The hard working male was sleeping peacefully in his room like it was the first time he would sleep comfortably but it was not enough because he wasn't sleeping beside his beloved sister, (Y/n). He loved the times, cuddling with his sibling. He just feel safe and comfy around her when sleeping. The brunet was wrapped around his soft blanket until some sound has interrupted his sleep.
The sound kept beeping and beeping that the male groaned as he grabbed his beeping phone to turn off the alarm with a blind limb. Takeshi stood up to get his suit for his work and begun assembling his clothes while multitasking by arranging the contents of his bag. After a quick arrangement the brunet opened the door that leads to the hallway and found out that none of his siblings hasn't got up yet. The dark haired male decided to wake up his younger and beloved sister. He satisfyingly smirked while he went to the female's room and when he finally got inside, he saw two individuals were under the duvet. Takeshi glared at the other individual that is no other than the energetic boy, Reiko.
The two twins were always fighting for who will be sleeping beside (Y/n) so the girl decided that Reiko will go first and the next day will be Riku and so on. Reiko was hugging (Y/n) tightly and he was smiling while he sleep like he was an innocent and a cute boy. Takeshi glared at him so he averted his eyes towards the sleeping female and stroke her hair gently.
"Hey cupcake~ Time to wake up." The satisfied male chirped as the girl opened her heavy eyelids to see who has been awoken her beautiful sleep and she only faced her body to her younger sibling to ignore her big brother.
"Five more minutes, Keshi...." (Y/n) replied sleepily making her use the nickname, 'Keshi'. And she closed her eyelids to continue her sleep.
"I'll force you, then." He said with a mischievous grin.
"Sure, go ahead." The girl replied.
Takeshi took the blanket away from the two without waking the third person inside the room. The dark haired male wrapped his arms around the girl's waist and (Y/n) hasn't move a single inch. Takeshi leaned his face closer and closer to her until he reached the girl's neck. (Y/n) felt something wet and slimy run along around her neck as her body automatically grabbed Takeshi's wrist and threw him on the floor. It was Takeshi's tongue she felt and it licked her neck.
"What was that for!?" (Y/n) asked with a loud voice that stirs her younger brother awake.
"A wake up call." Takeshi replied simply like it was nothing.
The third person in the room has no idea what happened earlier but he was positive it was not good at all so he glared at the eldest sibling with bloody daggers.
"(Y/n)! I want breakfast!" Reiko exclaimed to make all eyes focused on him.
"Sure, big brother could do it." (Y/n) said.
"NO! I want YOUUUUU!!!" The youngster whined as the young adult and teen covered their ears to stop bleeding.
"OK! OK! I'll do it!" The (e/c) eyed female had enough of this nonsense so she accepted her brother's order. Reiko and Riku are quite lucky that they were the youngest in the family that they could get anything they want.
The trio head downstairs but they first woke up the remaining member, Riku and headed to the dining room. Since (Y/n) was ordered to cook breakfast, she walked to the kitchen to cook a delicious breakfast. The (h/c) colored female isn't sure of what she will cook for her siblings so she decided to cook each of her brothers' favourite food. (Y/n) made bacon and eggs for Riku, cereal for Reiko, coffee and toast, and (f/f) and (f/d) for (Y/n).
After eating a delicious breakfast the three younger siblings head off to their schools. (Y/n) did first was take her young twins to their school and was greeted by the principal. After exchanging farewells to the twins, she departed the school and came walking down the sidewalk that leads to her school. Focusing on the surroundings around (Y/n), she had caught a glimpse of coal hair walking near. She rushed on walking towards him to greet him with a smile. And to know who had 'helped' her with the ways to her twins' school.
"Hey! It's you! Thanks for helping yesterday, name's (Y/n)." She beamed, giving the male a closed eye smile.
"So what's your name?" Tilting her head, the smile on her lips never left. (Y/n) looked at the quiet male, his silver eyes glued to the ground until turning his back to the girl and walking away. Like the girl was never there. "Hey! Wait! "
He quickly looked back at the female as she flinched at the vicious glare he held. (Y/n) was lost for words like she felt a lump on her throat preventing her from saying anything. She took a step back retracting her body back to her position earlier.
"Don't even talk to me, scum. " He warned, the glare never disappears until he walked away from the girl who had all of her color drained.
'Yesterday, I was almost killed by a scary looking guy who became my friend afterwards then mentally tortured by this one?! Does my luck getting worst?!' She thought, her legs tremulously shaking feeling like jelly as it fell to the ground. Her (e/c) eyes gazed at the boy's disappearing figure before sighing in frustration. (Y/n) stood from the ground, hanging her bag around her shoulder. The (h/c) haired female continued walking to school, her mind filled with questions about the coal haired boy. 'Why would he?! I mean he helped me yesterday then he warned me not to talk to him?'
"(Y/n)! Wait up!" Looking back, the girl was blinded because something or 'someone' had to pushed herself toward the female, the both of them falling to the ground. The pain was mostly given to (Y/n) since she had to be the one supporting Mina's figure, refraining the coal haired female from being hurt in their fall.
"Get off of me!" The girl exclaimed, wailing her arms around trying to push the female away from crushing her bones. Mina stared blankly, blinking once or twice, she grinned childishly, removing herself away from the fallen figure of the (h/c) haired girl.
"Ehehe... Sorry (Y/n)! It must be the wondrous day we'll going to have! My instincts says so. " Helping (Y/n) stood up with her noodle-like legs wobbled their way up but still, that fall was excruciating. Most of her bones would be nearly broken by now.
"Next time, take diets alright? You're almost as heavy as an elephant, or even worse! A three-story building! " She exclaimed, hanging her messenger bag around her shoulder and started walking away. The stricken brunette left standing, dramatically crying almost to the background changing to a raining scene, a sad aura surrounding the female. (Y/n) turned her head to Mina, sweatdropping a few times. She stared at the so depressed Mina on her knees sobbing quietly.
"Why would you treat me this way?"
"Amidst in this rain, I, Mina Kosugi, fallen to an abyss of darkness by such gruesome words said by an angel disguised as a demon. Such hatred!"
"...Mina. "
"Is this the price? The price of friendship? A sudden strike... shall I ever overcome this assault? Spread my wings and fly once again? It's a mystery... "
"Mina, you idiot! "
"We're here. " (Y/n) announced, the pink haired female came running to the pair but seem to stop to see the brunette....umm how would I say this.... had a huge hump on the side of her scalp.
"Akki says good morning but Akki questions about Akki's friend. " She pointed to the sobbing brunette slumping to her seat, the (h/c) haired female sighing in frustration.
"Drama queen...Don't worry Akki! Mina is just onto her dramatic talks again so I gave her a slap of reality. " Sitting beside Akki, ignoring the devastating aura around the brunette. Surely, (Y/n) was basically ignoring the brunette (the so-called drama queen) while Akki stared blankly at the two friends, confused written on her face.
"It hurts so much (Y/n)! Why me!? " She whined, her cries finally came to a stop which had been going on like forever as she began shaking (Y/n) vigorously.
"Reality check. Just so you know, if you're such a drama queen, you should try applying to the Drama club. " (Y/n) suggested, moving away from the brunette before her brain could even shake off her head.
"Nah, I like to sing! But I'll let that as a side option if the Singing Club declines my application. " Color drained from Akki and (Y/n)'s faces, remembering the time when the girls went out for karaoke. (Y/n) had been wishing to die already when Mina sung the first verse of the song. It was a nightmare came true but instead of a wicked witch shrieking, it was her best friend singing.
"Akki agrees with (Y/n)! Akki likes Drama Club more than Singing Club!" Akki exclaimed, snapping (Y/n) to reality from remembering the horrid nightmare completely.
"Well if you say so. "
Afterwards, the teacher came walking to the Science room where the three girls currently in as the lesson started. (Y/n) had noticed of the teacher's different appearance, silvery white hair that reaches around her waist with two braids tied on each side of her head, her red mixed with yellow eyes shined brightly, a round face and pink plump lips. (Y/n) first thought that she was young, her age matches with hers but slightly older because of her height and healthy figure. And like the girl, the whole class had their jaws dropped. If this woman was a student, she'll be surely surrounded with all the students in this academy.
"Hello, I'm Miss Airi Shinsuke. I'll be your substitute for today since Mr. Aoi is currently home, sick. " Her voice was welcoming almost like an angel, it would be like she was singing a melody to the students. Even (Y/n) was fawned over her beauty. "Today we'll be doing an activity so pair up!"
Students stood up from their chairs and started pairing, (Y/n) had an idea on who will she pair up with. It will be either Akki or Mina but as she looked to her friends. Mina was hugging Akki tightly, childishly glaring to the (e/c) eyed female.
"This is your punishment for hitting me with a rolled up notebook!" The brunette exclaimed, pointing her finger to the female. "Why won't you pair up with your other friend? I ship you two! "
(Y/n) ignored her last sentence and the name popped inside her mind. 'Me and Shouko always have Science class as our first class. He wouldn't mind. '
Her (e/c) eyes roamed around the class but still, she found nothing but an empty seat on the back. Assuming that the purple haired male was absent, (Y/n) sighed in frustration. If only she didn't hit Mina, she would have a partner.
"Do you have a partner, (Y/n)?" The angelic voice came to her once again, (Y/n) turned around to see the teacher leaning her head near her shoulder smiling calmly.
"Uh.. Ye-yes Miss!" Hitting her mentally in the head, she stuttered in her words with a flustered face.
"Call me Ai. I would likely to talk casually to my students, I'm just a few years older than you so formalities are unnecessary." She reassured, smiling to the (h/c) haired girl. And somehow, she got the idea of having this kind and loving teacher rather than Mr. Aoi, the exact opposite of Miss Airi.
"How old are you?"
"Twenty-one. So about your partner... You could pair up with Kenju. He hasn't have a partner yet so would you pair up with him. I'm sure that he doesn't bite. " Miss Airi or should I say Ai gestured to a student sitting at the corner and might I say, this student was very familiar to (Y/n), very familiar.
The young woman held (Y/n)'s hand and pulled herself all the way to the student sitting on the corner, staring outside the window beside him, the upcoming pair were unnoticed.
"Kenju." Miss Airi softly called but it seems the male was in a contemplative state while (Y/n) had her body tremulously shaking almost to her legs giving out. "Brother, come on! Don't make me force you out of your trance." Snapping her fingers once or twice, the boy looked up to see the smiling woman and the frightened girl.
"Brother!? "
Miss Airi nodded with a quick hum. "I'm Kenju's big sister. I know he could be cold at times like this but I'm sure you two will work together fine. "
The silver haired woman departed to see the other pair's works leaving (Y/n) and the harsh, cold male alone.
"Wa-wait! Miss Air- I mean Ai! " Because of the large room containing 32 students, it was hard for the teacher to hear (Y/n)'s call.
"Let's go on with this. " Kenju mumbled out, reaching for the materials needed and started working, alone.
'This would be hard.' She thought, gulping down the lump on her throat, (Y/n) cautiously walked towards the silent male. Opening her mouth, trying to pronounce a word but nothing came out. It felt like her voice was taken away or is it just fear conquered every bit of her courage.
"Umm... what could I do to help? " She asked.
No reply. He continued doing the work for himself while (Y/n) regretted what she did to her friend earlier morning. The female breathed in before letting it all out with one sigh. She looked up to the male, courage started rising up.
"I know that you don't like me but still, I won't be just standing here and watch you do the work like a doll. If you just let me... help you. I promise, afterwards, I would stay away from you if you like whenever it is not necessary. Deal?" She asked, sighing in relief after her long spoken words. Kenju stared at her blankly before sighing in frustration. Pushing half of the materials aside as a gesture of approval. (Y/n) sighed in relief, sitting beside the male and started working on the elements.
Good thing, luck was smiling down at her brightly.
"You two got a perfect score. Congratulations." Miss Airi clapped with joy, marking their work the perfect score. She smiled down at her brother who scoffed and turned his head to the side while (Y/n) gladly accepted the grade. "Class dismiss! "
Students scurrying outside the door, Mina, Akki and (Y/n) walked down the halls. Conversing normally like other friends would.
"I can't believe you would become partners with Kenju. " Mina said, looking upwards, remembering the scene where the silent male and girl worked silently. "And not only that, you two got a perfect score! "
"Akki asks if (Y/n) became friends with Kenju. "
This made (Y/n) remember the deal she made. She looked to the left, beside the lockers, stood the silent male, rummaging around his locker. His poker face never left.
"Well.... Not exactly. "