Mahi Vedh, a two personality girl, who has hidden her reality under her another identity which is Prof. Maria, a great...
Chapter 1
"So soon we will give this world a new hope of development and a step to future technology!"
Everyone stood up and clapped for this young female professor standing in front of them.
"Bravo Prof. Maria!!"
"She never disappoints."
"She is a genius"
The complete hall filled with the compliments and cheers for this girl in suit wearing a white coat and black silky locks tied in a ponytail giving the best vibe of a cool anime Scientist.
Her orbs were pitch black matching with her strands tugged behind the ears. Her voice is sweet but deep enough to give extra weightage in her speech.
But one hindrance to call her the most beautiful boffin.... her face which was always cover with a white color mask goes from her left eyes to hovering her adjacent cheek and then lower face including lips.
Some has the theories of her secret face. They say she must have burnt her left portion of feature turning her into an ugly cursed fairy.
When she first step in this outer world she was tagged with a lot of questions for people but soon her hard work proved her importance. They need this genius brain to uplift their society and she never disappoint in that.
She is not a social person in fact she rarely spotted out except from her workplace or seminars. Still she was an in everyone's heart for her kindness and hard work. She isn't cold or arrogant, just and introvert who speak less... way too less.
All this lead her to an award name of "Mysteries Angel".
She thanked everybody who shacked hands with her in hall, as always a great impression on listeners.
Finally, this hectic day came to end and here she was heading to her private parking lot. The laboratory she works in is her Uncle's property which gives her extra security and privacy to work.
Humming her favorite music entangling with the echo of her heels clicking she reach her car. She took out the key causing a jingling sound of the keychain attached to it. She presses a button and the only vehicle standing in that floor flash light from both front and behind followed by greet form car which is the unlocking thug of car doors.
She took a step closer and lift her hand about to open the door when someone called her Name... Her hands stop and so as the humming because the call wasn't "Maria" but her real name nobody ever reported about except the owner of this call.
"Ohoo are you planning to leave me alone to take bus huh?! at this age!! very cruel Mahi." An old man said pouting in a cute tone.
"What's with that tone uncle? " she laughed "and we are still in building SIR," she said in mocking tone. He sighed and both head in the car.
She starts the engine and leave the parking lot. The old man sitting beside her gulp some water and relax on the seat. He closed his eyes for a moment and again open it.
"Today was a great day. We got a lot of good respond from the committee and other scientists also they praised you whole heartedly." the man says in his calm tone.
"Hmm I heard one of your college talking to you 'OH Mr. Vedh this gem is amazing!'" she mimicked that person and both laugh.
They passed a highway and parked under quite a bridge. Both get out of the car and exchange their seats. She slowly took out her mask and place it in a bag and kept it under a black plie in back of the car.
She came back in front where Mr. Vedh was already ready to drive and she fasten her belt as the car starts moving. She releases a sigh in relief and relax like he did few minutes ago.
Her bare face reflex on the front mirror as Mr. Vedh admire with aww.
Big eyes covered with thick lashed, small cute nose and pink cherry lips decorated in perfect symmetry on her smooth milky skin.
"How long are you planning to hide your face and that mask oh god!!" He starts the conversation and she pretend to sleep because it’s nothing new concern by him.
"This niece of mine is so pretty still choose to cover it... can't you take that off at least in seminars. There media is going crazy to see their famous, young, ANGEL~ scientist's face." Mr. Vedh said complaining like a kid.
"You know Uncle... soon I’m going to complete my promise to dad by launching our new self-energy generating device 'ARCER’ “she opens her eyes and gaze at the outside.
"All these years I’m working on it secretly under this mask, I have to maintain it so no one got it’s a little smell.... it won't be good. Once we launch this project I will reveal myself and then we can go back to our hometown." she said focusing on the road.
"I know you want to complete your father's dream but... you also know right? that it was the reason of your parent's death. I thought to give you normal life but your stubborn ass like your father didn't listen to me. But I’m proud of you dear...You become a successful professor at just 27. You did a lot of researches and helped world...our DNA is full of intelligence "he claims with proud.
"yeah yeah... so the launch is after three months. We got enough time to give it finishing touch and have final trials buuuuuuttt right now I’m hungry. let's go to McDonald's!!!" her mood shift to cheerful one and pout showing her pity hungry state.
Mr. Vedh chuckle on her childish side. This is Mahi... the real herself. Apart from that mask she is just a childish girl living with her Uncle, her only family.
Mr. Vedh turn the staring and reached the McDonalds. Both of them enjoyed the food and went home.
One week had been passed and Mahi's life was going perfect. She was working hard on her project and her Uncle was always there to help her.
Tonight was a small party by her Institution's Director. Both Uncle and Niece reach destiny and talk to other people. There were professors, investors, businessmen and women who Collab with scientists to create new innovative products.
Mahi was never into money, many investors and business officials try to make her work for them but she always refused. She works and researches for her passion and people's welfare.
Besides that, she never showed her face in publicly that always made her hot topic between them for being introvert but her work always shut them up. Mahi is now used to of these curious and awkward stares, she barely shows up in parties but her director insisted her to came so she can't deny.
Everyone was talking and shaking hands but Mahi as introvert just remain behind her Uncle who was dealing with others.
She got quiet bored and went to the outer hall gallery waking alone quietly. Her brain was wondering around the prototype they were preparing for trial.
Unexpectedly she felt a tap on her shoulder, she turned and saw a muscular man in formal tuxedo in his late 20's, having a smile on his face he greets her.
"Hello, Prof. Maria". Mahi, nod and greet back.
He gawks her head to toe for a minute which create awkward silence between them for her.
"You must be wonder who I am. Well... I’m your Plutus." He smirked and step closer to her.
"Sorry?" She took a back looking confused.
"Oh dear... no need to give that look. I’m Kevin. CEO of SK groups, one of the biggest company you know.... Ok Now I will come to the point...". He had a creepy grin on his face but his words froze her knees.
"What if I gave you a billion dollars for your 'ARCER’?.” he places his hand in his
Her eyes widen as how in hell he knows. Her words stuck in. No way he could be knowing about her secret project which she is preparing in her hidden lab in her house.
He snaps his finger in front of her eyes brought her back from her shock and brain signal her to act dump.
"What are you talking about? I don't know anything” she spoke in low and deep voice.
Her aura changed in a second from sweet to dark.
"Oh, baby stop this act I know you wanna launch it as fucking generating device but its aaaallll waste. If you work for me and convert that ARCER in a weapon, I will give you any payment you ask." He had a playful smirk.
"so what do you think lady? Let’s deal." he lick his lips.
"I’m not interested in any deal so please." she was about to leave but his words stop her feet.
"Did I told you I’m leader of Shaw Mafia group? The dangerous Kevin. Shaw... And I have other ways too to get things I want." He walked in front of her taking out a gun from the back and point to her head.
Her hands started shivering and cold sweats cover her forehead. Her scared state sent amaze to him and release a chuckle. He stares in her eyes for next couple of minute.
His gun began to move tracing her mask from side. She got more scared thinking he is going to remove it.
"Please..." she whispers with trembling voice. Her eyes squished on the contact of cold metal on her neck.
"I will come back tomorrow to your house to finalize the deal with papers." he down the gun and took a step back
"Till then... you can think of your prize. I will pay you fairly but. just don't do anything stupid otherwise what will happen to that old Vedh... baby." His smirk plastered face turn around and walk away.
Whole this time Mahi couldn't able to breathe. She collapsed on her knees shivering form head to toe.
"This is impossible...How... did... he....".
After reaching room she locked herself and process the whole incident happened a few hours ago. She didn't sleep the whole night and kept thinking about her father, her promise, her Uncle and ARCER.
She realized its already morning when her alarm ringed. She stood up and run to basement laboratory and quickly put the papers, notes and drives everything which contained the ARCER's information, throw them in a box while destroying them.
Suddenly the door opened as her Uncle looked at her frowning in confusion.
"Uncle we need to destroy everything quickly!! They have come... they will kill us!! " she said tearing up, her face was all pale with the uneven breaths.
"First calm down dear and tell me what happened and who is coming?!"
"S-Shaw M-Mafia L-Leader" with that she burst out and told everything to him.
He looks at her with an unreadable expression but one thing was clear it was full horror.
"We need to get you out as soon as possible" he spoke in low voice.
Both were panicked and decided to destroy everything in the laboratory, they burn up the notes, files and booked a flight to leave New York.
They were driving in rush to the airport. Mahi was breathing heavily and Mr. Vedh try to relax her.
"Everything will alright don't worry we are near." he spoke in comforting tone and hold her hand softy.
She looks at him that's when suddenly their car was hit by a Van. Their car skit and crush to a poll.
Everything stopped for a second. Mr. Vedh was severely injured and Mahi got her leg injured. Men in blacks came out from it and drag them out of the car.
"Mr. Shaw said you he will visit today. HOW DARE YOU LEAVE AND DISOBEY HIM!!" One was about to shot Mr. Vedh but suddenly everyone heard firing.
She turned her head to found an old man with the well-built body moving towards them with a gun firing at Shaw's men.
He approached them and helped to lift her Uncle to the car. In the process Mr. Vedh notices a man was about to fire at Mahi, he quickly covered her back and took the shot. Both of them were shocked and saw him coughing blood.
That old man shot all the men in anger and reached to them again. Mahi was hitching and tears were brimming continuously.
"NO!! NO UNCLE!! You can't give up. we have to leave New York together... PLEASE!!"
They laid him in the car where his head was on that man's lap and Mahi was holding and rubbing his hands. She was a crying mess.
"p-please h-hold a lit-tle bit w-we will reach soon."