The girl stared blankly at the male without no clue of him needing her in such place they were currently in. The blonde made his way to her to see her appearance more clearer to see the cause for his companion would be so infatuated with a plain girl, commonly like the other girls.
'What's so important about her? So plain....and she is nothing more-' The blonde male was snapped his thoughts away by the girl who was expecting an answer for why he needed her.
"What do you want?" (Y/n) asked that she was obviously agitated by her hands were on her hips and was slightly a bit scared from the predator who was about to catch his prey. Though, she did not show her feared state since it will make only matters worst than before.
"It's not what I need from you, it's what I wanted to hear from you." The blonde male said with a hint of anger.
The (h/c) haired female raised her brow at the sudden weird answer that made her slightly curious at the delinquent male. The blonde moved to the majority of the space between him and (Y/n), eyeing her silently. He growled under his breath along with a few curses before looking back at the female, shivering slightly.
"You know Takeru, right?" He asked and (Y/n) gave her a single nod for she was not ready to speak because of fear rising inside her. "Good. So what's your problem with him?"
"I didn't do anything if it includes with Takeru. He's just my guide."
"Wrong answer, b*tch." He said as he glared daggers at the female, her body flinching at the sudden action.
"I'm being honest so if you don't take my answer seriously then I'll go. " The angered female declared, moving away from the delinquent.
Unexpectedly, she was harshly pulled by the male by the wrist, his grip on her wrist was tight. Surely, marks will appear later if he'd continue this. (Y/n) flinched from the painful contact of her skin being gripped tightly by the blonde delinquent.
"Oi b*tch! I'm not done with you yet!" the blonde delinquent barked, tightening his hold more.
"It hu-hurts... "
"Of course, it f*cking damn hurts! You mess with me then I'll have your skull crushed!" The male raised his fist into the air, ready to launch to the female. (Y/n) closed her eyes being scared at the upcoming contact as it'll be in the hospital for her.
"Mr. Hirozoku! Assaulting a female student is not allowed in the school grounds!" Mr. Aoi came stomping towards the pair, his frightening glare made the male stop his actions before letting go with the girl, harshly throwing her to the ground. "I expect you to be in detention, tomorrow morning."
The male glared back at the elder until he shoved his hands into his pockets, ready to depart but he looked back at the fallen girl.
"You're lucky this time. Next time when I see you again I'll have your bones burn in the fire of Hell. " He whispered before leaving the place and as for the girl, she seemed struck by his words.
'That was crazy. I'm lucky that I'm still alive... ' (Y/n) sighed in relief, glad that nothing much worst came to her (besides her bruised wrist and painful bottom from the fall) as she looked back at the teacher staring down at her figure.
"Are you ok Miss (L/n)?"
"Yes... I'm ok besides my bruise on my wrist but overall, I'm perfectly fine. " She reassured, standing up from the ground and giving him a small smile. Mr. Aoi sighed in frustration before looking back at the female student's wrist covered in bluish marks from the strong and tight grip by the blonde delinquent.
"You should get some treatment for that Miss (L/n) or else it will last longer. And try to avoid places which consists of you being alone, it will only lead you to consequences. Remember, the boys' population in this school is larger than the girls." He informed, giving every single detail for the girl's safety. (Y/n) nodded in approval before the elderly departed from the back of the school leaving the female, alone.
'I should better get going, though. It's going to rain soon. ' (Y/n) looked up to see the dark sky, covered with thick gray clouds and faint noise of thunder above. She rummaged around her bag, finding a certain item as she found a (f/c) colored item. Opening her (f/c) umbrella, rain started pouring down fast. The ground turning into a darker color by the water raining down.
(Y/n) walked away the building, mind wandering elsewhere. Her (e/c) eyes glued to the ground and hands occupied with holding the umbrella preventing her from getting soaked in the water while the other gripped the handle of her messenger bag. In a contemplative state, the sound of water hitting the ground, the gloomy weather and each step sends ripples of water was the scene. The (h/c) haired girl was preoccupied with her thoughts as she walked home, no worries. Since other than what happened to her, the girl's younger siblings were already home being picked up by the eldest. So the day turning into night, was stormy and nothing else.
But she was not alone.
The sound of running and water splashing, (Y/n) turned around, her eyes caught a sight of the blonde delinquent running without any umbrella to cover him from the weather. His leather jacket covering his scalp 'nearly' letting him dry but other than his head, his uniform was soaked in the rain. The girl blinked once, trying to believe what's recently happening in front of her. 'Should I?... Fine, I'll do a sacrifice. '
The blonde male panted heavily in the middle of the rain while his hands pressed on his knees, his blonde locks dripped with water and his soaked clothes hugged his skin, coldly. A cough escaped his lips, followed by a couple. 'F*ck... should have brought a goddamn umbrella. '
Then, the feeling of the pouring rain hit his skin faded. He looked up to see the color of (f/c) followed by an individual, similar to his uniform until his golden eyes met (e/c) eyes. A perplexed look represent his features.
"I know I'm going to be welcomed by Death if you see me again but I couldn't leave you here. " (Y/n) calmly said, looking up to the gray sky, she breathed silently, before looking down the blonde delinquent and gave him a smile.
"Why?" He breathed out, a few coughs erupted his mouth and red tint spreader his face.
"Why? I thought you knew it already... " She playfully placed her finger at the bottom of her lips looking up like she was thinking until she looked back at the male and flicked his head.
"Oi! What was that for!? "
"Revenge. " She playfully smiled with her eyes closed before opening them once again. "And I only did this to you since I want us to be friends. "
(Y/n) noticed the male's red face, worry represent her features, she lifted her palm against the blonde's head and pressed it, feeling the extreme heat on her skin. She retracted back her hand, flinching at the hot temperature she had pressed her palm against his head.
"You're burning up. Let's go to my house, it's just a few houses away from here. " (Y/n) lent her free hand to the male, bending her knees all the way, the blonde quickly accepted her offer, lifting himself up while the girl supported him.
Slinging his arm around her shoulder, her weight built up but overall, (Y/n) was fine and was still able to stand. The pair started walking, their pace slow and steady. The (h/c) haired girl supported the delinquent on walking until they arrived. The lights inside were off. Seeming, the boys inside were asleep. (Y/n) and the blonde pushed their way inside, opening the door, she later the blonde on the couch and rushed to the kitchen.
Returning with a wet cloth and leftover soup, (Y/n) kneeled down beside the couch and pressed the wet cloth upon his head. Cooling off the heat spreading on his face.
"I'll bring you some clothes. I'm sure Takeshi wouldn't mind to lend you some if I lie to him. Try to eat some soup, it will make you better for the meantime. " Sounding like a mother, (Y/n) smiled at the blonde before departing the living room to enter the eldest sibling's room.
Turning the knob silently, light from the hallway illuminated inside the room. (Y/n) peeked at the small gap, seeing the brunet still awake rummaging around his black laptop. The (h/c) haired girl sneaked her way to the male's closet, quickly grabbing a set of clothes and rushed on getting out of the room.
"(Y/n)?" The voice echoed the room, halting the female in her steps. She cautiously looked back at the brunet, hiding the clothing behind her back.
"Oh hey, Takeshi! I came here to say I'm back! " She exclaimed, laughing nervously afterwards with a drop of sweat dripped on the side of her head.
"What's behind you? You do know that you couldn't hide your secrets from me. " Takeshi asked, her body shocking once more.
'You knew every secret I ever had! ' Lowering her head and slowly revealing his articles of clothing. The brunet shown no expression before chuckling slightly.
"If you're clothes were getting small, we should have gone to the mall to buy you new ones. " He said, a smile represent his lips, a thought came inside his mind, before he looked down at his clothing being held by the female. "Though, I didn't expect you would be going to use mine... "
(Y/n) stared at him with irritation, backing away. Narrowing her eyes at the young worker's contemplative state, a scoff left her lips.
"You're thinking about something lewd, Takeshi. " She bluntly said, snapping the male into reality, blushing intensely before turning his back away from the girl.
"N-no! Of course no-not!"
".....Goodnight. "
'Unexpected but I got the clothes...' Clutching the set of clothes on her chest, she walked through the hallway of the second floor. Though, her steps came into a halt, the white door nearby opened. The light inside illuminated the individual in the doorway. Red hue painted on the female's cheeks, the individual's state was similar to hers. The blonde was clutching on the knob, his skin showed nearly everything, no clothes, just a white cloth wrapped around his waist.
"He-Here's yo-your clothes! I'll be downstairs if you need m-me." Pushing the clothes to his chest, (Y/n) ran quickly downstairs, shaking the image away in her mind, she slumped over the couch. Panting heavily while placing her palm over her cheek, her warmth grazed her palm.
'Did I just? Takeshi wouldn't be so happy if he knew this but why would I be worrying about that now!? ' Shaking her head and preoccupied with her thoughts. (Y/n) stayed on the couch, the empty bowl and dried cloth left untouched on the small table beside her. Though, she didn't notice the blonde walking down the stairs, already dressed.
"(Y/n)?" He called out, the girl's thoughts disappeared quickly as she looked up to see the blonde delinquent coming towards her.
"I'm glad that my brother's clothes fit."
"You have a brother? "
"Yeah, three brothers actually. Two younger twins and a working older brother. " She replied, smiling slightly at the male who sat beside the female, staring at her blankly until lowering his head.
"Akashi. "
"My name's Akashi. " He repeated.
"Nice name!" (Y/n) complimented before reaching her hand to the male's head once again. But today, she didn't flinch at the temperature on his head. "Well, your temperature is going down. ".
"Your welcome, so are we... friends? ".
Before the male could speak, the sound of the doorbell interrupted the pair's conversation. (Y/n) rushed on opening the door, just to see the purple haired court standing on the porch, grinning goofly.
"I hope you two are not doing what I am thinking! " Shouko said, eyeing the female carefully, a smirk on his lips.
"Oi f*ckboy! How did you find me?!" He exclaimed, stomping his way beside the girl while the coquet smiled innocently.
"A small object helped me. " The male showed a device, a small antenna placed on top and a screen showed a red dot beeping repeatedly in the middle of the lines that looked like houses. "I'll always find you, Akashi. "
"Since when did you put a tracker on me?! "
"It's a secret. " He said before grabbing the blonde's wrist and walked away from the female who stood there confusedly. "Well we'll be going now. Goodbye rosy~!"
'They seemed close. ' She thought, blinking twice at the pair, the coquet dragging the blonde delinquent behind him as he ranted about killing the mischievous male who smiled innocently. Surely, the blonde's loud rants and curses could wake up the whole neighborhood. (Y/n) giggled at the sight before closing the door and sliding down on the door, sighing in relief.
'That turned out great, I guess? '