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Chapter 2 “First Day”


The twins jumped mercilessly on (Y/n)'s bed urging her to wake up beyond her deep sleep. With the two boys' jumps collide, it thrown (Y/n) off the bed.

"Ughhh! Really!?" (Y/n) groaned in pain and rubbed her aching scalp from an unpleasant fall.

"Big brother told us to wake you up since we are your so called 'alarm clocks'." Riku informed while adjusting his glasses and walked back downstairs along with Reiko.

The aching feeling on (Y/n)'s head totally knocked her out of her drowsy state. She stood up and grabbed her new uniform that was hanging on the handle of her closet as she begun assembling her clothes which consists of a white shirt with a chest pocket that consists of the academy logo, a red plaid skirt and a red ribbon. She gently brushed her (h/c) hair and making sure that there are no tangles on it. (Y/n) headed downstairs with her bag and was ready for school. Her three brothers were eating breakfast along with minding their own businesses. Takeshi was on his laptop while sipping on his strong coffee and the twins were conversing happily while eating their delicious breakfast. (Y/n) took her seat and started eating her breakfast with a question to begin the conversation with her older brother.

"Why do I have to transfer to an all boys school just turned into a mixed one? Of all schools why do I have to go to the school which has a few girls?" She asked with full curiosity in mind. (Y/n) isn't really a fangirl to any boys but she likes to be instead be friends with them.

" (Y/n), do you think I would like you to go there? Hell, I would be furiously be knocking off boys that could even come near you. " The boy scoffed while staring at the side as he imagined what would the girl experience in a place, boys having more number rather than girls. "But I have to accept this since the principal is a friend of our parents. He offered us a lowered tuition to his academy  and we are saving money since we're living on our parents' fortune left for us."

(Y/n) sighed in frustration but her brother has a good point so she brought out her phone for entertainment. She opened her app and tried to talk with her best friend.

(Your Username)

Hello Mina?


Here! So how is your new home (Y/n)???

(Your Username)

It's good.


Ok..... what school are you going to?

(Your Username)

An all boys school


Whaaatttt!!!!???? Have you met any guys yet!???

(Your Username)

I'm just kidding!


I almost flip the table because of you! Well anyways, I need to go. BYE!

(Your Username)

Bye, Mina!

After a short conversation with her best friend, (Y/n) finished her breakfast so she took the others' plates and washed them thoroughly. She turned her head towards to Takeshi and spoke:

"Takeshi, me and the twins will be going now or we'll be late." (Y/n) reminded and for the reply of the oldest sibling he gave her a nod with a gentle smile. So (Y/n) took each of the twins' hands and trailed off to the outside world.

The town was pretty new to (Y/n) but she was satisfied to have a map on her hand. But she can't understand it so (Y/n) had to ask someone. The girl noticed a boy across the street that wears the same uniform that is covered in his blue jacket and has dark black hair with silver shining eyes. (Y/n) ran across the street while the two twins wait for her to come back. She called the male as the male looked directly at your (e/c) eyes with no expression. He stopped in his tracks to listen at your reason to call for him.

"Hey! Um do you know where is Hijikata Elementary School? I am new around here so I am getting a bit lost." (Y/n) asked without no stuttering for the guy could understand. The guy was still expressionless but the girl was still hoping for an answer.

"Go straight and take a turn to the right." He coldly replied and without no further silence he continued his way to his school.

"Ummm....... Thanks?" The girl thanked with confusion as she walked back to her younger siblings and walked to the direction that the brunet told her to go.

When (Y/n) arrived at her destination she saw a middle-aged man in front of the school gates greeting every child that passes through the gates of the school. The twin brothers who are not beside (Y/n) anymore had disappeared and appeared in front of the man conversing happily. The (h/c) haired girl ran to where her siblings were and arrived with heavy panting.

"Oh you must be (Y/n) (L/n)." The man said with a complimentary smile.

"Ye-yes..... yes I am." (Y/n) replied with a few pants from the exhausting run.

"I am the Principal of this school. I'm Principal Himura, I'll be taking care of your little brothers from now on." He informed as he give a smile to the shy twins who made them relaxed.

"Oh thank you, Principal Himura. I am very glad about that and now that's taken care of, I will be going now. See you two soon." (Y/n) set her wave to the threesome and started her way to her school.

After 10 long minutes of searching (Y/n) had finally found her school and gladly she wasn't late. As (Y/n) walked past the gates the boys took notice of her and gave her flirtatious looks but (Y/n) ignored them so she continued walking to class. When she arrived the girl was about to take a seat until something landed on her back making her fall to the hard ground.

"(Y/n)! I'm so happy that you're here!" A female voice smiled as she hugged (Y/n) tighter liking hugging a soft, cuddly teddy bear.

"MINA!? Why are you here?" The stunned female asked confusedly while trying to take her friend's arms away from being wrapped around (Y/n)'s body.

"Nevermind about that! You're here! I thought I would never have friends here!" Mina scolded until she heard chuckles that came from (Y/n) that made her pout at the sudden laughs.

"You're such a drama queen." (Y/n) said with a smile until suddenly her smile was gone and turned into an expressionless face. She looked down where her friend was currently on her lap sitting happily. "By the way Mina you should get off me."

The brunette gasped with surprise as she looked both sideways and noticed mostly all of the boys were watching as they chuckle at the actions in the scene. Mina suddenly became flustered so she got off of (Y/n) and returned to her seat without saying a single word. (Y/n) chuckled at her friend's red face and didn't noticed she was still on the floor. Then out of nowhere a hand appeared in front of (Y/n) that was offering for help to get up. She grabbed the hand and looked at a pair of purple orbs.

"A beautiful lady can't be left on the ground. Are you ok?"

(Y/n) stared at the guy in front of her and looked at him head to toe. He has purple, shiny hair that matches his eyes. He has a gentle smile planted on his face so she smiled back.

"I'm fine and thank you for helping me up." The (h/c) haired girl thanked the kind guy as she bowed her head for gratefulness.

"No problem, sweetheart! What's your name?"

"......Oh! I'm (Y/n)! Please to meet you!" She introduced herself with a greeting smile as she brushed the nicknames so she raised her hand and shook hands with the male.

"I'm Shouko, I hope you would enjoy this school!" He happily replied so he and (Y/n) exchanged smiles until a hand dropped on the girl's shoulder and grabbed her hand making her dragged into Mina's seat.

"You are a BOY MAGNET (Y/N)!" Mina exclaimed making her friend shake her uncontrollably.


"Oh don't fool me (Y/n), I saw you talking to a hot guy!" Her friend squealed so much that (Y/n) had to cover her mouth tight.

"So? What's the problem with that? Mina, I am not like a 'fangirl' ok?" (Y/n) explained with a cool voice that settled Mina's systems down.

"You always say that (Y/n)." Mina sighed in disappointment until (Y/n) jumped in surprise as a sudden angry voice echoed the room.

"GO BACK TO YOUR SEATS!" A deafening voice ordered that came from the teacher boomed. All of the students immediately rushed to their seats without having a single thought. "Now we have a new student today! Would you come in front!"

(Y/n) immediately jumped from her seat and walked in front with nervousness. When she got to the front she scanned every student in the class and stopped at the eyes of nature. The girl noticed when she looked at nature-colored eye male he became flustered as he turned his head away from her.

"I'm (Y/n),(L/n)! I hope we could all get along!" She greeted with a huge smile as the boys begun whispering at each other. (Y/n) ignored them and walked back to her seat.

"Ok (Y/n), I'm Mr. Aoi and your guide will be....... Mr. Jurichi." The teacher said politely with a sudden change of mood.

(Y/n) looked at her classmates because of searching a surprised guy who's name was called and it was the nature-colored eye male. He was blushing so hard that he brought his collar up to hide his red face.

'What's up with him?' (Y/n) thought until she focused back to her lesson boringly just like in her old school.

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