(Izaiah’s POV)
"What's new?" I questioned the guys, walking into my trap. It's been a week since London, the baby and I got back from Georgia. Checking up on my granny was definitely reassuring. I feel relieved knowing the treatment is doing it's job and working for her. Now all I have to do is see to things at my trap houses.
"What up bro." Jigs greeted me with a dap. "Mr. Velez, we have an update, a very good one." Jeremy, one of the guys my pop hired to investigate informed. I directed all my attention to him. “Talk to me." I said, taking a seat across from where they have everything setup. "The tip your friend gave was very helpful." He told me, referring to what Jigs had told me over the phone a few weeks ago.
"So, you was able to find her?" I asked him. "Not exactly. We found a name which seems to be some kind of code name. Kodi here is trying to crack it as we speak." Another dude interjected. “What's the code name, and how long is it going to take for him to crack?” I questioned, annoyed. Just wanting answers already. “Almost done.” The skinny dude in the stripped shirt spoke. He typed away at his computer screen.
Moments later, “I got it!” Kodi exclaimed, blowing the picture up on the projector. The letters “NWORB DAHC200” displayed across the screen. “I don’t get it.” I spoke looking up at the screen. “This is the code name the person used. If you look close enough, you’ll see it’s a name.” He pointed. I squinted my eyes looking at the words closely. Still nothing clicked. Kodi cleared his throat, “Allow me.”
He hit a button on his keyboard, causing the words to move around. “Chad Brown.” I looked at the screen, amazed but how simply dude made it all look. “So, the person who did all this shit used an alias?” Jeremy shook his head yes. “After running the name through the system, I quickly realized no person of such name ever existed.” I sighed, “So, how does this help?” I questioned.
“I ran the code name through a data of code names used for a range of different things. The code name matched up in the system, and I trace it back at a...” Kodi paused looking at her screen. “...Chad D. Jones.” He informed. “Correct, but when we typed that name into all information profiles we found out that the person by that na—“ I cut Jeremy off in the middle of his sentence before he could finish giving me the rest of the information.
"Because the person by that name is dead.” I told him, already knowing who's name it is. I clenched my jaw, balling up my fists in anger. Rage started to build up inside my body. "Exactly sir. I'm doing some more analysts to see if I can find out this woman's true identity." Jeremy stated. “No need." I announced before leaving the room.
I marched into my office, slamming the door shut behind me. I plopped down on the couch, bringing my hands up to my face. This is an all time betrayal. Not only did I know who setup that trade, but I know who sent that nigga to my house. I sat back in the couch, dozing off wondering what to do next, and how to do it. Loud knocks at the door interrupted my thoughts. "Come in." I told whoever, walking over to my desk.
A nigga is in need of a blunt right about now. A big fat one to take away the stress and disbelief I am in. “Nigga, you good?" Jigs questioned, walking in looking at me weird. I rolled my blunt up, lit it then took some big pulls from it. “I know who set me up J." I told Jigs blowing out some smoke. "Who did it? We on they ass!" He said, taking a seat across from me.
"Nah. I got to handle this shit on my own." I stated before putting out my blunt. "Fuck you mean?" He questioned , looking at me like I had 2 heads or something. “I mean this ones personal Jigs." He nodded. "I feel you bro. Just make sure you do that shit right." He said walking out of my office, closing the door behind him. In some crazy way, I don’t wanna believe it was her behind all this.
God, I sure do hope you fucking with a nigga right now. But then again, all the proof I needed was there. She was smart enough to blind side me and set me up, but she wasn't smart enough to use a better alias. Dummy. I sat back in my office chair, looking at the sonogram pictures that were still on my desk. Like Jigs said, if I’m going to do this by myself I got to do it right.
I started playing different scenarios out in my head.
(London's POV)
"I think this 613 would look good on you. Your skin is beautiful." I assured my beautiful dark skinned client who’s hair I’m working on today. I've been back in my salon working for a few days now. Ava is about 1 month and 3 weeks old now. All I really needed to do was pump enough milk.
Becky's mom, Mrs. Simon agreed to watch Ava on days I have appointments at the shop. I’m thankful for her offer, only lord knows how much I missed working and making my own money. “Let's do it." My client said with a smile. I started the process of giving her a lace frontal install. This will be her first one.
After washing, drying and braiding her natural hair back, I began installing the blonde 613 wig. I finished her hair a little over an hour later. I love when my clients hair is done to perfection. It satisfied me. “And we're all done doll." I told her, spinning the chair around. She took a look at herself in the mirror. "Wow." She said flipping her bouncy curls.
"I love it! It looks like my hair." She spoke amazed. “Thank you." She handed me the money for the install. You can tell she is satisfied with the outcome. "Thank you, for choosing me to slay you." I told her excepting the cash with a warm smile. “Remember, a frontal is very high maintenance. You'll need to tie your edges every night. Your lace will stay down longer." I reminded her before she left.
"Thank you. I'll remember that. I'm also going to be booking a touch up appointment when I'm ready." She informed. “No problem." I nodded, smiling. We said our goodbyes, she walked out the shop. That was my last client of the day. I’m a bit drained. Since I've been on maternity leave, my booking calendar wasn't available. Once word got out that I was taking appointments again, everyone was killing for a slot. I’m just pleased that people find my work worthy.
Making people look and feel their best is what I love to do. I know so much females have all these insecurities, including myself. If I can do something to help, I’m down. I cleaned my booth, putting away all the hair supplies I used for the day.
After sweeping up the shop, I locked up. It’s around 9:30 at night. I hopped in my truck, starting it up. I made my way over to Mrs. Simon's house to pick up Ava. It took me about 45 minutes to get there. I climbed the steps, ringing the bell when I arrived. A smiling Mrs. Simon came walking out. “Hey Mrs. Simon." I greeted her with a warm smile.
"Hi sweetheart, come in come in." She stepped aside letting me in. "How was she today?" I questioned looking over at a sleeping Ava. “She was good. She’s a very good baby, London." Mrs. Simon assured me. "Thank you." I smiled. "And thank you again for watching her while I work." I expressed my appreciation. “Anytime honey. You know your like family." She stated, handing me Ava's diaper bag. I slipped her another smile before placing Ava into her car seat gently, not wanting to wake her.
Since we are now living in Norfolk, the drive back would be an hour. "I should get going now." I spoke, picking the car seat up. “Drive safe dear." She told me, holding the door open for me as I walked out. "Thanks, I will." I nodded walking down the steps. I strapped Ava in the backseat then jogged over to the drivers side of my truck. I got in, strapping on my seatbelt, pulling off. I got on the highway and thankfully there was no traffic.
My phone rang causing me to answer in a hurry. "Hello." I said disconnecting from the aux. I didn't want Ava to wake up. We still have a 30 minute ride ahead of us. "Why you sound frightened?" Izaiah's voice questioned, beaming through my AirPods. “Because my phone was connected to the aux when you called, I didn't want to wake Ava." I told him, checking on her through my rear view.
"Oh, you on your way home?" He asked. “I am." I assured him. “Good. I miss my babies." He said. “Aww. We miss you too, babe." I told him, keeping my eyes on the road. “I need to tell you sum." His voice spoke after a moment of silence. “What is it?" I asked. He sighed. “I need to go out of town for a few days." He confessed.
"What!? What you mean you needa go out of town for a few days?" I questioned with an attitude. “I need to handle some business baby." He told me.
“I get that, but why you need to leave town in order handle it?" I poured. I hate being home alone. “Because I can't get it done in Virginia. Look baby, I'll be back before you know it." He said, trying to make up for the fact that he's leaving.
"You know, Ava has that shoot I set up. Really Izaiah?" I questioned, growing annoyed. “I’ll be back in time to be there baby." He endured from his end of the call. I sighed, rolling my eyes. Just when I think we were locked in and trying to better our relationship. “Cool Izaiah. See you when we get home." I said, ending our call.
I don’t want to be on the phone with him a minute longer. It's just always something. I'm growing tired of this shit, like all jokes aside. It’s either the drug life or your family. He can’t have both.