A bestfriend never let you do stupid things...
To say that work was exhausting would be an understatement really. It was utterly exhausting.
Each morning I would walk to the Palace with Crystal and we would grumble about the amount of work that would greet us the moment we enter the Palace.
Although the job is extremely draining, I know I shouldn't complain. The pay was good and as long as it helps my family, I'll do it for as long as I can.
I thought about the remaining days we have left to work for the Lunar Ball, 4 days.
4 days until we have to go through with Crystal's ridiculous plan.
"Crystal, are we seriously going to sneak into the Ball?" I scowled.
She turned her head towards me and gave me an exasperated sigh while throwing her hands up.
"Milea! Nothing is going to happen, we'll just sneak in, take a look, and get out. Don't be a scaredy cat Lea." She said.
I huffed and just grumbled out at how the idea was stupid and that we'll get caught and probably die in the underground prison.
Arriving in the Palace we went towards the lady by the door and said our names. Oh, I finally learned her name, Ms. Geraldi.
We went towards the ballroom and Ms. Penelope gave us the instructions and sections.
Crystal, you'll be working in the floral department and as for you Milea, you'll be helping Andrew here in decorating the chandelier." She gestured behind me.
I turned and saw a guy with a medium length brown hair, hazel eyes and a cheeky smile. He was cute but his body, damn...boy has been working out.
"Hey, I'm Andrew." He smiled, giving out his hand for me to shake.
"Milea, but Lea for short." I smiled back and shook his hand.
"Alright now, get to work." Ms. Penelope said. I turned my head to Crystal and waved goodbye to her before following Andrew.
"So uhm, just how are we going to work on the chandelier?" I said looking up at the massive hanging light. What do we have to work on anyways?
"Well, according to the picture, we have to make that thing over there," he said pointing up towards the chandelier, " into this masterpiece right here." He said, moving his pointing finger to the paper in his other hand.
I leaned in and saw the picture. It was beautiful, no doubt about that. The chandelier will be decorated with hanging Amaranthus added with some Daisy and light red Carnations.
"Oh wow, that's just brillant. So...you going up there?" I asked, looking at him.
He looked at me and laughed. He walked away laughing and shaking his head. What? What's so funny? I frowned at his back.
I shrieked and held onto the rope that was tied to the board I'm sitting on, as it took me further up to the ceiling.
"ANDREW! THIS IS NOT WHAT I SIGNED UP FOR!" I screamed out to him.
He laughed at my reactions and said, "Just relax Lea. You're not gonna fall, just try not to look down. It'll be less scary that way."
I was currently dangling 30 ft in the air, and I was a ball of histeria. I hate heights. Hate it with a passion. And Mr. Andrew next to me here thinks that this is a joke. A fucking JOKE! We could fall to our death with just one wrong move and the guy thinks it's a joke. Relax my ass.
"Do not tell me to relax Andrew or I'll relax your face. Now stop moving the damn board before we fall you idiot." I hissed at him. I was not happy, not one bit.
"Well what do you expect? I can't do it myself, that's gonna take today and tomorrow. We don't have that much time Lea. So just suck it up and girl up." He chuckled.
Yeah yeah, let's see you chuckle when I stick a flower down your throat, I thought, glaring at him.
The board suddenly came to a quick stop and I held onto the rope harder. Okay...okay we're good. That's it Milea, get your shit together.
I took a deep breath and slowly let it out. Okay, that's better.
We began to arrange the setting of the flowers on the chandelier and it took everything in me to not look down.
I took some of the flowers and began placing them on the chandelier. I never thought that doing this kind of thing could be relaxing, but it actually is.
"So Lea, how come I've never seen you here?" Andrew asked while reaching behind me for another flower.
"Really? I haven't seen you either, this ballroom is pretty huge. It's possible that we might've missed each other." I said shrugging.
"True. So why are you working here?" He asked.
"Same thing as what everyone's here for. The money." I said, smiling towards him.
He nodded and we began to make small talk.
Andrew was really funny, he would tell these lame jokes that are not funny at all, but his laugh was contagious so you couldn't help but laugh along.
"That is lamest joke I have ever heard in all my life. You suck at being a comedian Andrew." I laughed at him.
"You tell me that my jokes are lame, and yet you continue to laugh. I see no logic in that darling." He said with a face.
I laughed and said, "Touchè my friend." I said.
Finishing the last bit of flowers that were inside the box we brought with us, Andrew called towards the guy below to lower us back down.
The board slowly went down and the moment my feet touched the floors I almost went down on my knees and kissed it.
I looked up and admired the work and smiled. I did a hell of a good job there, i thought, while mentally patting myself on the back.
"We did good." I said beaming towards the now floral chandelier.
Andrew looked upwards and laughed, "Yeah, we sure did."
I looked at my watch and saw that it was lunch time, oh goodsy...a starving girl is never a good one.
"Hey, I'm gonna get lunch, wanna come with?" I asked Andrew.
"Sure, let's go." He said.
We walked towards the staff's cafeteria and looked around for Crystal.
"MILEA!" Someone yelled out. I turned and saw Crystal waving her arms to sit with her.
"C'mon, there's Crystal." I said, dragging Andrew to the table.
"Hey Lea, come sit." Crystal gestured in front of her.
"Hey, Oh Crystal, this is Andrew. Andrew this is Crystal." I gestured to them.
"So what's today's lunch?" I asked looking at Crystals food tray.
"Just the usual chilly hot dog, salad and water." She said stuffing her face with more food.
I grimaced at the sight and i could see Andrew's jaw open slightly.
"Okay...Andrew, wanna get some food?" I asked. Andrew nodded and followed me.
After getting our foods we sat back down and immediately I started to eat.
"Whoa, slow down there Lea." Crystal said. I stopped and rolled my eyes at her, yeah, like she wasn't just scoffing down that chilly hot dog just a minute ago.
"So how did the chandelier decorations go? I wasn't there by the time you guys finished."
"It was good, this girl over here, Andrew said nodding his head to me, "was hysterical. She actually thought we were going to die from hanging up there." He laughed, putting another spoonful of salad in his mouth.
"Uhm, excuse you, but I just don't feel relatively comfortable hanging 30 ft up in the air. Until you found another person that's stupid enough that would volunteer for that job then DO NOT press me on that subject. I sassed at him.
Crystal laughed at the respond and Andrew showed the paper that was used as our guideline on how to decorate the chandelier.
"So basically the whole theme of this year's ball is floral?" She asked, studying the paper.
"Basically, yeah." I said shrugging while opening my bottle of water.
After taking a few gulps I looked at Crystal and asked, "So, Lunar Ball plan. Just exactly how is it gonna go?"
Crystal's eyes went wide and she glanced at Andrew. Her face basically said "He's right here you idiot."
"What Lunar Ball plan?" Andrew asked, glancing towards me.
I smirked at Crystal and continued, "Oh you know, Crystal's plan to sneak into the ball and take a look at the King. Nothing big."
Andrew looked completely baffled at my words, "Wait – What? Wtf are you talking about? Sneak into the ball?" He asked looking back and forth from Crystal to me.
"Oh yeah, spill it to everyone Milea. That'll give us more chance to get caught and possibly in jail. Great job. She said sarcastically.
"You do know that you're probably gonna get caught right? And if you do get caught worst case scenario is that they'll kill you." Andrew said in a matter of fact tone.
"Yes Andrew I know that. That's what I've been trying to tell her this whole time, but she just won't listen and think with that little brain of hers." I gestured towards Crystal frantically.
"Hey! That's not nice." She said frowning at me.
I groaned, "Please Andrew! Talk some sense into her." I said, exasperated at the situation. I don't wanna die early. I still wanna find my mate, have kids, have grandkids and then die. Not now. Not when I'm single.
Andrew went silent and it look like he was deep in thought.
I was gonna call out his name when his head suddenly snapped up and looked at me and Crystal.
"I'm not gonna tell in one condition..." He said slowly.
"What? We do the rest of your work? Yeah, no, thanks. What's the other option?" Crystal blurted out.
"No not that...I – I wanna come with." He said.
"Come with where?" I asked, tilting my head.
"At the night of the Lunar Ball, I wanna come with you." He said.
What the actual ducks? Is this forreal?!
"What the fuck Andrew? You were supposed to back me up!" I throw my hands up.
"Well, I am kinda curious on how the King looks." He shrugged.
I groaned and placed my head on the table with a 'Bang'.
I have been utterly fucked by both of my friends.
Hello my loves!!
How are you all? Btw, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
I wanna start of this year by posting this chapter because idk...I just did.
So, I took the advice you gave me and corrected some things in my writing. Ofc, It's still lacking in some places but I hope It's a little bit better then the previous 2 chapters.
Thank you so much for reading and giving this book a chance, i hope in the future I'll be able to always entertain you guys with the story and yeah.
Guess that's it from me today. Talk to you guys later in the next chapter.
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