This is the book 2 of 'Having sex with my classmate'
Chapter 1
Hi! This is the book 2 of Having sex with my classmate. I hope you'll like this too.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Since yesterday, Daneyel is always crying. I don't know what to do. Our parents are both not around, Ashton have meeting today and it's very important so I didn't told him.
Yaya Ning and I did everything we can, it was almost lunch time when Daneyel is still crying so I decided to bring him to the hospital. He might be in pain.
We go straight to the emergency room and a nurse welcome me.
"What happened?" The nurse ask as he guide me to a small bed.
"Since yesterday morning he's crying and we don't know why." My voice crack.
"Okay ma'am we'll take care of him."
I watch them check Daneyel. Ashton's meeting might be already done so I called him.
"Where are you?" I asked after Ashton answer my call after two ring. "On my way back to the office. The meeting just ended."
"Baby we are at the hospital." I said without intro.
"What? Why?" I can hear him saying good bye to his secretary and cancel everything.
I lool at Daneyel. "It's Daneyel."
"I'm on my way baby." I nodded even though he can't see me.
Me and Yaya Ning are both waiting for the doctor to come up to us when I saw Ashton.
"How is our baby?"
I hug him. "I.. I don't know.
"Let's pray and hope that he's gonna be okay." I nodded as Ashton cares my back.
We are waiting just patiently waiting when the doctor finally come to us. "Doc, how's our son?" I asked.
"Base on the results, Daneyel has pneumonia." It was like my heart broken into pieces.
I sat down and start crying. "My baby," I whisper in between sobs. "Is pneumonia contagious to your baby?" I heard Ashton asked as he comfort me.
"In general, pneumonia is not contagious, but the upper respiratory viruses and bacteria that lead to it are. So it's best to keep kids away from anyone with symptoms or runny nose, sore throat, cough, etc. of a respiratory infection."
Ashton comforts me until Daneyel brings to hus private room. I quickly come to him and hug him. "Sweety," I whisper.
He's wearing oxygen and he's just a sleep. My baby is too young for this. I don't know how he gets this but I can't believe it.
"Look at him," I said to Ashton. "He needs oxygen to breath and looks so pale." I wipe my falling tears.
"God is good, He'll heal Daneyel." He come to me and hug me. "Don't cry baby. Let's just pray for Daneyel, okay?"
I nodded to Ashton. Yaya Ning goes home to bring us food here since we need to stay.
After few hours of waiting Daneyel is already awake. "Mommy, Daddy." I heard him called us to I quickly came to him.
"Hi sweety. What do you want?" I asked him as he look around. He also look at his wrist where the dextrose is.
I pointed the dextrose. "Don't remove this, okay?" He nodded.
"How's your feeling?" He didn't answer me. He hold the oxygen string on his nose. "You can't also remove that, it's helping you breath."
I watch him looking and wondering around.
"Mommy and Daddy is always here for you sweety. You can do this, okay?"
Ashton enters the door. He's from home and I saw him holding a paper bag. "My baby is awake now."
"Do wanna play? Daddy bring your other toys here." He shows the paper bag he's holding.
Daneyel nodded. "Yes! Toys. Toys. Toys " He yelled. Ashton also brings the small play mat so he can play on the floor.
"Baby you tell Mommy and Daddy if you're not feeling well, got it?"
"Yes, Daddy. I wuv you." I giggled and give him kisses.
"We love you too."
"Stop, Mommy!" He push my face. I laughed as I stand up.
I sat on the small couch and watch him. I can't believe that Daneyel is already three years old and our marriage is already two years.
Watching Daneyel playing now makes me realize that I want to cherish every moment with him since he's growing so fast. My baby will be soon a big boy.
As much as I want him to stay like this I know I can't
Laila and Charles come and visit us and the next day Kaye and Ezekiel. They didn't get here together since there schedule are not compatible.
"Thank you for visiting guys. Drive safely." I said as I wave my hand and they get out of our room.
"Mommy. Mommy. When.. when I can I remove this?" He pointed the dextrose. He's talk is still not that straight but you will understand him.
"When you're finally okay. So, if you want to go out you need to be okay first. Rest well sweety." He pouted at me.
"I wanna go out."
I shook my head. "Let's just play. We can't go outside honey."
Daneyel didn't answer me but he come bsc to his toys. "Where's daddy?" He asked.
"He's buying foods honey. Why?"
I didn't answer once again. I come to him and play with him. I know his bored so I make sure that he won't think that he's inside the hospital and he's sick.
It was somehow fun playing with him. I am thinking this as a bonding when he stop playing and come to me pointing his tummy.
"Why? It hurts?" He nodded.
He make this vomit sound so I quickly grab him and bring him to the toilet so that he can vomit there.
After vomiting Daneyel started to cry once again. Thankly Ashton is already here.
"What happened?"
"He vomit and started to cry."
He came to us and he also try if Daneyel will stop crying but he didn't. "I'll call the doctor." He said and I nodded.
Ashton came back with the doctor and a nurse to check Daneyel.