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We were approaching the last week of classes before the Christmas holidays. It was Thursday today and with the others, we had planned to spend the afternoon with Sophie. I had explained to the others my conversation with her mother and we had stopped that day to visit them and Sophie had approved by telling us that it was that day when her mother left the clinic where she practiced quite early and we ourselves we all went out at noon. So after school, we went to her house where we found her parents and her little brother who had also come back from school. Along the way, we had done some shopping for food to prepare on the spot and drinks too. When we arrived, we had checked in before we all took off our shirts to stay with the tops we had on, then we had prepared, cleaned the house and the boys had cleared all around the house before we sat down once the chores are done.

Tonton Claude: (Sophie's father) Thank you very much my children, you don't know how I feel with the actions you are taking. I have nothing to give you except my word of blessing, I bless you. May whatever your hands touch, prosper. I pray that the good Lord remembers each one of you.

Us: Amen Tonton.

Tonton Claude: If you know how at peace I am knowing my daughter is surrounded by people like you, she could not have found better and I hope you will always remain like that.

Us: Amen.

After him, it was his wife who blessed us. We then prayed together before eating, talking about everything and singing until we decided to go home. On the way, we gave an envelope to Sophie. She was surprised and asked us what it was.

Gaël: It's a small sum that we contributed for you, it's not much but it could help you.

She had looked at us and had started to cry, S and I had taken her in our arms.

Me: Don't cry.

Sophie: I don't know how to thank you for all you do for me and my family, thank you very much.

Us: We're welcome.

She had finally taken the envelope.

Sophie: (wiping away her tears) thank you again.

Me: (smiling) It's nothing. And we remain in prayer for your father, I have faith that God answers our prayers for his job.

Sophia: Amen.

Japheth: Now we have to go.

Us: Yes.

We each took a taxi and went home. I had launched this collection a few days back for Sophie. We had given him 100 miles in the envelope. As I said, we remained in prayer but this could help them in the meantime. The devil was such a wicked being that he often used people's weaknesses to get at them. The financial situation of Sophie's parents was a breach. He could use it to tempt her to perhaps accept unhealthy proposals from men to have money to eat or for other needs, so if at our small level, we could support her by making a protective barrier around her, we were going to do it, that was love. The Bible admonished us in the Epistle of James to love not just with words but rather with concrete deeds and we endeavored to not only quote Bible verses but rather to make them practical by concrete deeds which showed people the love of God for them. That even in the difficulties, they were not alone because God always remembered them through the actions he encouraged us to take and there was nothing more gratifying than to put on a smile, even if he was weak, in someone's face.

I arrived home, took my shower before returning to sit in the living room with my phone in hand. I had logged into WhatsApp and had seen many of the messages that had arrived. Some came from the cantor group in which a sister from the church said that until then she was not recovering from the retreat we had last Friday and was looking forward to doing more. This day was truly special. Between the prophecies, the baptisms in the Spirit and the communion that we had had, without counting the teachings that the elders had given us, it was too good. When I thought about it, I even had a smile on my lips. Other people had commented and testified about the things that had happened in their lives since the weekend and we had given thanks to God.

I had also received messages from two unlisted numbers. Going into the messages, I realized that it was two final year students that we had evangelized last week and it was essentially testimonies where one told me that since that day, he had stopped masturbating and watching porn videos. He was telling me that before, he couldn't go more than two hours without watching a video and even in high school, he was going to the toilet to masturbate before going back to his class, he knew that was something which exceeded him and that he could not get rid of it, he suffered from it in silence. But since that day, after the prayer we had said in class, he had felt light as if something had fallen from his shoulders. He didn't know exactly what it was yet, but that was it. He was surprised to find that the rest of the day, he had no desire for all these things and for nearly a week already, it was the same. He understood that Jesus had truly freed him from masturbation and he wanted to thank me for telling him about him that day and bless God for my life.

The other was a girl who told me that she had been healed and liberated at the same time. She told me that since she started menstruating at the age of 12, she had severe pain in her lower abdomen. These pains went from her lower abdomen to her lower back, it was such that she felt like it was a rope or something encircling her waist and squeezing so tightly that she often had pain. felt like it was going to break his back. It was intense the first two days before releasing the pressure around the third day but at that time, she entered another phase, it was the phase of monstrous sexual excitement. She wanted to make love and slept with people anyhow even though she was still in good standing. And this lasted until two weeks after her period, she was like a female dog in heat who couldn't control herself and gave herself up to anyone who was available and willing to put her to bed. She even told me that one day she almost did it with her little brother and another time with her father, but thank God she got out of the house quickly and went to do it with a guy from her neighborhood. People told her she was a brothel in her neighborhood without knowing what she was going through and she had been living like that for 8 years. She went to the hospital and the doctors found nothing, her mother took her to a nganga and another time a friend of hers took her to another nganga (witch doctor) but the two told her said that in order for them to remove that, they had to have sex with her. She had of course accepted, where the first had simply put her to bed in the normal way, the second had gone so far as to sodomize her, she had been in excruciating pain and both of them had assured her of the effectiveness of her recovery, but great was her surprise when, on the return of her period, she noticed the same phenomenon. She had cried all the tears in her body and had finally resigned herself to living this life. But the day I was in her class, and I spoke, she was fine and in pain, she felt something cut in her kidneys and the pain was gone. Subsequently, since her period was over, she no longer wanted to have sex with anyone. She had cried so much of joy constantly that she wanted to share this testimony with me and encourage me to continue doing what I was doing because my Jesus was real and he could truly change people's lives.

I responded to them by expressing my joy and gratitude to God. I had encouraged them to stay on this path that they had begun to take and to be assiduous in the teachings in order to grow and know this marvelous Jesus more deeply. I had also told them that we were there for them and that at any time they could write to us to find out a little more and they agreed. We had done as my father had told me and we had oriented them in the churches according to their neighborhoods. It was because of things like that that I was grateful and kept praising God and evangelizing. What great joy to have testimonies of people whose lives had been transformed? There were people of all ages out there who were suffering under the weight of the devil and his demons who pushed them to act in a certain way without knowing it and sometimes it was even people around us whom we did not even suspect suffering and we were in a hurry to judge them and categorize them as "light girls or perverted boys" without knowing what they were really going through. Not everyone was under demonic influence but generally 7 out of 10 cases were related to it. For my part, I was doing my best by sharing the word and letting the saving Jesus do his work and I rejoiced in the fact that I was an instrument in his hands.

After that, I took my notebooks to revise a bit until my parents arrived…



I had just returned from an interview with our English teacher who suggested that I join the English club for the few months remaining before the baccalaureate so that others could benefit from my knowledge in this area. I was very good in English and I spoke this language like I spoke French, I owed that to my stay in South Africa and then in Ghana. I was saying earlier that my father had been Gabon's ambassador to several countries and those two had sheltered us for some time. So I had learned the language. Moreover, I had started to express myself in English before learning French. It was only when we got back here that we had to practice more than usual, but before that, I had an English accent that I had worked to correct over time to better integrate myself in Gabon. The teacher had told me to give him my answer when I got back from vacation because today was the last day of class before the Christmas vacation.

So I said that I was coming back from my interview with him when I found my guys talking about a subject.

Rick: I'm telling you even he couldn't put her in bed.

Me: (sitting on the edge of the concrete bench next to it, one foot on the floor and the other on the seat) Who are you talking about?

Donnel: From you.

Me: (raising an eyebrow looking at him)

Donnel: Seb says you can put any girl in your bed without exception.

Me: (unfazed) That I think is a fact that everyone here knows, now why argue about it.

Eddy: The thing is that we know your skills in this area but this time we doubt that you can do it.

Me: (raising my eyes in his direction) I tell you that I can do it.

Rick: With anyone?

Me: (serene) With anyone

Rick: Are you sure that if you are challenged to put a girl in your bed, whatever the girl, you will succeed?

Me: Are you asking me a question or an answer?

Rick: Alright. Then do it.

Me: What's the point?

Rick: We give you 500 miles if you get there.

Me: (smiling) You have money to throw out the window, huh.

Them: We're ready.

Me: (smiling) Alright. How much time do I have?

Donnel: Two weeks.

Me: Two weeks is more than enough to do it. Who is the target?

They had all looked at me with a smirk before answering in chorus.

Them: (in unison) Myrna.

I frowned when I heard that name, because the only girl I knew who had it was the little Christian girl and I knew the guys weren't crazy enough to ask me to seduce her. and put her in my bed. I could not do it with her because she represented in my eyes the "sacred and the untouchable". Not that she wasn't pretty or anything, on the contrary, on closer inspection, she was one of the most beautiful girls in high school, but she was a girl I had never thought of approaching in this sense or in any other sense for that matter. Apart from the "Hellos" that we exchanged in the corridors when we passed each other, there was nothing else. There was like an impassable line between us that made everyone stay on their side and do what they had to do. I couldn't decently think of putting her in my bed, it was an idea that had never crossed my mind even once.

Me: (Looking at them) Which Myrna?

Them: (In chorus) the saint.

Me: Are you sick?

Rick: How so?

Me: But I ask you, what crazy idea is that? How can you even for a minute think that I could do such a thing with her, no.

Donnel: But it could be.

Me: (cutting him off) I said no, there's no way I'm doing that. You are really sick. We don't talk about it anymore.

They were silent before Seb asked me how things had gone with the teacher and what he wanted from me.

Me: He wanted me to join the English club to try to administer it in the second term until the end of the year.

Sébastien: And you plan to do it?

Me: I don't know yet. I'll think about it during my break time and give him my answer at the start of the school year.

Sebastian: I see.

We had changed the subject and had chained them one after the other. While we were doing it, the little Christian girl and her gang had passed in front of us and the guys had taken turns looking at us in silence. They had passed and they had gone to sit in the corner reserved for them and they had started talking and laughing about their things without us understanding them. I watched her discreetly for a moment and an image of me kissing her little mouth had imposed itself on my mind without my being able to control it. The surprise passed, I had chased it out of my head and I was even offended by such a thought. It was all my elements that had managed to make me imagine such a stupid thing, I would never have come up with this idea on my own. I took that out of my mind and focused on my buddies without looking in his direction anymore…

It was the end of our last course, we were officially on Christmas vacation and had two weeks off. The first quarter results were due the following weekend, but I wasn't worried about that, we had worked like crazy and I was sure we should have it with honors for me. My grades were hardly below 13 so I was confident.

Rick: We are officially free men for two weeks.

Donnel: Wesh. What's the plan tonight? It's sabado today.

Sébastien: I have a family thing tonight. I won't be available until tomorrow.

Me: Me too, I have something to do in the box so tomorrow but from 6 p.m. because all afternoon, I'll be at the boxing club, there will be a fight.

Rick: Alright.

Me: In any case, we will tie up the program as soon as possible.

Eddy: Yup. Especially since in a way it will be the holidays and the only real holidays that we can really celebrate because from the second trimester on, things go very quickly with the white baccalaureate and others, we will not really have the time to have fun.

Sébastien: It's not wrong. So we will have to maximize during this period to save time.

Us: Yeah.

We had walked to the road. We were trying to get into our cars when Jessica and her two friends came to find us. They had asked us what our program was and if there was a party today. We told them no but that we had to be in constant contact for the shows, after all, they were our "go" so it was obvious.

Voice: (behind us) Jessica mum Adele said reply to messages in the group because she needs your position.

We all turned around to look at Myrna's girlfriend, it was her who was talking. When our eyes met, she lowered hers and clutched her bag to her chest. The little one amused me a lot, every time I met her in high school or elsewhere by pure chance, that was how she behaved. She was afraid of me as well as the other little one they often walked with and who was in B. The only one who seemed not to be afraid and who greeted me when we passed each other was Myrna. From my experience of the thing, I knew that they had a weakness for me, I did not leave them indifferent, only I did not want to touch them, they were very cute but it was as I said more high, they were part of the "untouchables" for me.

Jessica: Sara don't break my ovaries, I don't think you were appointed in charge of communication so move on, thank you.

Sara: Hmm.

Myrna: (coming out of the gate with the other girl and the 4 boys they're hanging out with) S, we've been looking for you inside.

Sara: (going towards them) I came to meet someone quickly. We're going to Gaël, aren't we?

One of the boys: Yes.

They had gone to get in a car together and left high school.

Erna: (to Jessica) What was she talking to you about?

Jessica: Pfft, nothing worth talking about. (To me) Are you taking me?

Me: It will be done quickly because I have something to do right after, I won't have time to stay with you.

Jessica: (Disappointed) Okay.

She and I went upstairs and I left her at her house before continuing to my place. I had greeted Mama Patience before continuing to the large living room where I had found my father with a fairly well-known surgeon friend who practiced in France. My father had asked me to come home early today to see him because he was the one who had to sort of supervise me when I went up there after the baccalaureate. That was my dream, I wanted to become a surgeon.

Dad: Come here let me introduce you.

Me: (next to them) Hello.

The gentleman: Hello young man, how are you?

Me: Yes sir. I hope this is also the case for you?

The gentleman: We are getting old but we are holding on.

Dad: (let's sit down) So this is my son Ethan I was telling you about. He is very bright and has always wanted to be a doctor. It's your specialty that interests him. Ethan is Professor Matéo Pascal.

The gentleman: You can simply call me Professor Mateo.

Me: Alright.

Professor Matéo: So you want to become a doctor?

I do.

Professor Matéo: At least you know that it's not a small matter and the surgery even more so, isn't it?

Me: I doubt it and I am determined to do what it takes to achieve it.

Professor Matéo: (smiling) I like the aggressiveness in your way of speaking and the gleam in your eyes. Hope you still have them. But you will need more to do this job and especially for me to be the one who supervises you, I am someone very demanding and I never caress people in the direction of the hair.

Me: (serene and looking him in the eye) I have no problem with rigor and I am a very disciplined person who is not afraid of being taken back if necessary to learn and improve.

Professor Matéo: (looking at my father) I really like your son. You were right. (To me) I'll spend a week here before going back to France, would you like to accompany me on my trips from time to time? You will have the opportunity to assist me in consultation and watch some of my interventions from afar.

Me: (delighted with bright eyes) I will be very honored.

Professor Matéo: (smiling) Go change quickly because we are going to the consultation like that.

I didn't have to pray for that. I didn't even have my bac yet that I had the opportunity to closely follow the work of a doctor who was part of my top five of the best surgeons that existed? It was a godsend for me. Even if for that, you had to sacrifice a week of partying with friends, it was worth it. Greatness involved sacrifices that I was willing to pay. I had gone to change and I had gone with him. We had spent the whole afternoon and early evening together. Coming home in the evening, I found my parents both sitting in the living room without arguing. That was a first. I approached and greeted them.

Me: Good evening.

Dad: (putting his glass in his mouth) Did it go well with Matéo?

I do.

Dad: When will you see each other again?

Me: Monday.

Dad: Fine. I hope you don't blow your chances like your brother two years ago.

Me: That's not going to happen.

Dad: So much the better. Your mother and I are going to travel in the middle of next week, we are going to visit your brother before continuing our journey. We will do three weeks. You can handle yourself, can't you?

Me: (In my head) Like it's a new fact. (Aloud) I'll manage.

Dad: Fine, you can retire.

I got up without asking for my rest and went to my room upstairs. I had undressed and I had taken a bath before coming to rest on my bed. I had taken my phone and turned on the wifi to connect and I had been invaded by a panoply of messages from my group, my brother, Seb, Jess, and lots of girls I slept with and who had sent nude photos and videos of them masturbating thinking of me. I had watched a couple of videos before deleting them, I was lazy and not in the mood for it. Jessica told me that she missed me and she wanted to make love, I had lots of messages like that from several girls. I had zapped. I had returned to my group and here, they asked me the program for the holidays and I had said that I was going to be off for a week, family emergency. I had not given more details. As for Seb he asked me if he could come to my boxing match the next day. I told him it was doable after which, I fell asleep, very exhausted...

Sébastien: It was a good fight.

Me: Thank you.

Sébastien: You weren't nice to your opponent, huh, to see you it looked like you had problems with him.

Me: (smiling) okay?

Sebastian: Yes. He will have bumps on his face for quite a while.

Me: It's the risk of the job.

We laughed together for a while before I finished putting my things away. My match was over and I had won the fight. Boxing was one of my hobbies, I didn't do it because I intended to become a professional boxer but more to get over my frustrations and channel myself. It was my way of letting off steam when inside I was hurting, the punching bag or like today, my opponent were very often my pain. Currently I did not feel well but I did not know the reason for my discomfort, I had simply chosen to hit my opponent to try to free myself and even if my situation was not really at the top, I was better than this morning.

We were getting into my car when Seb had brought up the subject of the bet.

Sébastien: Don't you feel capable of overcoming that?

Me: Of what?

Sebastian: A bet. I really thought you could have done it to yourself, but you have to believe that not all girls are accessible. It's a shame, your reputation could have taken a higher level and it would have been a kind of crowning achievement for you from your time in high school. Can you imagine that people say you managed to reach all the girls in high school, regardless of their title? And even Myrna? It would truly be a feat.

Me: Hmm.

Sébastien: (sitting on the passenger side putting on his seatbelt) Especially since the little girl there, joking aside, is really good. Look at the cute little face she has and a mouth that really gives you ideas of things you could do with her. Imagine her innocent face and her mouth sucking your cock, or her on all fours and you standing behind her grinding her behind. She moaning in her tiny voice and pronouncing your name after reciting a Bible verse. In addition it is certainly a virgin ground. Just this expectation makes you shiver.

Me: Tell me, aren't you fantasizing about this girl by any chance?

Sebastian: Who me?

Me: (suspicious) Yes.

Sébastien: (laughing) A little yes. But hey, I speak for you. And admit that it is pleasant.

Me: You are really sick dude. You must think of having my speech treated.

Sebastian: (laughing and trying to moan imitating his voice) Yes Ethan, oh Jesus is coming soon, go ahead and bang me, smash my pussy.

Despite myself, I burst out laughing. Seb was a real asshole for sure. Throughout his speech, I had imagined the scenes he was describing in my mind and it must be said that it was quite exhilarating. We had gone to my house where I had washed before changing and going out with him to find the rest of the gang where we had made an impromptu outing to the swimming pool. Jessica and her two girlfriends had joined us and two other girls that Donnel and Rick were sleeping with. We had spent a good time together before separating around 8 p.m. I was in the car kissing Jessica and the image of Myrna had come to impose itself on my mind. I had stopped abruptly.

Jessica: What's going on?

Me: (pulling myself together) No nothing. Let's go on.

We had resumed kissing and her image came back with much more force.

Me: (swearing) Shit.

Jessica: (looking at me puzzled) But what is it?

Me nothing. I want you to suck me.

Jessica: Alright.

She had come down to my feet. I had shifted the car seat slightly to give it more space. She took out my penis and swallowed it. I was then well wedged and I had closed my eyes to fully appreciate the thing. Only the moment I did, it was the images of Myrna that invaded my mind. It was all Seb's fault for putting all that bullshit in my head this afternoon, now I couldn't get it out of my head. At that moment, I had two choices that were imposed on me. Either I rejected it and that meant I stopped what I was doing with Jess, or I slept with her mistaking her for Myrna because right now she was the one my body and my mind wanted to do. love. Although not comfortable with this idea of imagining the poor girl in this kind of thing, I then decided to lend myself to the game.

I had let my mind fantasize about her and I had been surprised by my brain's ability to imagine her in the most bizarre positions and far from displeasing me, on the contrary it had turned me on even more. Jessica was even surprised at the ardor with which I had fucked her that day. Luckily for me, I never talked during sex, except to give an order about a position. Otherwise, I would have made the mistake of pronouncing his name audibly. I had also done violence when I enjoyed because I had his first name on the tip of the tongue but I had swallowed my words. I didn't know how many orgasms she'd had that day but she was happy sprawled in the backseat trying to come to her senses while I pulled out my full condom.

Jessica: (smiling happily) What did you eat today to be so inspired?

Me: (wiping my penis) The sight of your body gave me ideas.

Jessica: (widening her smile) I'm so happy, it's the first time you've touched me with so much passion.

Me (putting my clothes back on) You'd better get dressed, we have to go home.

Jessica: (surprised) Oh. Already ?

I do. I have to go to bed early. I have something important to do tomorrow morning.

Jessica: (dressing upset) Hmm.

She got dressed and we came back to the front. I had started to drop her off at her place before going home. Once in the house, I quickly went to take a shower before going back downstairs to get me a bottle of mineral water and back up. I sat up on my bed drinking some water after which I started thinking about what had happened tonight. Why did I think of that girl like that? What was happening to me? Should I accept this bet???...

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