"You guys have to...." I look around forever21, trying to come up with something funny for Brent and Zakk to do.
"... Get a dress, a booty short, and a crop top and go try it in the fitting room then come out and show us while doing a runway." Stephanie suggests.
"Yes!" Taylor and I exclaim. It's a brilliant idea.
"What? No way." Brent protest.
"Nah to the ah to the no no no." Zakk say. We all look at him.
"Did you just sing Meghan Trainor's song?" Taylor ask him the question that's on everyone's mind with a mischievous smile.
Zakk pause.
"No. I said it. Singing and saying it are two completely different thing." He explains. We all laugh at him.
"Dude shut up. You're such a pussy." Brent tell him.
"Okay what are you guys waiting for? Chop chop chippity chop!" Stephanie urge them to do what she said.
With loud groans, they both reluctantly make their way to the girl section. Stephanie, Taylor, and I search around for clothes for them to try on.
After picking out the perfect dress, booty short, and crop top for them, I give them the clothes and they make their way to the fitting room.
We follow behind them just in case they chicken out. We reach the fitting room and wait in line for the employee.
"Okay how many items?" The girl employee asks Brent.
"Three." He replies.
She looks at the clothes that he's holding then back up at him with a speechless face.
"Uh..." She says, speechless, probably wondering why a guy like him is trying on such clothes.
"What?" Brent ask, innocently.
"A-Are you sure you want to try on these clothes?" She questioned, glancing back at the clothes.
"Yes. Is there a problem?" Brent reply, still acting innocent.
"No! Of course not." She replies back immediately, trying to apologize.
"And you have the same number of clothes as him too?" She asks Zakk. He nods yes. She reaches up the wall and grab the two 3 cards.
"It's the 21 century. Get with the time." Brent tell the girl and she led them to their rooms while we stay behind.
"What the fuck just happened?" Taylor asks with a laughter. Stephanie and I follow her and laugh our asses off.
After we calmed down a bit, we went into the fitting room and sat down on the seats outside the doors.
"Are you guys done?" I ask, waiting impatiently as we take out our phones.
"I'm going to kill you guys if you take a picture." Brent warn me from his fitting room.
"And I'm going to bury you guys after he kills you." Zakk comment.
We all quiet unlock our phones and get ready to take pictures. I click on the snapchat app and get ready to take a video.
"Come out!" Taylor shout.
"Hurry up you pussies." Stephanie shout after.
"Don't forget to do a catwalk. This is your runway guys!" I shout, getting ready to post the snapchat of the year that even Damn Daniel can't measure up to.
"Fuck you." Brent comment before slowly opening his door. I wait in excitement as he slowly makes his way out of the fitting room. Zakk opens his door too and got out. Brent finally appears from the door. I hold up my phone and record as they try their best to imitate a catwalk.
I try to contain my laughter - we all did - but in the end, we all burst out laughing and crying our asses off.
"Oh my god." I say in between laughs.
"My stomach hurts." Stephanie says in between laughs.
"Why am I crying?" Taylor ask, laughing and wiping tears from her eyes.
Brent and Zakk walk to us slowly and side by side while moving their hips to the right and left.
"I can't." I gasp out.
Brent is wearing a black booty short that compliments his leg muscles and ass. Let's be honest, he has some nice skinny legs. The short is so tight that he can't even zip up the zipper and button it. I can slightly see his boxers. That's not even the end of it. The crop top he has on is a black and white stripes crop top. It's so small and tight on him that it doesn't even look like a crop top anymore. It's more like a training bra with sleeves that's about to rip at any second now. The only thing that makes him look manly in this outfit is his abs. I mean, it's not a six pack but his body is fine af.
"Omg. Brent looks like the girly version of the hulk." Taylor point out which only cause Stephanie and I to crack up more. Brent roll his eyes and send death glares at us.
For Zakk, he has on a tight glittery little red dress that looks more like a tight long shirt on him. Like Brent, his leg muscles stick out. The dress hugs his torso and butt perfectly.
"Oh, work it, Zakki!" Stephanie cheer him on. He smiles and wink at Stephanie.
"Kakk Kardashian!" I shout out because the dress makes his butt look big.
It took about a good 5 minutes for us to calm our asses down from laughing so hard. The employees keep giving us weird looks and telling us to be quiet so after Brent and Zakk change back to their clothes, we got out of the store.
Right now, we're just walking around window shopping because we broke af.
"Come one come all!" Someone shout. We all look at the direction of the noise and see a bunch of people gathered around in the middle of the hall.
"Let's go see!" Stephanie cheer and lead the way. We follow her to the crowd.
"Welcome to the lover's contest where ten couples will be selected to play a game and if they win, they'll get this big teddy bear beside me." The host point to the gigantic teddy bear next to him. The entire crowd cheer and roar.
"The game for this contest is... Couple Coconut Mania!" The host announce cheerfully.
"The game is simple. Each couple will have a coconut held between each other's stomach. I will tell you a command and both of you will do it without dropping the coconut. For example, when I say jump, you two will jump while keeping the coconut between your stomach. Last couple standing will win. Who's ready to win!" The crowd cheer and a couple of people raise their hands to play.
"Let's play!" Stephanie demand. We all speak at once, refusing and making up excuses.
She ignores our excuses and immediately start assigning partners. "Okay! Avani and Brent. Taylor and Zakk. And you-" Stephanie suddenly pull a random guy next to her "- and me."
That's Stephanie for you.
She pushes me into the middle of the crowd, making me lose my balance. I almost hugged the floor when Brent distinctively grab my arm and saved me from embarrassment. I swear, if she wasn't my best friend, I would've slapped her ass for forcing me to play.
"Thanks." I whisper to Brent. Before Brent could reply back, the host suddenly announce. "Our first couple!"
I look at where the host is pointing to and realize it was Brent and me. My eyes widen.
"Oh no." I sigh.
"We're not-" Brent started but is once again cut off by the stupid host.
"Thank you very much for participating. Who else wants to play?"
"Us!" Stephanie raise her hand while holding the random guy's hand next to her. Now that I look at him, he's pretty cute. He's your typical white boy with blond hair and blue eyes. He looks good with Stephanie. I ship! But it will never happen because Stephanie is half Filipino and her mom only allow her to date other Filipino guys.
"And them!" Stephanie points to Taylor and Zakk who is already halfway through the crowd. They both stop when everyone's eyes are on them and reluctantly turn back to stand beside Brent and me.
"Okay. Anymore couples?"
A few hands were raised and soon, there were a total of ten couples including us.
"Remember, the game is simple. Follow my commands with this coconut between your bellies. Last couple standing wins." He explains one last time before distributing one small coconut to each couple. We all spread out into one big circle in the middle of the mall, attracting even more people now.
There is a low music playing in the background and we soon started. Brent put the coconut on his belly. Since he's taller than me, he has to lower down so we can be of the same height. I put my stomach on the coconut and we both try to secure it in place, so it won't fall.
"Let's start with something simple. Raise both of your hands up." Everyone raises their hands with the coconut still in place.
"Now jump one time." We all did just that.
"Hug each other." My mouth slightly open in surprise but then I realize that this is supposed to be a game for couples, so I awkwardly extend my hands out to him and hug him. He did the same too.
"Okay, now kiss one another. Just a quick peck in the lips, you lovers." Brent and I make eye contact as the words register to our mind. My eyes widen. I have to kiss him?
"No way." I scoff.
"Wha-" Brent begin but I move away from him, making the coconut drop causing everyone to turn to us.
"Oh, what a shame. We were just warming up." The host says. A second later, another coconut drops. I search for who it is and it's Taylor and Zakk. Well, at least I wasn't the only one who felt awkward to kiss a boy I don't even know that well.
We all move away from the middle and join the crowd. Stephanie and her partner are doing quite well even though they had just met like 5 minutes ago.
After a few minutes of doing the commands that the host tells them to do, Stephanie and her partners are the last one standing. I am really surprise. What the hell. They just hit it off.
"Ah! You losers." Stephanie laugh at us while holding her huge teddy bear that she had just won.
"I will never understand how you and that boy you just met won." Taylor says.
"Thomas." Stephanie clarifies.
"She knows his name too. Wow. Did you get them digits too?" I ask her, wiggling my eyebrows.
"Girl, you know it." Stephanie confirms. Taylor and I laugh at her.
"Well, it was nice hanging out with you girls, but we've got to go." Brent interrupt our little girl talk.
"Well, it is getting late." Taylor comment. I look at my phone and it's 9 already. That means we've been here for 5 hours.
"Yeah, bye. We're gonna go too." I agree. They nod their heads in agreement and leave. Taylor, Stephanie, and I walk to the parking lot while Stephanie is calling her mom to pick us up.
Despite what happened at lunch today, it was a good day.