I watch as he put away his books into the locker. We walk pass him and I catch a glance of him, making sure that it's actually him. My curiosity is confirmed when he turns around, making a brief eye contact with me before I turn back to the girls.
He goes to this school too? Is God playing a joke on me right now? After he called me a barf bag, the last thing I want to do is see him every weekday.
"Who's the guy we just passed by?" I ask Taylor and Naomi. The girls, including Stephanie, turns their heads to see who I'm talking about.
"Oh, he is fine." Stephanie comment.
"Him? You don't want to know." Taylor warn me. My eyebrows scrunch in confusion as does Stephanie's.
"I don't?"
"She doesn’t?"
Stephanie and I say at the same time while Taylor's face twist in confusion.
"You really don't know who he is?" Taylor ask curiously. I shake my head no causing her to chuckle in shock and amusement.
"Well, good luck." was all Taylor say before we reach the cafeteria and get in line to get our food.
Good luck? What's that supposed to mean? Who exactly is he?
Ignoring my train of thoughts, I pick up a tray with chicken and rice on the side along with an apple and some grapes.
"Where do we sit?" I ask the girls. Stephanie shrug while Naomi quietly walks to an empty table at the corner. We watch as she sits down and eat, not wanting anyone to bother her.
"Ignore her. Naomi's always been like that." Taylor tells us. Stephanie and I nod in understanding.
"Anyway, I've got a better spot." Taylor smiles mischievously and leave the cafeteria with her tray. Stephanie and I look at each other in confusion before following after her.
Taylor lead us to a field of grass. We continued walking in the field until we reach the end of the field where an old red bench sits under a big tree.
"Uh... You didn't lead us here to kill us, did you?" Stephanie blurt causing laughter from Taylor.
"No. Sit down and wait." Taylor instructs. We all sit down on the bench and start eating our food.
After a while, Taylor spoke in a singing tone, "Wait for iiiit." She's staring off into the field so Stephanie and I did the same. Within seconds, a bunch of guys in football uniforms run out of a building next to the field. We all watch as the guys run to the field and start practicing.
Damn. These guys are hot.
"Damn... Who's number 23? He's got a fine ass." Stephanie comment. I search for number 23 and saw a guy with his back towards me. He looks familiar-
Taylor's laughter breaks me from my thoughts. "That's Avani's brother." She explains in between laughs. Number 23 turn around and I notice that it's Skye. I totally forgot that Skye is in the football team.
Stephanie cringe in disgust, "Oh god. Did I just say your brother's ass is fine?" Taylor and I explode in laughter at the fact that she just checked out my brother.
"My brothers and I have fine asses. A trait which we all got thanks to my mom." I say appreciatively causing chuckles from Stephanie and Taylor.
We spend the whole lunch time eating and watching the football team practice. After that, it was time for my third period class which is Anatomy. Turns out Taylor is taking Anatomy too, so after we say our goodbyes to Stephanie, we head to Anatomy.
"We have assigned seats, so you have to ask Mrs. Fields where you sit." Taylor tells me before going to sit in her seat in the front. The desk was like tables with a sink that can only fit two people.
I approach Mrs. Fields and she smiles, "I'm Avani Salvatore, the new student."
Her mouth opens slightly in understanding, "Right. Well, we're starting on chapter 9 which is all about hormones. All we're going to do today is make a hormone book so I'm sure it won't be that hard. Here is the paper for the hormone book explaining what you have to do." She picks up a paper from her desk and hand it to me. I happily grab it.
Mrs. Fields search her room, "The only empty seat available is by Brent."
"Who's Brent?" I ask, looking around the room full of students. Mrs. Fields look around the room, trying to find Brent.
"Brent? Is Brent Dawson here?"
"I'm right here." The boy enters the classroom. My mouth slightly open in shock when I realize who it is. Brent is the guy who called me Duke the Puke and a barf bag? Oh, kill me now.
Brent notice me and flash me a smirk. I blink and blink, trying to get his image out of my head.
"Come any later and I would've marked you tardy." Mrs. Fields warn him. "Anyway, this is Avani, your new partner. Please help her if she needs help." Brent smiles innocently.
"Well, you know me. I'm always a team player." Brent say with sarcasm dripping in his tone. He walks over to take a seat in the desk at the very back of the class. Of course, he sits at the back of the class. What jerk doesn't in every high school cliché book, right? With a frown, I walk over to him and sit down on the seat next to him. We're a good 10 inches away from each other, although I wish it was 50 feet, but we don't always get what we want.
"What's with the frown, grumpy?" Brent ask with a pout while Mrs. Fields is taking roll.
"Forgive me for not jumping with joy when I see your face, dopey." I reply back sarcastically but it only amuses Brent.
"You're a sad, strange little girl, and you have my pity." Brent reply back causing my face to twist in confusion and shock.
"Did you just quote Toy Story?" I stare at him with a surprise smile.
"So, you do watch Toy Story? Well, at least we both have that in common." He mused as I scoff. Mrs. Fields began the class.
I knew this school was big, but I didn't know it was this enormous. I've spent about 5 minutes walking around, trying to find the goddamn library so I can get my textbooks and go home already.
Turning around a corner for the 4th time this last five minutes, a white building a few feet away catches my attention and I find myself slowly making my way towards it. When I got closer, I see a sign that reads 'Library'. Thank god!
I make my way to the door only to see that half the lights are turned off. It's not even that late yet, why are most of the lights turned off? Curiosity comes over me and I push the door open then enter the building.
No answer.
"Anybody here?"
Moving a few steps forward, I look around in the dim building to see that it's empty except for a few shelves, tables, and chairs here and there. The library is empty. A library has a lot of books and shelves and tables and people. Why would this library be empty?
Not wanting to be that dumb bitch in scary movies who goes into an empty building and ends up getting killed, I retreat. I was about to push the door open to get out when I hear something drop followed by a wince. I immediately look back to see who's with me.
I definitely heard a wince. What if someone is in pain? What if I leave, knowing that I could have stopped someone from dying? My stupid thoughts take over once again.
"Hello?" I call out. With a deep breath in and out, I walk further into the building where the sound came from. I notice a room to my left and head over to open the door.
"Hell-" I stop midway when I see Brent sitting down on a chair without a shirt on in the dim room. I swallow down the lump in my throat. He looks surprised to see me yet relief at the same time.
"Are you going to stand there and stare at my killer body or are you going to help me?" He deadpanned, breaking me from my reverie. I clear my throat from the awkwardness and make my way to him. Once I'm standing in front of him that's when I notice the bruises on his torso. I realize that it's the same bruises that I saw at the party.
"Why are there-" I began but Brent interrupt, "Shut up and help me, will ya?"
I glance at him and he hands me a small box of gauze pads. I grab it and crouch down on my knees so I'm the same height as him. I quietly take out the gauze and address his wounds. A wince of pain makes its way out of his mouth.
"Sorry. Was I supposed to say, 'this will sting'?" I ask with worry.
He chuckles softly, "You've got some rough hands." I chuckle back in return. He hands me some tape and I tape the gauze to his skin.
"I hope the other guy's worse than this." I joke.
"Oh yeah. You should've seen him." He smiles. 'So... Why are you here?"
I glance at him, "I needed to get my textbooks, so I thought this was the library, but I didn't know it's just a normal place where people come to bandage up their wounds."
Brent chuckle, "Has anyone ever told you that you're fucking hilarious?"
"You're the first actually."
"Well, this is a library but it's the old library. Our new library is near the entrance."
Well that information would've helped me 10 minutes ago.
Taping the last bruise up, I get up from the floor and hand Brent back the tape and the box of gauze. He accepts it, stands up, and put it on the chair he was sitting on.
"Thanks." He grabs his black shirt from the table and put it on with one swift movement. That's too bad. I was just starting to enjoy the view.
Brent walks out of the room, "You coming or what?"
"Uh... Yeah." I quickly follow behind him.
Brent showed me where the new library is and quickly left after. I don't know what his deal is but okay. I wonder how he got his bruises. It looks really bad.