"I'll see you later." Ashton said to me after he give me a kiss. "Take care!" I said.
I prepare to this day since I am planning to surprise him for lunch. I'll try to cook his favorite food and bring it to the office.
I've been there and everyone knows me so it will be easy. While Daneyel is still sleeping, I asked Yaya Ning how to cook those foods.
Daneyel woke up in the middle of cooking. "Yaya Ning, I'm sure I can handle this. You go get Daneyel."
"Call me when you need help." I nodded and give my focus back on it.
I check the time and it's always 10:00 in the morning. "Yaya Ning, please give Daneyel a bath and pick a proper clothes for him. Thank you." I said since I'm almost done here and lunch time is coming.
I taste it the last food and it was okay so I turn the gas off and run upstairs to prepare too. I'm not wearing a pants now instead I choose a dress.
Before my dress are somehow reveling, short and fitted but now it's a bit above the knee and not that fitted. I partner it with my chunky flats.
"I already pack the foods." Yaya Ning said as she gave me the paper bag.
"Thank you, Yaya Ning."
"Mommy. Where- going?" Daneyel is still not good at constructing sentence. "Where going to daddy's office to surprise him."
I saw his face lit up. "Yeheyy! Excited Daneyel." I chuckled at him.
It didn't took us that long to arrive at the office. "Good morning, Mam." The guards greeted me so I greet back.
Whe I reach the top floor where he's office is. I walk straight and ready to surprise him when he's secretary stop me.
"Good morning, Mam."
"Good morning, Nikko. I'm here to see Ashton." I smile and about to pass him when he stop me again.
"Sir Madrid is not around, Mam."
I don't know what to react. "What do you mean not around?"
He look at his wrist watch. "He leave ten minutes ago, Mam." I shook my head then smile. "No. He said he doesn't have any meeting."
"It wasn't schedule, Mam. Do you want me to call him instead?" I stop his hand that is about to grab the phone.
"It's okay. I'll give him a call. Thank you." I smile to hide my disappointment.
I was about to leave when I realize the food I cook. "By the way, have you eat your lunch?"
"I am about to, Mam."
I smile then give him the paper bag. "Here. I cook this for you. Enjoy." He looks so happy. "Thank you, Mam."
"You're welcome. I'll go now."
It's a work so I shouldn't be disappointed. I am trying not to cry because our employees are greeting me.
"Mommy. Daddy?" Daneyel asked when we I am putting his seatbelts.
"No daddy, baby. I'm sorry." He pouted.
"What do you want to do instead?" I want to forget the feeling I have to day and divert my attention to Daneyel.
"Toys!" He said and now he looks so excited.
I smile. "Okay. Let's buy you a toy." I drive to the nearest mall to buy him a toy.
I am just following Daneyel while he's looking the toys. A train catch my attention, he's into train this past few months so I know he'll love this.
I am about to grab it when someone grab it too. "I'm sorry." She said. I look at her and she seems familiar.
"Do I know you? You look familiar." I said.
She chuckled. "Oh yeah. Yesterday at the exit of the mall."
"Yes. Yes. I remember now. That's why you look familiar."
I look around and I can't see Daneyel. "Wait a second. Daneyel? Daneyel?" I called him.
"Mommy." I heard him at the third aisle and there he is with the lady we bump yesterday.
"Thank you." I said as I lift Daneyel.
He is already holding a train box. "You want that?" He nodded.
"He like trains, ha?"
I look at her. "Recently he's into it."
"Danica, by the way." She said and arrow his hands that I accept "Zea,"
"What a small world, isn't it?" She said. "Want to join us for lunch?"
She nodded. "Sure. I am also about to go after here."
"You can have the train toy on the other aisle." She nodded and get it. I go and straight to the counter and she's behind me.
"The train is for your?"
"Nephew." I nodded and pay for Daneyel's toy.
We eat at the restaurant we usually eat. "Me and my boyfriend sometimes go here too." Danica said.
"Really? What a coincidence."
She laugh. "Me and my husband usually go here too since we are starting our relationship and now we have Daneyel we still eat here."
"I also want that kind of relationship."
"You don't know how we struggle before we have this kind of peace. My parents doesn't like him and more drama."
She chuckled. "I never met my boyfriend's parents so I still don't know what to react."
"At first, I was nervous but when you know them you'll find them nice and a second family too."
She nodded at me. "I hope he'll introduce me to his family."
"By the way, what's the name of your husband? I'm curious."
"Oh, He's Ash-" I paused when I heard my phone ring. I saw that it was Nikko. "I need to answer this. Can you watch Daneyel for a second?"
"Of course."
I smile then stand up to answer the call. "Nikki."
"Good afternoon, Mam. Sorry to interrupt but Sir Madrid is back."
I didn't ask him to tell me this. Tss! "Okay. Thank you."
I heard him talk from the other line. "Sir?"
"Call me when you need me. I need to go back again." It was Ashton's voice.
"Sir-" He paused and it looks like to me that Ashton already left.
I heard him took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, Mam but Sir Madrid left just now." I roll my eyes. "Okay. Thank you for the update."
I end the call. He's going back? Is that possible for a meeting. First, it wasn't schedule. Next, he's coming back for another meeting?
Hmm. I hate this feeling. I came back to our table. "I'm sorry, Zea but I need to go. Seems like my sister got an emergency."
I nodded. "It's okay. I'll see you again. Take care." I said.
"Here's my number. Text me so that I'll know your number." I nodded again and wave at her.
She seems nice. I look at my son who's still busy on his toy.