"Baby I'm preying on you tonight
Hunt you down eat you alive
Just like animals.
Maybe you think that you could hide
I could smell your scent from miles
Just like Animals."
Animals - Maroon 5
Throughout my 17 years of life, I have only felt fear twice.
The first time I felt that certain emotion was when a gang of werewolfs tried to corner me. Yes, I had a wolf, but still...I was weak. Skylar couldn't help me, seeing I was only able to shift during the full moon.
The second time I felt that was when news broke out that rogues were able to get past the King's borders. Although it didn't take long for the King's army to slaughter them and closed the border. It was still a rare and terrifying event.
However, I would've added this in my list of terrifying event, but I know that whatever I was feeling right now was not fear. I was petrified.
Clinging to Andrew's shirt i whispered in a hushed but terrified tone, "We are going to die. Stop poking your head out Andrew!" Pulling him back as hard as i can, and yet, the bulk of a men didn't even move an inch.
45 minutes ago
"So this is what we're gonna do." Crystal said.
We were currently sitting at the porch of my house, tonight was the night. The Lunar Ball.
"The entrance of the castle is absolutely off limits. No matter what, I can't think of a way to get in through there. Forget the back way, that's off limits too. way too many staff and guards. But 2 days ago i noticed there was less guards here at the east wing. It could possibly be our way in." She explained.
"Okay, that sounds good, but there are still gonna be guards there. How do we get past them?" Andrew asked.
Yeah, that idiot really did joined Crystals crazy ass plan.
Crystal chewed her bottom lip and glanced at us.
"We blend in." She said.
I scoffed at her words, "Crystal, you know damn well that staffs that are required to work at the Lunar Ball are given special cards right?"
"Yeah...which is why I have these..." She said smirking, pulling out three ID cards.
I grabbed the cards out of her hands and studied the. My jaw fell at how similar these things are.
"Crystal! These are brilliant! With the amount of workers there, the guards wouldn't be able to check our ID thoroughly." Andrew said grabbing his hair in disbelief, "we're gonna get in. We're gonna see the King." He whispered out.
"I told ya'll this was gonna work." Crystal said grinning.
"Yeah yeah, we won't know until the end of the night. Let's just hope nobody suspects anything." I said.
So apparently the fake ID's worked.
Someone should really increase security around here, I thought.
We're currently hiding in the staff area. Helpers were running around and I'm pretty sure we were sticking out like a sore thumb, seeing how everyone was busy except us.
"You over there!" Someone yelled out.
All three of us instinctively turned our heads, alarmed that someone would notice we weren't actually helpers here.
A lady in a head staff uniform stood behind us, well, more like glowering at us.
"U-uhm, yes? How may we help?" I said, standing straight. Crystal and Andrew did the same. Good. We need to be smart about this.
"Well, can't you see that while everyone is busy, you three are just standing around like a bunch of fools. We pay you to do your work, not for you to just laze around. Get to work. Bring those trays of champagne into the ballroom!" She said loudly before turning around and leaving.
"You know what? This is good, this way we'll be able to get inside the ballroom without anyone suspecting. People will think that we're actually workers." Andrew said, walking towards the trays of champagne.
Me and Crystal nodded and quickly took our own trays.
"After the announcement of the King's entrance and he is seated, we're gonna meet up here again. After we've all gathered here, we're gonna go outside and go. Okay?" Crystal asked.
"Yeah. Okay." Me and Andrew said together.
We went out and started going into different directions.
I walked ahead and started giving out champagnes.
I was nervous to say the least. What if someone saw me and noticed that I'm not one of the staffs? What if I got caught and then I get thrown into prison. My parents! Omg, they are gonna be so devas-
Suddenly I ran into something. Or more like a someone.
Fuck a duck!
"I am so sorry! I wasn't in my right mind, please forgive me!" I said moving backwards and keeping my gaze to the floor.
"That's alright. Just try to be careful next time." A masculine voice said.
I looked up to apologize once again just to be greeted by a sculpture of a man. At that moment ladies and gentleman, I have never met a guy as beautiful and yet masculine as this guy. Impossible. Just impossible.
I stood there with my mouth slightly opened but quickly closed it when I sensed the aura coming off him.
He must be in one of the higher ranks, I thought.
"I am so sorry sir. Please, it won't happen again." I said, bringing the tray closer to me. It was a good thing I ran out of champagne glass, or it would be a disaster.
He looked at me and smirked. "I said it was alright, didn't I?" he asked, arching his eyebrow. Holy fuck that's so sexy.
I blushed and looked downwards, "Yes, t- thank you sir." I nodded my head once and proceeded to turn away.
"Wait." The man behind me said.
"Your name, I would like to ask you your name." He said.
I turned towards him and starred.
"Milea," I said after a few seconds of silence, "My name is Milea, sir." I whispered out.
I knew with his wolf's hearing he could hear what i just said. With that he smirked, nodded and left.
I let out a breath I didn't knew I was holding. That was when I realized something.
Why the hell did I just say my real name? Omg, I am so screwed. What if he noticed and he's currently ordering the guards to get me.
"Stop with the anxiety Milea! You're starting to make me feel uneasy too." Skylar said.
"I know, I'm sorry! I can't help it." I hissed back at her.
"Well chill! I dont know why but something just doesnt feel right, right now. So chill and try not to attract any attention at yourself." My wolf said before ending the connection.
I took a deep breath in and convinced myself that nothing was going to happen. I just need to blend in and steer clear of any problems until the night ends.
I continued with my work, sometimes going into the staff's room to take more champagne glasses and other times I just pass them around.
That is until the sound of a horn blasted throughout the whole room.
Everyone there started to bow and so I quickly followed the action and the voice of a man can be heard through the speaker.
"Ladies and Gentleman, I give to you, Your Royal Highness, King Aros!" The person said.
People were still looking down but I was curious as hell.
Music started to play as the King and other higher ranks walked towards the throne.
I was so nervous and curious at the same time that I didn't notice when the music stopped. The next thing I knew, someone was speaking through the speaker.
However this time the voice wasn't obnoxious like the previous one, it was soothing and I could feel Skylar purring in the back of my mind. She was saying something but I just couldn't make out what she's saying.
“Welcome to the annual Lunar Ball my fellow Alpha's. Thank you for your time and attendance. As we all know, the Lunar Ball was a gathering that was created for all Alpha's across the world to be able to build a better work connection which will help in maintaining a better pack security. However for tonight, I would only like to say one thing, which is to have fun and enjoy yourself. Thank you." He said
Cheers and applauses started to erupt across the room, and here I am still rooted to the ground and staring at my feet.
I snapped out of my thoughts and slowly look up. Towards the throne.
Towards the man that I call My King .
And for the second time that day, I stood there with awe in my face.
There must be no way this man is living. He was a living God. Well, if I could say, more like a sex god.
His toned muscles was covered in some royal clothing, which I'm sure would cost more than my dads salary in 2 years. Jaw tense and his lips. God...his lips. It was as if they were just begging to be kissed.
I looked up and a gasp left my throat.
He was starring. The king was starring. Right. At. Me.
His hazel eyes was looking at mine with so much emotions. Emotions I could barely explain. Relieve? Happiness? Confusion?
And that's when Skylar decided to fuck things up even more. She whispered out the word that left me scrambling back towards the staff room.
"Mate." Skylar whispered out.
I quickly gathered my thoughts and ripped my eyes away from the King's strong gaze.
No no no...this cannot be happening, I thought while opening the staffs room.
I quickly put the tray on a nearby table and put my head in my hands. My head is spinning. My heart is beating way too fast. My breathing is laboured and Skylar just won't stop whining.
This was a mistake. I shouldn't even be here right now. Me? The King's mate?
Moon Goddess, you must be playing a trick on me right now.
"Did you see him? Oh my fucking Goddess Milea! That man is a walking Sex God!" I heard Crystal's voice from behind me.
I turned towards her and looked at her.
One look at my disheveled self, she knew something was off.
"What's wrong Lea?" She asked. Concern was starting to swim in her eyes.
I opened my mouth and yet nothing was coming out. I stood there like a fish out of water.
"Guys! There you are, did you see the man? I mean– Lea? What happened?" Andrew suddenly came, putting a hand against my shoulder.
"Breath Lea. Take a deep breath and slowly let it out." Crystal said and I quickly followed her advice.
After a few seconds, I looked at them and lowly said.
"We need to go. Right now." I said, taking their arms.
"What? Why? What happened?" Andrew asked, pulling me back towards him.
He looked at me closely, I was scaring them. I have to tell them.
"The king. He– He's my...He's my mate." I whispered out.
Crystal gasped and Andrew just stood there starring at me
Yeah, we had to go.
Hello luvs!!
I FINALLY have my laptop back with me after a few days of family vacation.
Missed writing this damn thing. So I apologize for the late update.
For those of you who have troubles imagining King Aros then let me help you.
For me personally, I would like to imagine King Aros as Nick Bateman.
I don't want to give any characters a picture of someone because I think that you guys as a reader would be able to imagine them according to your own liking. I don't want to limit you guys to that.
But if you do want me to do that, then please let me know and I'll do it.
So thank you for reading this book and for giving it a chance to entertain you guys.
I hope that you guys would be able to give support to this book by
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-AT xoxo