~15.07.2013, 7.30 a.m., JEREMY JEFFERSON~
This is freaking ‘awesome’, don’t you think so? What the hell? Why does it have to rain on Monday morning out of all day? The first day of the week where work cycle begins all over again… I hate Mondays. Ask anyone. 98% of them will definitely agree with me. Right? I have only one word to describe about my work. ‘Hell’. That’s it. End of story. I hate my work. Ask anyone. 92% of them will agree with me that they hated their jobs… no doubt about it.
I’ve been working for Sonic Cooler for almost 7 months now. What we do? We install air-conditioners for several offices’ buildings. It’s also our job to check on them and make sure that they work just fine. Easier said, I’m doing maintaining job… Today I’m checking the ones at the Vertigo. Vertigo is one of the famous office buildings in town. It is 20-storey high and home to most sought-after businesses in the country. Sonic Cooler had a tender with a law firm at the 17th floor of the building. Now I’m supposed to check on them on Tuesday but since tomorrow I’ll start with my long holiday to Venice with my boyfriend of whom I’ve been dating for 4 months, I just have to check on them today because no one can replace me tomorrow. What a pain in the ass. Luckily, I still got my leave application form signed. Thank God!
I’ll stop by at the office first to do some paper work and probably get to Vertigo by 10 o’clock. I’ll meet my shitty boss on the way but what the hell… as long as I can get on with my vacation with my boyfriend, I’m just grateful!
~15.07.2013, 10.30 a.m., IVAN HENDRIK~
Hectic morning! Already had to deal with two murder cases and now there are tips for the TDE investigation that the next victim could probably be Marty Stewart, a politician who will have his regular meeting with his lawyer today at a law firm in Vertigo. I’m currently trying not to feel suffocated in the elevator of the building. As I was about to push the ‘close’ button of the elevator, I saw a blond-haired dude running towards me so I quickly push the ‘open’ button for him to enter. He nods at me and mutter a quick “thank you”. I nod back at him and quickly turn to push the ‘close’ button again. “Which floor?” I asked. He simply answered “the same one” towards me. It appears that we both are heading to 17th floor of the building.
Strangely, somehow… I think that this blond-haired dude really looks kinda familiar. But he didn’t seem to feel the same about me. I eye him up and down a few times just to be sure... Wait. Is he...?
That can't be him, right? I look over at his nametag and saw his name clear as day written on it ‘J. Jefferson’. Oh. My. Fucking. God! No way… that really is Jeremy Jefferson! What are the odds to find him here...? Look at him! All grown-up. No longer as skinny and vulnerable as he used to be back in school. He must've been to the gym a lot. That muscle he owns now couldn’t come from simply steroid intake. Wow! Good for him!
Too bad... If only he's straight, I bet girls will be lining up to date him. He didn't recognize me, is it? Better off that way. I've changed a lot since graduation too. When was that? Graduation? Oh 10 years ago. Oh well whatever. Better pretend like I didn’t know him. It’s best off that way.