After 18 long hours of labor I finally gave birth. Ava' Michelle Velez. 7 pounds 9 ounces. I’m filled with pure joy holding my beautiful baby girl. It’s like all the problems and concerns went away. Izaiah was by my side through all the intense contractions, pushing and screaming. He cried once her whole body was out. I still can’t believe a whole human-being came out of my vagina. Luckily, I didn't tear anything down there.
I don't think I could of laid with my private part on display any longer. I continued watching Ava sleep peacefully. Izaiah and I came to an agreement on the name after weeks of going back and fourth. I also agreed to letting her middle name be Michelle. That was Izaiah's mother's name. I know he misses her so much. I too lost a parent. I miss my fathers little more everyday.
Knocks came at the door caused me to look over. "Come in." I assured whoever it is. "Hey!." Becky and Travis greeted in low voices, not wanting to wake the baby. “Hey you guys." I spoke, watching them rest the gifts and balloons down. "Congratulations London." Travis stated, giving me a warm hug. “Aw. Thank you guys." I smiled. “How was labor? Tell me everything." Becky babbled, pulling a chair up beside the hospital bed. I looked at her, then over at Travis. "Zay should be back any minute." I informed Travis.
He gave me a head nod, stepping out the room. Moments later it was just Becky and I. “Tell me." Becky insisted. "I-It was crazy. Nothing you would imagine compared to what you see on tv or hear. The pain was absolutely worth it though." I expressed, looking over at baby girl in admiration. She’s so perfect. Being a mother is the most breath taking experience. This little human who you carried for 9 months finally comes into the world, capturing your heart. It’s indescribable.
"She's perfect L." Becky stated, cooing over at Ava. "Thanks." I slipped her a small smile. My round poking stomach is no longer there. My face swelling is starting to go down, so are my feet. Becky and I continued making small talk. We caught up on a lot of things. "She's such a mixture of you and her daddy." Becky laughed. She isn’t lying. Ava is definitely a mixture of Izaiah and I.
Her ears and nose are certainly from me. But her eyes and lips are from her daddy. Her chubby cheeks made you fall in love. Not to mention all that pretty curly texture hair. She’s absolutely perfect. Like a little baby doll. I’m ready for this new chapter of motherhood. Having someone that I know is going to look up to me. Trusting me with their secrets. Coming to me for the smallest advice. Loving them more than I probably love myself. This is honestly the best gift.
"Waddup bro." I greeted Travis, seeing him stand outside of the room door. "Ain't shit bro. Congrats on your blessings. She's beautiful." He said referring to my newborn baby girl. “Appreciate it bro." I nodded, embracing him in a manly hug. I'm truly happy to be a father. I had two wonderful parents growing up. I know for a fact my princess won't ever have to worry about me being inconsistent in her life. I love her too much already. She is the cutest little thing. Of course I was freaked out seeing a damn baby coming out of my lady, but after holding her, looking at that adorable face a nigga got all soft and fell in love.
I pushed opened the door to see London breastfeeding. "Hey, Zay. Congratulations." Becky greeted me with a smile. “Appreciate it Beck." I thanked her with a genuine smile. "Aight man. We just came to check up on y'all. Enjoy parenthood. We’ll catch y'all another time." Travis said dapping me up. “No doubt bro. Stay up." I told him. Becky and London said their goodbyes as well. "I see someone's getting the hang of it." I commented walking closer to the bedside. At first, it was hard for the baby to latch on to London's breast.
She thought she was doing something wrong, but the nurse told her she's doing just fine. "Yeah. Finally." London responded, relieved. She finished feeding the baby, putting her breast back into the hospital gown they have her in. "Let me burp her." I stated, walking over to wash my hands. London handed me Ava moments after. I rest her small chunky body into my chest, rubbing her back gently, kissing on the side of her face. “Get some sleep." I whispered to London, looking over at her.
You can see that her eyes are tired. I know her body is drained too. It’s my job as a boyfriend and father to make sure both of my girl’s are good. “I don't want to fall asleep and she needs me." She confessed. “It's cool baby, I got her. Rest." I assured, walking back and fourth with Ava in my chest as I gently patted her back. London gave me a slight head nod, pulling the sheets up to her chest. Not long after, both my babies were asleep.
I slowly placed Ava into the hospital bassinet, making sure she is all snuggled. I gave her cheek a gentle but warm kiss.I managed to slip out the room silently, going to the vending machine. I inserted my money, hitting the button to get my soda. When I looked up I saw a familiar face getting close. "Sage? What you doing here big head?" I questioned.
"Nice to see you too." She scrunched up her face, giving me a hug. "My bad. I wasn't expecting you. Where's granny?" I questioned, wondering why she is here alone. Sage sighed. “I know you weren't expecting me until Friday, b-but I-I, mama Shirley is sick!" Sage uttered. My eyebrow raised. "What you mean granny sick? Like the flu or sum?" I grew concerned.
"No Iz, like sick sick." She stated, looking down at her feet. "Sick, how? I'm not following." I told her.
“She begged me not to tell you, but mama has stage three breast cancer." My entire body went numb as her sentence finished. Stage three breast cancer? Like the same shit I lost my mama to? Nah, can't be no fuckin way.
"Iz, say something." Sage yanked on my arm. "H-How long has she been sick?" I asked, snapping back from my thoughts. "From what I know, two years." She disclosed shaking her head. “Two fucking years? How could mama be sick for two years and not say nothing." Anger took over my body. Why wouldn’t see say something to anyone? Stage fucking 3? “You know how our grandmother is. Always saying she's fine, no one needs to wor-" I balled up my fist “Bullshit." I cut Sage off.
"I know you mad cousin. I am too." She said, pulling me in for a hug. I can’t believe the news I just received. I feel like I’m going through hearing my moms was sick all over again. I can't lose my granny. Shit, she really the only one in my family that can carry a secret to the grave. Why wouldn't she just say something? How can a day filled with joy and happiness suddenly bring me pain and disbelief.
I don’t know how to take this nor how to handle it. I just need to hear my granny say she straight. A nigga can't handle putting another loved one down into the ground right now. A new life was just born. She told me she’s so excited to meet the baby. I just don't fucking understand. God why you keep punishing me by taking the ones I care about the most? Huh?