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I was standing in the hallway not far from our class and I was waiting for Mimi. I had arrived before her and she had told me that she was not far away. I was still in my thoughts when Sophie and Gael, brothers from our group, came to join me.

Sophie: Shalom S.

Me: (smiling at them) Shalom. (peace with you)

Gael: Shalom. What are you doing ?

Me: I'm waiting for Myrna, she's on her way.

Sophie: So you haven't arrived in class yet?

Me no. I preferred to wait for him here once and we'll go home together.

Sophia: I see. Gael told me that Myrna sent today's program yesterday but as I haven't logged in since Saturday night I couldn't see it.

Me: But you too, why weren't you online?

Sophie: The wifi was off, my parents said they'll buy it back today and I didn't have the money to buy a package.

Me: And you couldn't even send us a callback request so that we could find a solution for you?

Gael: That's what I told him too.

Sophie: I didn't mean to bother you.

Gael /Me: (in chorus) Disturb how?

Me: If between us, we can't help each other, who will we do it with? The pagans? The Bible itself advises us to do good and take care of the people in our house. The house in question is not only physical, it is also spiritual. Before going to help outside, I have to start with you who is my own sister from my house.

Sophie: I'm sorry, next time I'll let you know.

Me: Alright.

Myrna: (smiling) Shalom!

Us: Shalom.

Me: Why are you happy in the morning like that?

Myrna: Here is the new day that the Eternal has made, let us live it in joy and gladness.

Me: (smiling) It's good, I understand.

Myrna: Besides, I'm glad to see you and to be healthy. Not to mention that today there is evangelization, it is because our God is good and therefore I have cause for celebration.

Us: Okay.

Sophie: Speaking of evangelization, I didn't read the program, I wasn't connected.

Myrna: Why weren't you online? It is even true. I tried to reach you on Saturday around 8 p.m. but your phone was off.

Sophie: The battery was flat.

Myrna had stared at her for a moment before telling her that she was going to speak to her in private. She then explained the program to him. It was about that we were to meet at the first recess (10:05 a.m.) to pray together for the program of the day and at 12 p.m. (the time of the second and big break) we would go to the final classes to announce the gospel. .

Sophie: I don't want to be the one who goes to speak in the final C oh.

Gael: Me neither?

Myrna: But you all what to flee from this classroom? He who is within you, is he not greater than he who is without?

Us: Hmm.

Myrna: (sighing) In any case, I had already anticipated this reaction. So I will speak alone in the Tc and you will speak in the other classes.

Gael: You also manage the TD so we will take the A1, A2 and the B.

Myrna: So I alone take two classes?

Us: (in chorus) Yes.

Me: Besides, you exhort better than us.

Myrna: Hmm.

Glin, Glin, Glin…

It was the noise that marked the start of class. We had gone to our respective classes. Mimi and I were in the same class, there was only one first S. Sophie was in first B and Gaël in A1. The three other boys were in second Japhet in LE, Adam and Loïc were in second S. We had known each other for three years for some, two years for others and with Sophie, it was a year. She was the last to join our group of Christians in high school. Yet we were not the only ones. There were even young people from our church here, including Jessica, but they didn't walk around with us and above all weren't in the same mood as us.

Some didn't even want people to know they were Christians because they were ashamed to call themselves that, so they preferred to live in hiding. They were leading a sort of double life. Well I understood them a little because I too was a little like them before meeting and especially getting closer to Myrna. I had met her in 6th grade, when my parents had enrolled me in this school and also in the church. Before living here, we lived in the provinces in the town of Oyem in the north of Gabon. My father had a job here in Libreville in a company and he had also found work for Mum in a bank, so we had to move to come and settle here. In the same pile, he had come across a former brother with whom he had converted at a younger age who had indicated the church in which we now pray.

When I came to the church, I was put into the church youth group which started when I was 9 and continued until I was 18 and I was 10. It was there that I had seen her on Saturday, she had approached me with a big smile to greet me but it had stopped there because she was quite shy although known to everyone at the church. I had learned later that she was the daughter of one of the pastors of the church and had practically grown up in this church. The next day, I was surprised to see her sing in church during worship with the grown-ups.

Normally, the little ones like that only sang in the youth groups but she didn't, she was already doing it in the big group and it had to be said, she sang really well. Her voice wasn't as poised and deep as it is today but there was already that thing that made your heart skip a beat when she did. I had been very impressed and had spent all my time watching her from afar in church.

On Monday, which marked the start of classes, I was surprised to see her in the same school and the same class as me. I watched him with great curiosity for the first two months. She was weird but not in a bad way, everyone in school knew she was a Christian because she often talked about Jesus and even prayed for people but the paradox was that she was shy. I didn't understand how she could do all these things and be shy at the same time?

On the other side, she was very smart and did well in school. One day, when mom was talking about her at home and saying that she loved her very much because she gave off such a presence of God, I told her that she and I were in the same class. She had practically forced me to be her friend because she said she would be a very good influence on me. So after a few weeks of thinking, I got closer to her whether at school or at church and in less time than it took, we had become inseparable. And could you put a wood on the fire without it burning?

Myrna was a real fire and she set me on fire. I had become more diligent in church, prayer, meditation, and even fasting. I had started to experience things on the spiritual level that I had never imagined and little by little, I was no longer able to hide myself. Like her, I was also exposing myself and together, we had taken many young people from school to Christ by our way of being and doing, others had joined our group and we were already very numerous as we went along. over time, some had left high school for other establishments, others had won the baccalaureate, and so on.

Now we were down to 7 but it was hoped that we would have more followers this year like last year. At school too, our proximity had propelled me. I wasn't bad in class, but I was average. By dint of walking with her, I had to get to work since anyway, she was just doing that. You couldn't be sitting with someone who studied and worked every day and you were going to cross your arms, forced me too to get started. That was how I went from my little 11 I had in the 1st trimester to 14 in the 2nd and 16 in the 3rd trimester.

Since I had exceeded the bar of 15 in 6th, I had never had an average below until today. The golden rule with Myrna was chapter 3 of the book of Ecclesiastes in the Bible “There is a time for everything in life”. When we had to laugh, we did it, when we had to work too, she didn't have fun with it, you couldn't distract her even a little. When I wanted to talk about other things, it was always "S, we finish the exos first, if you still talk there, I'm going to spank you" and it was true, the phones were in airplane mode and he didn't There was only the sound of instrumental meditations in the background.

And the very highlight of the show was that she didn't like to talk about people, if it wasn't to say good things about someone or bring up a point of prayer, it wasn't. We talked about plans for the future, about God, songs, school, basically, constructive subjects. I couldn't help being focused. As well as we were models and references in school. My parents were proud of me and encouraged me to be with her to the point where I slept very often at their house and she also slept at their house, we had practically been sisters for six years now.

Recess had rung and Mimi and I had gone to our usual corner where we often pray after buying our sandwiches and juice. Mimi had taken everything twice.

Me: Since when do you eat a long loaf.

Myrna: It's not the second track for me.

Me: Who is it for?

Myrna: For Sophie.

Me: (surprised) Oh. Who says she hasn't eaten yet?

Mirna: I know. She hasn't eaten yet and she's already even sitting there waiting for us.

Me: She wrote to you?

Mirna: No.

Me: Did you have a vision?

Mirna: Yes.

Me: Alright.

It wasn't the first time I had heard things like that. Myrna had the gift of vision, she was not a prophetess but from time to time she saw things. And she also had the gift of healing but it showed up much more when she sang but she didn't believe it when it was said. Me, she said, I had the gift of discerning of spirits because every time I said that I didn't feel someone, you always discovered some time later that this person was strange. But hey, I didn't believe it either.

Me: Is that why you told him this morning that you wanted to talk to him?

Mirna: Yes. I think her parents and her have problems, I don't know exactly if that's what I saw but hey, we'll talk to her and see what she's going to tell us.

We had arrived and indeed Sophie was already there, she looked sad for a moment and as soon as she saw us, she started to smile. We had come to her and Mimi had given her her things.

Sophie: (surprised) Oh.

Myrna: Just take and don't try to tell us that you've already eaten or that you're not hungry.

Sophie: (taking) Thank you.

Me: Who prays for the meal?

Myrna: It's Sophie.

She had done it and we had started eating, while we were doing it Mimi had asked Sophie to tell us what was wrong because we knew she was not well. After a little hesitation, she explained to us that her father had lost his job for nearly three months, it was complicated at home financially, it was her mother's low salary as a midwife that made them live all four and it was really difficult. Between the rent of the house, their schooling, taxis and food and such it was the real jungle. That was the reason why she often dried up and was rarely connected lately. There were even days when they had nothing to eat. It was really difficult.

Me: Why haven't you told us since then?

Sophie: (raising her shoulders with tears in her eyes) I was ashamed.

Myrna: (taking her in her arms) You don't have to be ashamed of us, we are your sisters and we will never judge you or abandon you. Besides, it's not like losing the job is something shameful, it can happen to anyone.

Me: (Giving him a Kleenex) Here and stop crying. When you have problems like that, you have to tell us. If we can help you we will. Look at myself the real subject of prayer that you want to waste like that, here are things for which we must pray and fast, it is not for God to touch Jessica's heart.

Myrna: Sarah.

Me: It's okay oh. I was only joking.

Myrna spanked me and Sophie started laughing. But between us was it wrong? Between praying for the financial problems of Sophie's parents and praying for the black heart of the girl we called Jessica there, what was the real subject? Mimi had a way of tiring us with the prayer topics she often had there, when there were people who spoke badly of us, we had to pray for them, when a teacher behaved badly with the students or if he wanted to flirt with young girls, you had to pray, a proud person in a class, you had to pray. That was how she made us pray even for the bad girl there and the tiger gang. According to her, praying was better than criticizing without doing anything. At least we were building things on a spiritual level instead of saturating the atmosphere with negative words.

The boys had come to find us and we had started the prayer which was led by Adam. We had prayed for the midday evangelism and we asked for wisdom from above to carry out this mission, we had told him to precede us in this enterprise and to begin to touch the hearts of the people he already had prepared to hear this message. We had prayed so that our mouths would be inflamed with the fire of the Holy Spirit and that our tongues would be skilful and firm in order to transmit the message of life without twisting the word.

We said "Amen", before we parted because it was the end of recess, we had to go back to class. When I left, Mimi asked me if I had money in my mobile account, I told her that I had 15 miles and she had 13, she told me that we could make a transfer to Sophie from 20 miles because it might help her. We did and we left for class…

Glin, glin, glin. (Bell signaling the end of class)

My heart started pounding because it meant it was time for evangelism. I didn't know why I was so stressed when we did it every Monday. It was the prospect of arriving in front of the guys from the TC there that was stressing me out like that and I wasn't the only one. All the others, apart from Mimi who looked calm, the rest of us were even sweating. We had still made a small prayer and we had gone to this class where we had found about thirty people, that is to say, the whole class. They were on break and would resume classes at 3:00 p.m. It was 1:15 p.m. We knocked and went home. As soon as my gaze had crossed that of Ethan, leader of the band of tigers, I had placed myself behind Myrna. This guy really scared me.

Myrna: Hello everyone, I hope you are well. I guess you know who we are.

A guy: (interrupting) yes Sainte Marie.

Which had the room laughing for a while. Myrna had smiled slightly before staring at him for a moment, he had readjusted himself on his bench and hadn't spoken anymore.

Myrna: (continuing without losing her smile) As our big brother said here, "Sainte Marie" is the name people have decided to give me. Otherwise my first name for those who don't know it is Myrna (widening her smile) I am therefore "Saint Myrna". Don't you think it looks prettier?

She had managed to make almost everyone smile.

Myrna: I'm not the only saint here, there is also Saint Sara, Saint Sophia, Saint Gael, Saint Japhet, Saint Loïc and Saint Adam. We are all saints, not because we do exceptional things or because we bathe in anointing oil as some mistakenly think. And it is not because we have the Bible and we go to church that we are holy either, but it is the word that declares it. We didn't come here to talk to you about Catholic, Protestant, Christian, Muslim religion, it doesn't matter, here it's not about that, if we're here, it's to talk to you about "relationship". Relationship with whom would you say? Relationship with the one who gives the ability to become holy.

The one that allows us to be in relationship with our creator. We have come to talk to you about Jesus. (Smiling with bright eyes) My friends, my big brothers and my big sisters Jesus, the Christ. But who is he then? Jesus is the one who when he comes into contact with someone regardless of their origin, their function, their past and their present, he takes them and transforms them to make him, her a worthy person.

Jesus is the one who takes the weak, the timid, the ignorant and brings them to center stage. Jesus is the one who, when he comes into contact with someone who no longer has any hope because he feels that his story has no way out, that his life has no meaning and that the darkness have covered everywhere and he puts a smile on his face, Jesus is the one who supports the orphan and the widow. The one who enters the life of a young person who suffers with masturbation and tells him that I am here to deliver you. He tells the young girl who just lost her father that don't worry, I'll be there for you.

Who tells the young boy that don't worry, your brother will get over this pain he has (touching the right side of his stomach) on his stomach. Who says to another that this pain that you have in this tooth, I remove it for you now. He's the one who tells this one that your parents' marriage won't break up. He tells the girl that this pain around your kidneys will stop today. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. He is the light that has entered this room to enlighten all people who will choose to open their hearts to him to let him in.

It is about this Jesus that we have come to speak to you this afternoon. He wants to be in relationship with each of you and gives you the opportunity to meet him right now because he wants to change someone's life right now yes you, you who have been affected and whose heart is beating strongly in your chest, yes I'm talking to you. Jesus is calling you, he wants you near him and he wants to have a special relationship with you today, he wants to make you holy as he himself is holy. So I invite you to get up this afternoon and come to us and we will be happy to accompany you in this magnificent adventure that you will have with Jesus and believe me, you will never regret it.

As she spoke, the atmosphere was saturated and one felt a pressure in the room. During her speech, she had words of knowledge about life from some people who had started to cry while listening to her, others were simply impressed because they had a hard time understanding how she knew these things and the aura she gave off as she spoke. Even a layman must have recognized the change in atmosphere that had taken place in the room between when she started speaking and now.

We had the wonderful surprise of seeing nine people get up and come towards us because they wanted to enter into a relationship with Jesus. We prayed with her and took their phone number before telling them we should call them for a follow up. We then prayed for the end before Mimi spoke.

Myrna: (smiling shyly) Thank you for taking your time to listen to us. I have faith that everyone here, we will all eat at the same table one day. Good day and see you next time.

Them: Amen!

We had all walked out of the classroom with our hearts galvanized by the impetus she had given us. I could notice that while she was talking, the tigers had their eyes on her, especially Ethan, I also had the impression that she had touched a point in her life but only, he had not survey. Anyway, we had gone to TD and Myrna had spoken again, she had taken a biblical passage that she had explained and that was the basis of her message. Here, as in the previous room, there had been a change of atmosphere and many other things. At the end, three people stood up for us to pray for them. We had proceeded in the same way before leaving there and then we had taken over in the three other classes.

A total of twenty people had entered into a relationship with Jesus and we were happy. We met at our prayer corner to pray for a while. We wanted to say thank you to our God for the work he has done through each one of us, that he gives us wisdom and discernment so that we can guide them well according to their needs and that he renews our forces so that we continue in this way. We pray holding hands. Mimi then began to sing for a moment "I will serve the eternal" by Joseph Moussio.

Myrna: The greatest privilege is to serve you, is to serve you (*2)

Me and my household will serve the Lord

Me and my family, we will serve the Lord

Me and my home, we'll serve the Eterneeell

Us: (in chorus) I will serve you Lord

All my life, Jesus (*2)

Myrna: I and my kind will serve the Lord.

Me and my generation will serve the Lord

Me and all mine, we'll serve the Eterneeell

Us: (in chorus) I will serve you, Lord, all my life, Jesus (*2)

Myrna: The privilege, the greatest.

Us: The privilege, the greatest there is, is to serve you, it is to serve you (*3)

All: (together) I will serve you, Lord, all my life, Jesus…….sus.

We began to applaud before cuddling. We were all happy and it showed on our faces, there was a little sparkle on each of our faces and we felt a renewal of strength. It was really a good thing to serve the living God. I didn't know how the others who didn't lived their lives, but as far as we were concerned, we wouldn't trade that for the world. It was really chic to be a child of God.

Gaël: (happy) So, there is joy where there is no joy.

Us: (in chorus) There's joy.

It was in joy and good humor that we parted in the hallways. While Mimi and I were talking, the principal and four teachers approached us. They told us that they had learned what we had done in the final year classes and they were very happy and proud of us, they encouraged us to do the same throughout the year and not to slack off. It wasn't the first time they said such things to us, especially the headmaster. Since the 5th that we had launched this movement, each year, he congratulated us.

It was in joy and good humor that we parted in the hallways. While Mimi and I were talking, the principal and four teachers approached us. They told us that they had learned what we had done in the final year classes and they were very happy and proud of us, they encouraged us to do the same throughout the year and not to slack off. It wasn't the first time they said such things to us, especially the headmaster. Since the 5th that we had launched this movement, each year, he congratulated us. And the fact of knowing that we were among the best students in high school and that we were in a way models and references was a plus, he always told us and even allowed us certain rights and privileges such as our prayer and meditation corner. . It was a space arranged with a large rectangular wooden table and long benches that went around, all implanted in the ground and it was sheltered by the trees. He had it built for us because he said the work we did helped make this school what it was. It was a great joy for us. We thanked them and went home with a huge smile on our lips…


I was at home when I got Sophie's call.

Me: (picking up) Hello?

Sophie: (crying) Myrna thank you. Thank you very much for the gesture just now. I received the deposit that Sara and you gave me, it is God who will return it to you. Thank you so much.

Me: It's nothing Soso, you know you're our sister so it's completely normal. And it's like we told you, you often have to explain to us when you have problems, we'll pray together but if we can get our hands dirty, we'll do it, okay?

Sophie: (sniffling) Okay.

Me: Otherwise everyone is well at home?

Sophia: Yes. Mom is even nearby and she greets you.

Me: (smiling) Tell her I say hi too.

Sophie: Wait, she's going to tell you something.

Me: okay.

Her: Hello my daughter, how are you?

Me: Yes mom, I'm fine and you?

Her: It's okay sweetie. Thank you for what you have done and given to your sister, God bless you.

Me: Amen mom.

Her: You must always continue to be as you are and attract people to the light, my daughter, because you are a light. You and your comrades, you are angels of God, above all do not change, it is God who will give it back to you.

Me: Thank you mom, Amen.

Her: You still have to come and see us to pray with us, the last time when you were there, you did us a lot of good.

Me: (smiling) Ok mom, we're going to make a plan to come there.

Her: You also have to make a repertoire of songs like last time, you will come and sing. My daughter you must never stop singing oh, it's a real gift you have there.

Me: Ok mom.

Her: Ok, I'll show you your sister again.

Me: Alright and be well.

Her: Yes my daughter, to you too, you must greet your parents for me.

Me: Okay.

Sophie: Hello

Me: Yes So

We continued to talk on the phone until my parents arrived. We said goodbye and hung up.

Dad: (taking me in his arms) Precious, how are you?

Me: Yes dad. And you ?

Dad: (releasing me so we can sit down) I'm fine, God bless me. Evangelism went well today?

Me: (smiling) Yes, God really touched people today, 20 people gave their lives to Jesus.

Dad: Praise God.

Me: Amen.

Dad: Now these new souls would need to be rigorously monitored to help them grow in their faith and their relationship with Jesus. Did you take their information?

I do.

Dad: That's fine. We must check their location to be able to direct them to a church if we do not take them to our house.

Me: We'll do that.

Dad: But yourself, you will have to stay in touch with them to hear from them from time to time.

Me: Alright.

Dad: (stroking my head) I'm very proud of you and what you do every day. May our God, allow you to grow more in this work that he inspired you and take you from glory to glory in the image of his name.

Me: Amen.

We had spoken together again. I had explained to him the situation of Sophie's dad and he had told me that he would see what he could do for him. I then went to the kitchen to help my mother with the salad she was making. I had already taken care to prepare when I came back from school. Later, we sat down to eat in joy and good humor before I retired to my room to prepare for the next day's lessons. In doing so, I had messaged S to tell her that it was time for us to study and that she had to turn on her computer for a video.

It was almost always like this, when we weren't together, we worked via video call. She logged in and we did. We had worked together before changing the subject when we were done. The first trimester was almost over, there was only next week left before going on Christmas vacation. We had worked well, what was certain was that we were going to occupy the first two places like in previous years when we were in the same class. I didn't know which of us was going to be first in the class because we had roughly the same grades and averages, but hey, it wasn't important, the main thing was that we worked very well and we made things clear to each other. one and the other...

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