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Chapter 13


Mahi wakeup from sleep and gaze at bed but Varun was not there. Meanwhile....

"WHAT!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" Varun shouts at his assistant on phone.

"S-Sorry sir... all return flights were booked for today so I booked for tomorrow as apologies I reserved a famous restaurant there for you and Mrs. Singh tonight. Please enjoy this as your day off."

"This man!!.... hey! you get paid to work for me not for my father!!" he blubbered.

"Sorry Sir." and he hung up.

He looks at his phone screen in disbelief and get back to room. Mahi was at balcony eating breakfast, so he reached her. She looked up at this huge figure with mouth full of pasta.

"Hi Good Morning, you wanna some?" she showed the pizza in her hand. He didn't response but take seat beside her and keep staring making her embarrassed. "You wanna say something?" she broke the tension.

"Yes.... where are you parents? what do they do?" she stopped eating as he asked.

"I lost them... " Varun expression change so as Mahi's but her in sad smile "I lost them at age of 9 in a house burn. Since then my uncle raised me. I spent few time with them but because of that accident, I had only few memories of them like how they looked and some few incidents."

"What about your uncle, where is he?" he asked.

"He was murdered by a Mafia. He was always there for me even in his last breath he just protects me and left from this world." A tear escaped but she whips it quickly and force a small smile

"What about you.... tell me something about your mother. I saw her picture she was beautiful."

"Hmm.... she was. She was the most beautiful and lovely woman in my life, who always give me happy days. Ever since she left I carve for her to return." he looked at sky.

"Me too, I didn't remember my parent's voices so I wanted to hear them for once but they are no longer to call me by my name or any pet name." She chuckled bitterly.

"By the way how do you know mom's looks" he raised an eyebrow at her.

"Well remember I accidentally get in your room I saw a picture of a boy and a woman, I guess they were you and your mother." she replied.

"You even touched my things!" he frowns at her.

"No no I just saw.... *silence* well you are lucky you at least have her picture. but I... don't have any memory of them. Everything was burnt in that fire." she looked at sky

"I wish I could be with them again." he stared at her like he wanted to do something comfort for her.

"Did you visit Eiffel Tower?" he asked out of nowhere.

"You yourself said Don't go anywhere! " she said heavying her voice and similar expression to Varun. But he just gives death glare at her making her gulp hard.

"Get ready we are going" he said standing up.

"where?" she also stands up with confused look.

"Eiffel tower. 10 min, reception, or I will leave you alone" with that he leaves.

"Did I hear right?! He is taking me out!" she had an idiotic smile plastered.

After 10 mines she reached reception found Varun waiting for her. They leave the hotel and walk to the street viewing beautiful culture and buildings, Mahi was smiling and clicking pictures but Varun was just wearing his cold look.

They visit Eiffel tower, here Mahi was jumping and clapping like kid.

He chuckled at her "Were you a Kangaroo in your past life."

"You wanna die" she put a little and glaring at him.

"You thing you can kill me?" he walked closer to her where she was just glaring at him pouting. He found her glares cute making him laugh.

"OH MAN HOLY SHITEU!!" she points at him

"What?" he frowns in confusion

"Omo mood you laughed" she showed her teethes.

"W-What I didn't!" he takes a back.

"No you did!" she debates.

"I didn't" they starts with this childish fight then a lady came.

"Oh me! young couples these days’ fight to much... kids its a place of love " she holds each of their hand make them look at this Stanger lady.

She makes them hold hands and look in each other’s eyes.

"Feel this love and let is pour in your life.... what's your name child?" they break the eye contact.

"Varun Singh" he said with formal tone.

"Mahi Vedh" she smiled at her.

"Ham... correction.... Mahi Singh" he points at her.

"Oh god you both are such a cute couple, looks newlywed hum? I also came here with my husband on our first honeymoon" she back facing them and talk continuously.

"Are you planning to sleep here" she whisper Varun.

"No" Varun whispered back.

"Then" she holds his hand "lets run" she drag him and start running from the old woman's back.

They were running through the streets she was laughing like she was freed from cage and taking her happiness with her.

Varun was also smiling at her and hold the hands tighter. They run to the main road panting hard and laughing.

"See you laughed again." her stubborn ass didn't let go him.

"Aish jeez!... fine I laughed. you are such a joker; how can I hold back" he exclaimed. She poked his wound a bit made him gasp.

"Why did you do that!!?"

"Revenge" she tugs out her tongue at him and ran away. "Catch if you can?"

"Has she lost it or she is that much exited?" he jogs to her, found her looking at the display of a shop.

It was a floral red dress till knee length. She never tried such wardrobe after she got in her career line. Varun see the longingness in her eyes whihc he can't ignore. He drags her in without giving her any idea and ask the lady to take out one for her. He pushed her in changing room ignoring her protest. She changed and came out.

"Perfect" he mumbled.


"Nothing, now you are looking a French... excuse me we will pay for this." he said avoiding eye contact.

She was about to go in to change but he stops her.

"Don't... we are going for dinner at restaurant so wear it." she was confused as hell what happened to him in just a minute.

He played and they head in restaurant. Everyone was whispering at her beauty and clothing. Varun pull her by her waist to him and starts walking to their seat.

They ordered food and talk about random stuff. Varun keep laughing at her replies as her answers were like no-one could imagine. She had unique perspective in everything. Suddenly a staff came.

"Sir we are celebrating couple’s week and today you got the highest vote from other costumers. We would like to toss with you with our special drink, for your long successful love life" he offers them.

"Oh UMM.... I don't drink so I guess we can't." she tried to cancel it as she saw uncomfortable looks on Varun's face.

"It’s okay we will arrange juice, you can order for free." he insist, she smiled awkwardly and placed order.

After a while he appeared with drinks, some other employs with a camera were behind him. They hold glasses and everyone cheered.

"Love shots!! Love shots!!" she hesitates to do it aware of her husband’s comfortability.

"Let’s do it, so we can leave quickly" he whispered and she nodded slightly.

They did the love shots and a staff clicked pics of their moment. Everyone cheered and clapped for them. Varun took the drink in one go and pay the bill.

He got out as he got a call and the waiter backed the extra money and an envelope. As she opened the envelop it had the photos of them doing love shots and laughing.

She admires the photos and smiled at it and thanked the staff.

"Thank you for making our vacation memorable." They smiled at her bac and bid the farewell. She came out and reached Varun.

"Anywhere else you wanna go?" he asked but he looked a bit tensed.

"Umm. no.... thanks for the dinner it was amazing... I love it.... let go home its getting colder" he nod at her and went to hotel, then their room.

As they reach Varun run in Bathroom, after a while he asked for towel and his cloths. After 20 minutes he came out after bath.

She noticed he was still a bit sweaty so she asked "are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah, I think the drink was a bit hot, you go and take shower" she nod and went in.

After 30 mines she came back but Varun was not on bed "where did he go at this hour?" she went to dressing table and comb her hairs.

Suddenly she felt two hands snaking around her waist. She stops and pushed them, but the grip got tighter.

"It’s me" Varun said in husky voice almost a sensual whisper.

"W-What are you doing, you felt burning?" she shuttered. He suddenly turned her and pin on wall.

"M-Mahi I want you.... "

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