The sound of the knob twisting its gears into the door opening the (f/c) haired female glaring viciously over the innocent looking male, lying on the floor, one arm at the back of his and the other holding a brownish red pocketbook while his eyes stared blankly over the written words while humming a tone of a little children song. Twinkle, twinkle little star.
"Shiro... " She mumbled out, her voice reached to the male's ears as a gust of wind flew by. Her (h/l) (h/c) hair drove to the side as she clenched her fists but lowered her guard down by the refreshing breeze thrown upon. (Y/n) threw herself onto the balustrade of the roof, her legs dangling over.
"So you came...not actually surprised."
"What do you mean?"
"Obviously, women like you won't stand down to my offer because of my gifted appearance. Do I have to say it thoroughly through your thick skull?" He stood up from his place, walking towards the female and smirked deviously. Shiro poked the girl's forehead playfully his mischief never dies down as (Y/n) simply glared at him. "...Then I shall. Duhh girls can't say umm no to meh because I am soo handsome. "
"Are we going to start or not?" Crossing her arms, (Y/n) glared at the male, holding her temper as a red hue rose upon her cheeks.
Shiro grinned in delight, looking at the girl once more before turning his back and sitting back onto his place leaving the female dumbfounded.
"Well then shall we start? "
Kenju and his flirtatious friend are walking towards their class and seemed to have their usual random conversations. Until Shouko had a subject that seem to make the silent brunet have been interested.
"Lil' did you know, Kenju. I had met my love of my life! (Y/N)!" The purple haired male exclaimed so loudly that the coal haired male had to cover its loud mouth for anymore attention will attempt.
"You say that to every girl you met but instantly fails." Kenju replied coldly as he rolled his eyes while he took his hand away from the blabbermouth. "And it really has to be that good-for-nothing brat. "
"Well this girl I'm sure of it! " Shouko said with a very wide smile that all female students who walked past the two will cutely giggle at the sight of it for attraction. The two of them didn't really notice and only were paying attention to each other. "You really hate (Y/n) do you? Or do you like her? "
"Of course not! Do you think I would take interest with low-life peasant?!" Barked Kenju, he gritted his teeth and looked over the male who had sunken in fear.
"Aw~ Don't be so mean with my rosy. You two need to get along! Would you do me a favor Kenju? Since you owe me? " The silent male was very unlucky, the sudden realization of him asking for some assistance from the coquet a few days ago with him now wrapped around Shouko's finger because of him owing the mischievous male. He glared towards the grinning male before sighing in frustration and nodded in approval. "Now I want you to accompany my rosy after school. "
"I can't."
"Kenju~! You owe me!"
"No. "
"Pretty please? "
"Ok... Fine. "
"Yey! You two should get along you know. "
The two kept conversing (mostly Shouko did all the talking) until they notice a familiar male on their sights. The blonde male was surrounded by a group of voluptuous women and kept hitting on him while Akashi sunk in fear. The silent and the flirtatious male were very concerned about their friend so they jumped in to help. Shouko made his way into the middle while Kenju followed behind as the women smiled more in satisfaction to see more handsome men who approached them.
"Afternoon ladies! Sorry about the interruption but Akashi here needs to go. Next time I'm going to replace him~" The purple haired male replied with a wink to flatter the females while Kenju helped Akashi get out from the problem.
"Uh thanks for helping me out there. Those dirty b*tches will have to be taught a lesson." Akashi said with the same look to match his attitude while the two males calmed him down.
While the blonde delinquent was mumbling things to get revenge on the flirtatious females a very young man was running for emergencies and suddenly bumped on Akashi. The boy bowed many times and kept saying it was an accident while he was collecting his materials. Then the blonde male suddenly remembered his talk with a girl not so long ago and helped the boy on the very first time while the two males watched him, surprisingly.
"Next time I'll leave you in shame."
The boy immediately nodded his head and replied with a thank you. He ran off to the direction where he was going. The purple haired boy glanced at the delinquent and smirked mischievously while the quiet boy joined him.
"Has Akashi changed?" Shouko asked as he neared the agitated male while he smirked wider.
"Oh shut up you moron."
"Are we finished?" (Y/n) asked as she slumped to her desk while the intellectual glared daggers over her.
"Of course not. Though as everybody's predicament that time goes so slow at this scenario. Ten minutes just passed by and we're still not finished with the school's rules and regulations." Shiro suddenly blurted out as he grabbed a book and smashed it on the girl's scalp.
"OW! Oh I'm sorry 'cause you are just an annoying tutor!" The (e/c) eyed girl said back with honesty.
The dark haired male was amused at the girl's instincts that he adjusted his glasses and remained his malicious expression.
"Well, if this won't work then we'll do it indirectly. What do you want to talk about?" Shiro asked so the attention of
(Y/n) onto his and the intellectual was hoping it would work.
".......Umm how did you and the others met? How did you met Shouko, Takeru, Kenju and Akashi?" (Y/n) finally asked that she really hoped she would ask it to him and today is the day. She waited for Shiro to reply and in a matter of minutes he replied.
"Sorry but not today." Shiro replied and begun packing his things for departure as (Y/n) became furious.
The intellectual only grinned at her and left. (Y/n) huffed as she crossed her arms in a mad way. She packed her things as well and went back home with a angered expression. 'Such a jerk, Shiro.' The (h/c) colored girl walked down the path that leads to an elementary school where she needs to pick her beloved siblings from a place of education. (Y/n) was in her thoughts that she didn't notice someone was calling at her.
"(L/n) are you listening?" The girl was snapped away from her thoughts and had face to face to a person she met earlier morning but color drained from her once again.
"Oh! H-Hi Kenju!" The girl blurted out, forcing a smile upon her lips just to lighten up the mood.
"Do you like to have company? I would like to accompany you towards your brothers' school." Kenju offered with a complimentary smile and he was given a quick nod to the female who was surprised at the sudden change of attitude of the male. Though, Kenju grabbed her wrist pulling her in the process as his lips was near her ear as he whispered. "I'm only doing a favor for Shouko so pretend that we're friends just to end this. "
(Y/n) quickly nodded before starting to walk alongside the silent male. Not so long, the two teens arrived to see the principal with the two twins. Riku and Reiko was surprised to see their sister as they jumped at her making her fall to the hard ground.
"SIS!!!" They both said in unison as they hugged her tightly while their hands are wrapped around her waist. And while the other person was staring at them blankly before staring to the side of empty space, unamused.
While the two twins were hugging their beloved older sibling. Reiko saw in the corner of his eyes another male staring at them. He quickly nudged his twin sibling as Riku opened his eyes the eyes of his brother, he followed and saw what he was referring to. The both of them stood up and quickly helped their poor sister up.
"Big sis who is this?" Reiko asked as he pointed his hand towards the silent male.
"Just a 'friend' nothing to serious."
The two twins nodded their heads and quickly grabbed each of (Y/n)'s hands and begun intertwining with her fingers. The girl rolled her eyes while Kenju watched them. The four people started their way to the (L/n)'s home. The two twins begun bragging about their school with (Y/n) has complete attention to them.
"By the way, Reiko and Riku, why is Principal Himura always with you?" (Y/n) asked.
"Maybe they looked like the principal's deceased sons." The silent male suddenly spoke out of the blue, (Y/n) looked at the male who switched his attention to the tree nearby, shutting his mouth once again.
"Big sister, tomorrow's Saturday am I correct?" Her young intelligent brother suddenly asked.
"Yeah, why?"
"We'll be going on a date!" The energetic twin exclaimed as the girl chuckled.
"We can bring Takeshi with us too. " (Y/n) requested while the twins frowned in an unnoticeable way.
"I'm parting ways. Goodbye (L/n)." Kenju set his goodbye as she waved back nervously.
When the other person had left the group, the three sibling smiled at each other. Exuberant about tomorrow where their first date shall start.