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Chapter 2 : The Plan

“Most girls, our fight to make everyday

No two are the same.

I wanna be like, i wanna be like,

Most Girls”

Most Girls - Hailee Steinfeld






I woke up with a start, hearing the ring of my alarm. I looked over the clock and saw it was 5.45 AM.

"Not bad", I thought with a shrug.

I stretched before getting out of bed and into my drawers. What do helpers wear anyways?

I thought for a moment before settling for a pair of jeans and a white button up blouse. That should do the trick.

As I walked towards the bathroom I saw that my parents door was cracked open, I smiled seeing my dad. He must be dead tired.

Shaking my head, I proceeded to get into the bathroom and took a shower. After finishing up, I quickly put on my bra and panties and applied my makeup. I always put on my makeup before getting dressed, I was afraid to get it into my clothes.

After finishing up my makeup and getting dressed, I walked towards the kitchen to find some food for my poor stomach.

I took some cereal and milk and quietly ate my breakfast. Yeah, that didnt last long,

Looking at the clock, my eyes nearly went out of its sockets. 6.40 AM.

What the fuck? Where the hell did the past 30 minutes go? I didnt shower that long.

"Yeah right, you basically took your sweet time to sleep in the shower. Dont kid yourself Milea." My wolf said.

"Shut up Skylar, you shouldve woken me up." I grumbled back to my wolf. Being an Underdweller doesn't mean we don't have our wolfs. We do, we just rarely shift into them.

Finishing off the rest of my cereal, I quickly washed the dishes and wrote a quick letter for my parents, letting them know I was going to go to work.

I hurriedly put on my shoes, hopping my way out of the house and practically sprinted towards the Palace.

My lungs burned for oxygen, my feet ached and my muscles were crying out for me to stop. Goodness, I need to start working out.

A smile came upon my lips as I saw the entrance to the Palace. I refuse to be late for my first day so I pushed my poor feet to go faster. It's okay feet, I'll massage you when we get home later.

Upon arriving I was huffing and puffing for a breath but I was quickly met with the lady that hired me yesterday.

"Your name?" She asked with a flat expression. Well good morning to you too sister.

I bit my tongue and quickly stated my name, "Milea Andrews." I huffed out. What the hell? I'm still out of breath?

She quickly scanned her clipboard, looking for my name I guess.

"Ah, here we are, Milea Andrews. You'll be working for the decorations in the ballroom. Please go inside and you'll be met with Ms. Penelope, your advisor." She told me.

I nodded my head and thanked the lady.

Walking into the Palace was like walking into paradise. I kid you not, I was basically dragging my jaw along these fine ass granites for floors. The wall was painted magnificent beige and there were golden patterns along it. I gently traced the patterns and wondered, is this real gold?

Looking up I saw a large piece of chandelier hanging on the ceiling, I squinted trying to take a better look at the carvings on the ceiling.

"Miss Andrews?" a voice called out.

I snapped my head towards the person that called out my name and saw a petite looking woman looking directly at me.

"U-uhm, yes. That's me. I'm sorry, I shouldn't be touching the walls am I?" I rushed out, scared that I was going to get in trouble.

"It's just that, the lady at the entrance told me to go inside and that I should find someone named Ms. Penelope, but then I just got distracted by the patterns on the wall, and so I beg-" i stopped when I realized she was looking at me with an impatient look on her face.

"Wait, you're Ms. Penelope, aren't you?" I asked in a low voice.

She gave me a once over and sighed, "Follow me," she said while walking away.

I quickly shuffled behind her, "You will be working in the decoration department in the ballroom. In the future, please refrain yourself from touching anything in the Palace, and do not wander around without permission from your advisor. Meals will be served twice, at 10.00 AM and 1.30 PM."

She took a right and we arrived in front a large wooden door.

"This is the ballroom," she said pushing the doors open, "most of your work will be done here and only here, unless another department is in need of your service. Of course I would be the one to give you that instruction. Now are there any questions?" She said looking at me.

Looking around the ballroom, I took in all the glamour and beauty. The Palace was a wonderful place, and a sudden realization of how huge this place really was hit me. I almost shook my head when a question pops in my head.

"Yes, I actually do have a question," I told her, "will we, I mean – will we be able to see the King here?" I asked slowly.

Ms. Penelope stilled at the sudden question of the King. Her facial expression grew into a much more serious one, if that's even possible.

“Miss Andrews, I suggest you forget the thought of ever seeing the King. I've worked in this Palace for almost 23 years and I myself have yet to see the King. So start focusing on the matter at hand will you child?" She said before walking away.

I looked around and saw the helpers already doing their jobs. Some were applying sheets over the table, some decorating the vases, and some are decorating the walls. What was I suppose to do now?

I walked over towards a man that was barking orders to the helpers and cleared my throat.

"E-Excuse me sir. I'm a helper here, I was assigned to help decorate the ballroom. What should I do?" I asked putting my hands together.

The man looked over at me and said "Help set up the tables, God knows it takes those fools years just to do that." He huffed out.

I quickly nodded my head and went over to a girl that was setting a sheet on one of the tables.

"Hey, is there anything I could help you with?" I said with a smile.

The girl looked up and smiled back at me, "Hey, I’m Crystal. Yeah, I could use a helping hand." She said offering me the plates.

I quickly took the plates off her and started to help her set up the table.

We talked about everything, she was nice. We talked about how the Lunar Ball is going to go, decoration ideas, our backgrounds. Just normal things.

Turns out Crystal didn't live too far away from my house, only a few houses down my street. She told me her mom is currently working as a waitress in a local diner and her dad worked as one of the cleaners here in the castle, which was how she got this job.

"Lea, don't you think its kinda weird though?" She suddenly asked.

"What's weird? How Mr. Scissor hands over there is breaking more flowers then actually decorating them?" I said frowning towards the guy who clearly looked confused as to how to decorate the vase with the flowers.

Crystal looked over to where I was staring and laughed at the guy's failed attempts.

"No you idiot, don't you think its weird how no one but the higher ups ever saw the King?" She whispered out.

"Okay, one, why are we whispering?" I whispered out, and two, "I don't know, maybe he's insecure of his looks." I shrugged, saying it in my normal tone.

She stopped and looked at me with a 'yeah right' expression.

"What? I'm serious, why else would he be hiding himself?" I said, arranging the utensils so that it'll be in the perfect position. I swear, I think I might have OCD. Wait, can we even get that?

"Haven't you heard the rumors? There's no way in hell is the King ugly." She said, resuming her duties.

"What rumors?" I asked, stopping midway.

"Well you know, they said that the King is drop dead gorgeous. Eye's as blue as the sea but dark as night if anything upsets him. Body built like a God's and they say, the aura that he radiates is way more powerful than any other wolf that dares to challenge him." She sighed dreamily.

I looked at her with the blankest stare and shook my head at her.

"I don't really care what he looks like, he could look like a freakin goose and I wouldn't even care. All I care about is that at the end of the day, I get my pay.” I said going back to whatever I was doing. I paused, wait, what was I doing again?

Oh. Utensils, thats right.

"Milea cmon, aren't you just a tiny bit curious?" She looked at me.

"Nope," I said, popping the 'P' so that she gets my point.

"Not an ounce of curiosity? Just a wee bit maybe?" She said, moving her face closer to mine, making me lean backwards a little bit.

"Uhm, invading my private space much?" I said moving backwards, "And no, i'm not curious. Unlike someone else," I glared at her, " I don't like sticking my nose in someone else's business."

She huffed and crossed her arms in front of her.

However, not long after she gasped and took my left arm in her hands.

"Hey, what the hell Crystal, I could've dropped the damn plate." I said, surprised at her sudden mood change.

"Lets sneak in for peek. At the Lunar Ball. We'll sneak in the Palace, and just peek at the Ball. I mean, the King will be there right? He's the host, so he has to be there. Please Milea, just this once." She said looking at me with hope.

I stood still for a moment and burst out laughing. Oh Goddess, this girl was funny. I hunched down because my stomach was starting to hurt from laughing too much.

"Wha-Why are you laughing Lea?" She asked.

"Because you're joking with me. Sneak into the Palace, psshh yeah, like that's ever going to happen." I managed to get out in between my laugh.

"I'm not kidding Lea, please. It'll be this one time. Please. No one will notice, I promise. Everyone will be too busy running around, they wouldn't even notice us. C'mon, please?" She begged.

Whoa, this girl's actually serious, what the hell is she thinking?

"I don't know Crystal, what if someone saw us and then what happens? You know that security around the Palace is not a joke. They literally have a guard in front of every door, even the fucking bathroom!" I exclaimed.

"Shhh!! Be quiet, you're gonna expose us you idiot. C'mon please, I promise nothing bad will happen. I'll take full responsibility if it does. Just help me with this. Please Lea." She pleaded out, tugging my arm.

I sighed and almost instantly regreted every single fucking word the fell off my mouth afterwards.

"Uhm...okay, but promise me nothing will happen." I said seriously, looking at her dead in the eyes.

"YES!" She screamed out before quickly putting a hand over her mouth.

Oh Goddess, I can already know something bad is gonna go down. I just know it.


Hey guys,

It's me again, so sorry for a very late update, i just got done with my finals in uni and it's finally the HOLIDAY SEASONS!!!

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year.

Thank you for everyone that gave this story a chance and is reading this shitty ass book, but please give me time AND ADVICE!

I do accept advice from my readers because i want to be able to see your opinion of the story and i want to also be able to build that knowledge in writing.

So again, thanks and don't forget to





and idk what else.

Thanks guys, xoxo


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