The class was always the same when the teacher was gone, chaos. And the subject was Math class. (Y/n) was on her seat while she listens to the music of her headphones, herself, alone, in this world, nothing would disturb her wondrous peace. Until someone had to interrupt her inside the world of music by taking her headphones away. It was obvious that she was thinking: 'I'm innocent why would you do this to meh! '
She perked her head up to see face to face with a male student, currently sitting beside her, in his hand was her headphones. He had his hair in the color of a trunk of tree with yellow golden streaks, behind his black framed glasses were crimson red, staring blankly to his blue covered book on his other hand.
"You shouldn't be using any electronic devices in class, though." The intellectual informed without even making eye contact with the girl and continued reading on his book.
"You're not the boss of me." (Y/n) huffed as she glared daggers at the bright-eyed intellectual. "And besides! The teacher is not even here! "
"True but do you even know what a school rule is?" He questioned, this guy really was getting through her nerves. It is true that it was beyond the academy's regulations to use devices in class but this action was never been bothered to the staff (besides from doing it in the middle of a lesson, test, quiz, etc.) when the students were in a free period or the school was lazy to even get a substitute. In the corner of the male's eye, he saw the female's (e/c) eye twitched in annoyance. "You know, staring at me with indignant features won't do anything."
"Why do you even care?" She questioned, raising her brow, the annoyed look in her face faded.
"I would be very bothered. Judging from my appearance for everyone, they would be fawning over my appearance and high knowledge. And by these kind of traits I possess, it will be obvious that I'm the student body president. " He thoroughly explained, emphasizing each word smoothly and arrogantly to (Y/n) almost mocking his way just to anger the female. If possible, hey eye twitched a hundred times almost hurting her lips.
"Ok, I don't know if you're mocking me or you're just arrogant. But still, why me when the whole class is talking loudly and going through there devices while you being a mother, scolding a single student when there's a volcano going to erupt just by this chaotic class!" The yell wasn't loud enough to attract everyone's attention in the class and gladly (Y/n) sighed with relief but only lasted a few seconds so she glared at the brunet. The expressionless male closed his book and stared to the female, standing with her fists clutching tightly, her shadow looming over the male.
"For fun. " He simply replied. And for once, when (Y/n) had never seen in her life in Yukizoko Academy. A grin stretched upon his lips reflecting to his looks, red eyes displayed amusement, slightly closed and his brown and yellow tresses nearly covered his eyes, adding more beauty.
For everyone currently inside this class, would absolutely treasure his look judging to the loud fangirling from a few girls, who had the male's look-a-like face printed on a pin pinned on each of their clothing, fully admiring the intellectual. Some boys were jealous, thinking like: 'Should have spent my life becoming handsome. ' While on the other hand, the point of views turning to (Y/n), she had her anger rising up to the point where a little blue flame illuminating itself in a really dark room began emerging into a big ball of fire burning the whole room into crisp. Though, the dark room problem was solved anyway.
"What's the name of this all mighty student body president, all handsome and intelligent?" Sarcasm, that's the word, where the girl emphasized each word clearly and mostly... sarcastically.
"Shiro, Shiro Enoshima."
"So Shiro Enoshima, the one who know it all will be just stepping to every student's life just for fun. Let me tell you, Shiro, each human being is not a toy for you to play with and throw it out when your done. They're not puppets for you to be the puppeteer, moving its strings guiding their way to hell until you break their soul, piece by piece, slow and steady, tears and sorrows. So if I were you, I rather bring them to a team creating a strong bond of friendship than spending my whole life being the boss, alone. " All attention went to the pair, and because of her speech, the scene became intense. Shiro... well... he had a blank stare towards (Y/n). No expression shown. And to him, their conversation is about to end since the 'really' late teacher came barging on the door. Two people had got a bad day. (Y/n) (L/n) and the very very late Mathematics teacher.
Once, (Y/n) noticed the teacher coming to the front, like all of the students. She walked back to her seat, grumbling a few quiet rants, before reaching her Math book in her (f/c) messenger bag. As she opened her book, going to listen to the quick lesson just to remove all of her thoughts about Shiro, and the scene earlier. Though, somehow, karma had crashed into her like a truck. A small piece of a folded paper stuck on a certain page of a lesson the class currently learning.
' Meet me on the school rooftop, you'll have to learn the rights for you as a student. '
-Shiro Enoshima
"You've got to be kidding me. "
(Y/n) walked down the hallway by herself and minding her own business until a familiar voice called her. She turned her head to face the three males she previously met: Shouko, Takeru and Akashi.
"(Y/n)!!! Rosy!" Shouko called as he ran towards the female to gave her a big warm hug. The two hugged each other until (Y/n) pulled away to the majority of the two's space.
"Hello Shouko, Takeru and Akashi." The girl greeted simply with a small smile.
"So (Y/n), what's your class? I'll lead you there." The brunette offered to her politely as he raised his hand for the girl to hold but it only came with emptiness.
"I'm fine by myself." (Y/n) said with obvious sounds of anger as she walked past the trio.
"Looks like someone had a bad day." Akashi was the first one to reply. He immediately grabbed the girl's wrist and no matter how (Y/n) could take her hand away, the blonde has a well built body that was strong enough to hold her tight.
The (e/c) eyed girl sighed in defeat so she decided to tell her friends the truth of why she was so furious about something.
"Sorry my day was pretty.....unusual. Something had just came up." (Y/n) replied while her systems started to calm down for the three males to understand.
"And what is that?" The brunet asked as he clenched his fists because of who made his (Y/n) ruined her day.
"Someone named Shiro made me go to Math class at the end of the school for some.... studying." She explained with a huff at the end of the sentence.
"Oh Shiro such a jerk as always." The blonde male commented while he played his hair with his fingers. The two males agreed with him that seem to surprise the girl.
"You know him!?"
The three friends nodded in a saying of yes. (Y/n) seemed surprised that mostly all she met lately were related to each other.
"We'll talk about when were walking to your class. We don't want you to be late, rosy~ " The purple haired male said with a hint of lust in his eyes that the girl didn't seem to notice.
"......Fine....but does it have to be three people guiding me towards my class?" (Y/n) asked while a red tint started to form on his cheeks. The girl was not able to have an answer because the three males started leading her towards her class.
The four people were walking closer to (Y/n)'s class without thinking that the three guys has classes too. But they didn't care. The (e/c) eyed girl was expecting an answer to her question about the intellectual but the trio remained chatting over random stuff in the entire way. (Y/n) suddenly pulled away from the males grasp and crossed her arms to see that she was impatient to know about the intelligent brunet.
"I need to know about Shiro." It was the only thing she would say as she kept her expression to see how curious she was.
"Me, Shouko, Akashi, and Shiro knew each other for a very long time now. Same goes for Kenju. " Takeru explained quickly, the coquet and the delinquent nodded in approval while (Y/n) quickly comprehended the situation. "Is (Y/n) happy now? "
"Yeah. "
"You must have a bad day, huh? Well, let your worries go away for now, ok?" The brunet smiled, a reassuring smile, (Y/n) had no other option but to nod, his smile reflecting to hers. Somehow, she felt safe around her friends. Like a barrier, strong enough to prevent any other sorrows from going inside. "That's our girl. Come on, we're almost there. "
Ruffling the female's tresses, the blonde and the coquet grinned happily. Shouko placing his arm around (Y/n)'s shoulders, and usual, he flirted with her while Akashi started barking towards the mischievous male. Takeru... 'tried' to pull Akashi away from nearing Shouko just to prevent a bloody mess. The girl watched the scene played in front of her and giggled. She liked her life, her friends. All of her worries flowed away like a wave but she just realized.
"Shiro... "