"Sometimes, I just wish you were here.
Just so I could tell you how much I need you
and how hard every day has been without you."
The last time I went to school was maybe 1.5 years ago, my parents couldn't afford my tuition fee and I had to drop out. I couldn't stress them out more then they already were.
So on my junior year I decided to drop out, get a job and helped my parents. At least it would've made me a little bit of use for them.
However, walking down the hallway of Edmonton High right now is probably the most nerve wrecking thing I have ever done except for that 1 time I was forced to hang flowers on one of the chandeliers in the Palace.
I chewed on my bottom lip and hung my head low, making sure I wasn't making any eye contact with anyone. Even though I wasn't a werewolf with heighted hearing, I was still able to hear the whispers around me.
"Another welfare Underdweller?"
"Can't believe this is where our tax money goes too."
"Another day, another trash."
"Don't be so rude will ya?"
The last comment made me smile a little. So there are a few good people around here. I walked faster towards the administrations office while looking down on the piece of brosur in my hand that had the map of the school.
I looked up and quickly scan the area and instantly smiled when I saw the letters "Administration Office".
I mini jogged towards the door and knocked a little before entering. I opened the door and saw a lady with a grey blouse sitting behind a computer. I walked over to her and did a little cough to grab her attention.
"Excuse me, I'm Milea Andrews and a new student here." I said softly, trying to sound polite.
The lady looked up and smiled at me...huh...that's a first.
"Oh yes Ms. Andrews! It's a pleasure to finally meet you, we've been waiting for your arrival. Please take a seat." She gestured towards the seat next to me, making me smile at her gratefully.
"Now I just need to get your schedule. Please wait for a moment darling."
She quickly typed into her computer and a few seconds later printing noises was heard from behind her. She pushed back her chair and took the paper out of the printer before handing it to me.
"This will be your schedule for this junior year, and looking at your transcripts from your previous school I think this is gonna be easy for you." She smiled.
"Oh, I forgot. Your uniform. Your uniform will be dropped of at your house by this evening, so you don't have to stress about that, and," she suddenly picked up the telephone on the desk and told someone to bring Christian in?
"And you will need someone to tour around the academy." Not long after she said that, a guy about 6.2' walked in. He was pretty muscular and had sandy blonde hair that was buzzed at the side. The way he carried himself made it pretty obvious that he was most likely a troublemaker.
"What?" He said rudely to the lady.
She scolded him with her eyes, making sure he knew that he didn't like his actions, making him roll his eyes at her, "Christian, this is Milea. Principle Rields wanted you to take her for a tour of the grounds. This is your punishment for making a scene 2 days ago. Milea, this is Christian, he could be a little rough on the edges, but give him time, okay honey?" She smiled softly at me.
I grimaced at her words and nodded hesitantly and thanked her. I got up and went over to Christian, holding out my hand for him to shake.
Instead of shaking it though, he looked at it for a second and proceeded to walk out the door, shocking me with his actions.
"What a bastard. I outta just -" Before she could continue, I cut her off.
"Shut it Skylar. He's a wolf remember? Don't get us killed on our first day." I hissed back at her.
"Yeah, like Damon's gonna allow that?" She said cockily.
"Who the hell is Damon?" I asked her while following Christian out the door and closing it behind me.
"Hunter's wolf?" She said in a duh tone.
"Oh well I didn't know th-"
"Stop talking to your wolf Underdweller." A voice suddenly interrupted me, startling me out of my conversation with Skylar.
I looked up at Christian with an alarmed look.
"Listen, I don't wanna be doing this as much as you do, but if I don't do it, I'll be kicked out of this school and my dad will have my head if that happens. So listen up. I'll be taking you around and bla bla bla, but I don't want to associate with you afterwards, so don't talk unless you gotta ask something. I can't be going around being seen with an Underdweller. Got that?" He said gruffly.
I nodded my head quickly. I gotta admit though, his words stung. Just because I was an Underdweller he didn't have the right to talk to me like I was some kind of trash.
He raised his eyebrows and stepped closer to me, bending down so that his face was right in front of mine, making me pull back instantly.
"I said, got that?" He said slowly.
"Yes." I managed to whispered out. I was terrified of this guy, I mean, look at him and look at me, I probably looked like a toothpick next to the guy.
He straightened his posture and walked away, making me sigh in relief before following him behind.
The hallway was empty, meaning that everyone was probably already in class, which eased me a little bit. Christian was pointing in directions and telling me where is where when I suddenly got a call, making him stop and look at me.
My eyes widened at the sound of my ringtone and I shuffled to get the device. It was an unknown number, making me frown. I looked up from my phone and looked at Christian for silent permission, in which he nodded.
I walked away for a distance and answered my phone.
"Hello?" I said quietly.
"Lea.." A voice I knew all to well was heard from the other side. Making tears form in my eyes. I missed him so damn much.
"Hunter." I whispered out.
"Oh goddess how much I miss you calling my name." He said, sounding pained.
"Come home Hunter. Why did you leave without telling me? Why didn't you see me for 4 days, before you left. You could've said something to me." I sobbed out, my heart clenching with ache.
It's been too long for both me and my wolf, and now, we just want him back in our arms.
"I'm sorry love, I didn't want to burden you with this mess. Please don't cry, it pains me to hear you cry. I'm going crazy here just thinking about you baby."
"Then come home. We're mates Hunter, and newly ones at that. It's not normal for mates to be away from each other this long." I held my head in my right hand and sobbed out.
"Goddess, if I knew being away from you was going to be this hard I would've just taken you with me. But baby, I can't. We can't risk your identity being leaked and it's dangerous here love. I cannot have you in this environment." He growled out.
"I'll be home soon love, and when I am you'll be the first to see me. I promise. We'll have dinner together and we could just watch a movie, how bout that?"
I took a deep breath and calmed myself enough to answer him, "Okay..."
"Are you gonna take forever on that damn phone Lea? We don't have all day!" Christian suddenly growled out from behind me. Making me look back and gasp at how close he was.
"Get off the fucking phone now." He growled and looked at me with angry eyes...uh oh...not good. Not good at all.
"Who the fuck was that?" Hunter's voice suddenly boomed out from the line, making me pull back a little bit.
"Lea! Who the fuck was that? LEA!" He screamed down the line.
I noticed Christian's grew darker by the second, making me shake a little.
"No one. I gotta go. Bye." I swiftly said before hanging up the phone.
"I-I'm sorry, it was my-"
"I don't give a fuck who it was. Now c'mon, I want this shit over with before the bell rings." He growled out.
"Hunter is going to have a fit." Was all I thought before trailing behind Christian.
Hello my luvss,
I know I just updated on Monday, and I was planning to update again on Monday the following week, which is tomorrow, but I just remembered that my univ is having an event where I would have to be taken to a military base (Yes, I am not joking) to learn leadership training.
I will be gone from Monday to Wednesday, and the reason why I wouldn't be able to update is...they don't allow gadgets. Which sucks! but ok.
So I didn't wanna leave without posting anything so here you are. Oh and tell me, do you want me to post pictures of who I imagine the characters would be? If you do comment down below.
To be honest, I've been searching some good stories in wattpad but I just haven't gotten one yet, so if you have any recommendations, just tell me and I'll check it out.
I love you all so damn much and please don't forget to
See you when I see you guys.