"Hurry the fuck up, Avani!" Skye yell at me from downstairs. I roll my eyes at his impatience, grab my bag, and make my way down the stairs, making sure to take my time just to piss off Skye. It's my first day at the school and I'm not even in a hurry. He needs to chill the fudge down.
Once I reach the living room, Skye and Aiden's attentions are on me. They both look at me like I belong in a circus.
"What!" I snap at them.
"Go change." They both say in unison, surprising me. Okay, they may be twins but I've never heard them spoken in sync before. Is this a twin thing?
"What! Why?" I ask, looking down at my outfit. There's nothing wrong with it. All I have on is a pair of shorts and a black shirt.
"Because you're not allowed to wear shorts to school." Aiden says.
While at the same time, Skye say, "Because the short is too short."
I stare at the both of them dumb folded, thinking they're just joking. They stare back at me with a serious expression.
"Oh, you guys were serious?" Realization struck me.
"Go change now before you make us late." Skye order.
"I'm not changing. For god sake, it's 99 degrees outside. What do you want me to wear? A freaking winter coat and boots?"
"Please, don't over exaggerate. Just go wear jeans or something." Aiden retorts back.
"Now. Or else I'll tell dad to put you back in that lady grace school or whatever it's called." Aiden test me. I narrow my eyes at him in anger.
"I hate you." I glance at Skye, "And you!" Then head back upstairs to change into a pair of jeans.
"Since you enrolled into this school during the middle of second semester, you'll have to catch up to the other students. Here's your schedule and locker number. If you need any help just come back here." The nice lady informs me and hand me a paper. I grab it with a smile and thank her.
I look over it and found out that my first period is English. Looking at the room number again, I head out to the hallway to class since school started a few minutes ago. Lucky for me, the class is only a few doors down, so I got there just in time before the teacher took roll.
"Hi, you must be Avani Salvatore. I'm Mr. Smith. Glad to have you here." The English teacher introduce himself. I reply with a nervous smile.
"Okay guys, please be quiet and welcome our new student, Avani Salvatore." Mr. Smith quieted the class down. Everyone shut up and look up at me. I stand in the front of the class awkwardly.
Not knowing what to say, I tell them my name. "Hi, my name's Avani Salvatore."
There was silence for a few seconds before Mr. Smith take over, "Okay, since Miss Salvatore is new here, who would like to show her around the school during lunch?"
A boy from the back raise his hand, "I volunteer as tribute." Follow by several others. Mr. Smith looks around the class and decide on an Asian girl whose hand isn't raise.
"Naomi. Please show Miss Salvatore around during lunch. Thank you." Mr. Smith order the girl, not giving her a chance to refuse. She looks mad for a few seconds before lowering down in her seat. Why is she mad?
After that, Mr. Smith told me to sit anywhere I like, and I decided to sit next to Naomi because I didn't know anyone here and she looks lonely.
When I sit down next to her, she tried to avoid my gaze. "I don't bite." I joke. She returns a blank expression and kept quiet.
"Last class, we went over the scoring guide for the free response essay so today, I'm going to give you a few essays to score according to the rubric." Mr. Smith began the class and starts passing out a packet down the roll.
"You can work in pairs, no more than three." The whole class explode with cheers and they start talking to their friends about anything other than the essays we were assigned.
I look around and everyone seems to be occupied except for Naomi.
"Wanna be my partner?" I ask her in a cheerful tone, trying to be friendly.
"No." She replies with a harsh tone and goes back to reading the essay. Okay then...
"Here is the rubric. If you don't know what to do, just ask me or someone in here." Mr. Smith hand me the paper and I return a smile.
I spend the rest of the class reading the three essays that we were given and scored them as I see fit. Then during the last 30 minutes of class, we went over the score and why they got what they got. It's a good thing I was taught this at my last school, so I knew what was going on.
For my second period, I had Sociology and the class were presenting their group topic so all I had to do was sit and stare into space, pretending like I actually care.
When lunch time came, I could not be any happier.
"Do you need me to show you around the school?" Naomi came up to me in the hallway.
"I do need help finding my way to the cafeteria."
"Follow me."
She walks in front of me and lead the way. I quietly follow behind.
"Avatar!" Stephanie's perky voice echoes throughout the empty hallway. I look behind me where the voice came from and see Stephanie running towards me with her hands wide open. Within seconds, she pulls me into a bear hug.
"Hello to you too." I greet her when she let me go.
"You have no idea how happy I was when I heard that you're coming here too. I was walking to the cafeteria and I saw your back and I thought to myself 'umm, there’s only one person in the world who would have such a sexy back like that. It's definitely Avani' so I called your name and you turned around!" When Stephanie finished blabbering, I give her a wide smile. It's my turn to blabber now.
"I'm so excited! Can you believe it! We're already juniors and yet it's our first time ever in a regular high school. We can finally check out boys in the hallway instead of at the mall like creepers."
It's true. We've checked out boys at the mall before. We would order food and sit down at the food court at the mall and we would watch guys walk by. Sometimes we would even come up with a name for them. Yeah, we're really weird but hey, we spend 8 hours per weekdays at an all-girls school.
A girl standing behind Stephanie clear her throat, catching our attention.
"Hi, my name's Taylor. I'm Stephanie's guide." The girl introduce herself. She's really pretty. Her curly medium length blonde hair catches my attention.
"I love your hair." I compliment her. She smiles and thanked me.
"It's naturally curly." Stephanie inform me.
"Seriously? Damn girl. If I had your hair, I would be poppin'." I say, causing the girls to laugh.
"Who's angry bird over here?" Stephanie whisper, or should I say yell-whisper, to me. I look behind me to see who she's talking about. Naomi stood about a few feet away from us with an angry expression.
"Oh! This is Naomi, my guide. Naomi, this is Stephanie, my best friend." I introduce them. Naomi smile quickly at her while Stephanie pulls her closer to us.
"We don't bite." Stephanie tells Naomi.
"Seriously Naomi, chill." Taylor assure her. "Anyway, who's hungry?" We all raise our hands.
Taylor nods her head, "To the cafeteria we go." Naomi and Taylor walk ahead of Stephanie and I since they know where the cafeteria is. We turn around the corner and a certain boy catches my attention.
It's not him, is it?