The car drove passed the stores, stands and streetlights while the female's palm was under her chin, staring at her new town . Her two younger, twin siblings being disturbances at the quiet atmosphere only the cause was about the game they’re playing of who will be player one but (Y/n) didn't mind the irritating noise of her two siblings since she has gotten used of her brothers' noise through the years.
"Big sis! Do you think I deserved to be player one as my reward from having such good grades? I deserved those weekly offers from being player one.” Her brother, Riku, called as he snapped his older sibling from her thoughtful state. Riku is a gifted boy since he was born being an intelligent brother who is absolutely opposite from his brother. Even though he's opposite from his brother he likes to play and stick with him 'cause obviously, they’re brothers.
"NO! I deserved to be player one since I am more good at games than you! So please sis! Can I be player one?" Riku's twin brother, Reiko said while he crawled to his big sister and smashing his hands together, giving (Y/n) a pleading look. Reiko is an energetic boy with a naughty personality. He likes to fool or prank his siblings and also likes to play games, the thing that he could only do best. Sometimes he can play games for a whole day without food or any possible things for people to survive in one day.
"It's your problem don't include me." (Y/n) replied coldly as she turned her head back to the window, continuing her current situation, mesmerizing at the scene in front of her. The two boys looked at each other with the same evil plans in their heads and so they sneaked behind the female with a unpleasant surprise ahead of her. Riku immediately grabbed (Y/n)'s arms and putted at her back as Reiko begun fiddling his fingers to his older sibling's stomach making (Y/n) burst into laughter.
Riku gently placed his head over the female's shoulder as Riku lifted his head up to her ear and gently whispered: "You see big sis if you don't pick or answer our questions with a correct answer you will be punished." He whispered gently and went back to his seat while holding (Y/n)'s arms with a strong grip. Reiko was still tickling (Y/n) making the one that was driving had lost his cool and yelled at the youngest siblings.
"STOP IT! WILL YOU TWO BE QUIET FOR THE ENTIRE RIDE!?" The oldest brother, Takeshi boomed making the two twins stop their punishment and went to their seats without no second thought since their oldest brother directly ordered. The two twins begun doing their separate businesses quietly as (Y/n) regains her breathes from laughing non-stop. Takeshi (L/n), the eldest sibling of the family and has the responsibility of taking care of his younger siblings. Despite of their parents dying from a fire years ago. Their company and the fortune their parents had put their life's work is now given to Takeshi since he has the exact age to have full responsibility to the (L/n)'s fortune. He can be a serious guy at times like this with the cause of the company bringing him stress but if it comes to (Y/n)... He is as cool as a sloth (not that he is lazy and all) and can be a little flirtatious to (Y/n) that he tends to tease her.
As the entire ride went smoothly without no arguments because of Takeshi's strict order so the three younger siblings were having conversations about their new home and schools. When they arrived, the two twin brothers were the ones who got first to got out of the car and ran to their new home while the two older siblings had to take their heavy luggage with them.
The house was quite simple. It is a two-story house with a front yard that was decorated with beautiful flowers. There was a porch with a fence around it for safety and two windows between the front door. The upper part has also two windows too. The orphans went inside the house and it was just simple as well. There was a hallway when you get inside that leads to the living room,the kitchen and the study room. The hallway has a stairs beside it that leads to the second floor. The second floor has 4 rooms that has the exact space in every each door except for one that has a large space. The two twin brothers were fighting again of who will have the room so (Y/n) putted them both in the large room so they could share it. So (Y/n) took a room with a window and Takeshi took a different room which it was in the end. The two other rooms are made to be guest rooms.
The four orphans begun unpacking their stuff until the sun was setting so (Y/n) went outside to buy some food for dinner. The (H/c) haired girl doesn't have a clue where she was going so she only walked in the same direction. When the darkness has conquered the light of the sky, (Y/n) was very relieved to see a store right around the corner. But before the girl could make her step to the store a gang of boys blocked her way.
"Hello sweetheart! Wanna have some fun?" The silver haired boy chirped assuming it was the leader. He walked closer to the terrified girl examining her features and begun smirking evilly. "You are quite a beauty, I like it."
"I don't want to go with any of you morons." (Y/n) said with a monotone voice and with that she made her way through the guys but her wrist was grabbed by the male tightly as he pulled it.
"Feisty girl..... now come with us sweetheart we will just have fu-" Before the leader could finish his sentence he blacked out from the sudden punch of a red haired male who has devilish red eyes. The other gang members was terrified at the sudden appearance of a familiar person so they ran away with their unconscious leader. The stunned female stared at the male who saved her life as he looked at her.
"You should probably not be here late in night newbie. Next time I won't be going to save your life." He coldly stated without no hesitation he sunk his hands into his pockets and trailed off leaving the girl behind.
"Wait is it that late!?" The female questioned herself making her grabbed her phone and looked at the time. Gladly she was not too late so (Y/n) went to the cafe and grabbed some food for dinner.
(Y/n) walked down the street quietly and was in her thoughtful state because of what happened earlier. She didn't even say 'thank you' because she was too paralyzed at the scene in front her earlier. (Y/n) wanted to thank that guy if she sees him someday so (Y/n) continued walking until she reached her destination and will be given another rants from her family. and What I meant for family... It means from Takeshi.
After a quick explanation of what happened and after they ate their fast food dinner the family departed to their separate rooms. (Y/n) took a warm shower and dressed in her pajamas. She walked back to her room and crawled up to the bed as she cuddled herself in the covers. Tomorrow will be very exciting for (Y/n) since it is her first day in her new school which is in Yukizoko Academy. A school for boys that was changed into a mixed school from the lack of students. (Y/n) gently closed her eyes and went to the world of dreams.