s *sniff and eyes widen* Yes its ethyl alcohol!! REALLY MAN!! They give him Liquor!!"She sighed and sat on bed
"His attitude right now. *sighed*he must have forgotten what he said last night" she hung her head down in disappointment.
She washes up and pack the bags and asked room service to put them in car and they left for airport.
The whole flight silence as always she wanted to know the words he said at night did he mean it. She kept staring at him, suddenly he spoke without making eye contact.
"About last night... it just happened so don't expect anything...." he said in deep voice. Her heart sunk in some deep ocean.
"H-huh. y-yeah I-I understand........... excuse me I need to go washroom." she stand up from seat and head to washroom.
As she locked the door she saw her sad reflection on mirror which had tears in eyes.
"Why.... what's with that face...w-why are you crying? its o-okay, he is right it just...h-happened, he was not in sense then h-how can you take those w-words seriously." she try to control her tears talking to herself
"Why!! why this reality hurts so much... why I gave up myself then just on your fake confession?! For the whole life I was a confident girl but your stares, voice, presence make me weak to hell."
She cried out, anyhow she calms down and cheer up
"It will be alright. You have to fight this world Mahi, things aren't done yet." she wash her face and get out to her seat.
The rest flight she didn't talk or gaze at him which made him confused somewhere.
As they reached London, Varun leave for office from airport and Mahi went to house in another car.
Once she reached home and guards leave after putting luggage in she locked the doors and reach to her room and lock it too.
She sat on the bed and dialed number as her expression changed to serious one.
"Hello Mahi" voice came from other side.
"Uncle, Prakash gonna get my workplace footage we have to stop him."