(3 Days later)
Driving to our destination, I looked over at a sleeping London. Ava is strapped in her car seat sucking on her pacifier, being a good girl. We landed in Georgia just a little over an hour ago. We retrieved the rental car I purchased, checked into our hotel then grabbed something to eat. We are now headed to pick up my cousin, Sage. She agreed to take me to the place my granny has been at these last couple of days.
"Hey, Sage." London greeted, waking up from her nap. "Hey y'all. Oh my gosh, heeeyyy pretty girl." Sage cooed at Ava falling in love. “Where I'm driving to?" I questioned, looking at her through the rear view. "1267 Fayetteville." Sage responded. I typed the address into my gps, putting the car in drive, following the given directions. The closer we got to the place, the more I grew nervous. I just don’t want to see her like that.
Mama Shirley is the glue that always keeps the family together. After my moms died and my pops got locked up, she became the closest thing to me. I felt London's soft hand lock into mine. I was zoned out in my own train of thoughts. I glimpsed over at her with a smile. How'd I get so lucky? I thought to myself. My girl is a rider, no doubt. Minutes later I was pulling into the big facility. “So, this is it?" London questioned out loud.
"Yep. They say this is one of the best ones." Sage stated, referring to Piedmont Center Institute. It’s definitely one of the best facilities. After finding out about my granny's condition I had her moved from the hospital into a in-home cancer treatment center. I want her to be in the best hands. The staff here can also tend to her every need. That took some stress off my shoulders.
“I got the stroller." I told London, parking in the empty lot space. London, the baby, Sage and I all got out the car. The hot sun beamed on our skins. I grabbed the stroller from the trunk, popping it open. I watched London sit Ava's car seat into place then snapped it in, securing her. "Got everything?" I asked them both. They nodded yes.
We proceeded to the entrance after I locked the doors. Walking into the place, I can automatically tell the people are friendly. So far, everyone has greeted us with hello's and warm smiles. “Hi, we're here to visit Shirley Velez." Sage told the young receptionist behind the desk. "Are you all relatives?" The girl questioned. "We are." Sage assured. We all showed ID before being asked to sign in on some sheet.
She handed us visiting passes to place on our shirt. "Enjoy your visit folks." She smiled. "Thanks." Sage responded. We walked through the long hallway, heading to the elevator. I took a long and deep breath as the elevator ride came to a stop. This is it. We walked pass 3 rooms before reaching the room she’s in. Walking inside, the room was filled with flowers, cards and balloons.
The sun shined through the white thin curtains. "Hey, mama." Sage spoke, giving granny a hug and kiss. "London, is that you?" Mama Shirley questioned after greeting Sage. "Yes. Hi, Mama Shirley, how ya feeling?" London asked, giving her a warm hug. “I'm feeling alright sweetheart." Granny told her with a a slight head nod. She looked over my way.
"You just gon stand there boy? Come give yo grandma a hug." She said, holding her arms open. I placed the diaper bag down, walking over to my granny. I gave her the tightest hug but trying to be as gentle as possible. "Oh. It's good to see you." She voiced, rubbing my back. "You too granny." She locked eyes with the stroller. “Is that my great-grand baby in there?" She questioned in excitement. "Yeah." London shook her head yes. I walked over to the stroller, taking baby girl out. She’s wide awake just looking around.
"You want to hold her?" I asked granny. "Of course I do. Gimmie' that baby chille." She demanded. I handed Ava off to her. “Oh, my goodness. She’s precious. Hello Ava." Granny cooed, making cute faces at her. "She looks like the two of you." She told London and I, looking up at us. “Thank you." London slipped her a small smile. After letting Ava and granny spend quality time together, it was time for her and I to have a talk.
I have many questions for her. Both Sage and London left the room for privacy reasons. "Why didn't you say sum?" I questioned, sticking my hands into my pockets. "Because of that same look you got on your face right now." She shook her head. “Y-Yeah, but I would of rather known from the beginning." I told her being openly honest.
"I'm gon be fine baby." Her thick southern accent flowed through the room. “You know, you mean everything to me granny. I don't want to lose you. I got plans for the future." I’m fighting back these tears right now. Honestly, I’m angry and hurt at the same time. "Listen to me chille, granny's not going nowhere. I'm getting better with treatment each day. You know I'm a fighter." She expressed, cupping my chin in her hand.
"Yeah, b-but even the strongest fighters lose the battle sometimes." I spoke, looking away. “All we can do now is pray and ask god, Izzy." She said, touching my hand. "I-I just don't want a repeat of my moms." I admitted. She sighed, looking up at me. “Sometimes in life things happen and you want to question it sooo bad, but you can't. God called your mama home early. She’s still with you though. And I'm going to be here with you too, always." She expressed, placing a wet kiss on my cheek.
"Alright granny." I sighed, hoping the words she spoke were true. I saw first hand what stage three breast cancer can do to a woman. It’s a battle for-real. After finishing the conversation with my granny, the nurse walked in to give her some treatment. I stepped out of the room in order to let them do they’re thing. I sat across the hall, in what seems to be a small lounge.
"Well, well, well." A voice said getting closer to me with clacking heels. I looked up, making eye contact with the devil herself. Tiffany. “Mane, what the fuck you doing here?" I snapped, jumping up from the seat. “Woah, relax. The last time I checked, mama Shirley is still family." She told me. I scoffed, mugging her.
"I don't give zero fucks Tiffany. After that shit you pulled...I should of put a mother fucking bullet it yo head!" I spat, clenching my jaw. “What did I pull? Tell your girl the truth? Boy please." She fanned me off. "Mane, you can't be here." I told her, standing in front of her. “Get the fuck out my way, Izzy." She rolled her eyes, pushing me out her way. She has me fucked up right about now.
"What the fuck is this?" London's voice snapped. I turned around to London, Sage and the stroller. “I was just telling her to leave." I confessed to London. "Why the fuck are you even here?" London questioned, looking at Tiffany in disgust. “Because I can be." Tiffany responded with a smirk. "If I were you, I'd turn my skanky ass around and leave." London stated, getting closer to Tiffany.
"Or what?" Tiffany questioned, stepping up to her. "Aye, back up." I stepped in the middle, pushing Tiffany out of London's face. “You need to leave!” I told her again, raising my voice. “Fuck you! Acting different because of what, this bitch?" She grilled London. "She's just a young, dumb ass girl who had yo baby. That's it." She said. Before I could speak, London threw a punch right at Tiffany's mouth.
It was very unexpected of her. "And you just a smut ass unhappy, home-wreckin' hoe." London clapped back. I held her back from swinging again. “Okay, okay. I'll see you in the streets, fat bitch." Tiffany threaten, storming out of facility. Thank god there wasn't any staff around. Our asses would of definitely got kicked out. “You good?" I asked London. She paced back and fourth, angry. "No! I'm not good! Why do that hoe keep popping up?" She questioned.
"I don't know! I told her to leave." She rolled her eyes, not caring that I’m being completely honest. "Next time that bitch pop up she's going to get more than a punch." London stated in a mater-of-fact tone. I watched her walk over to Sage and the stroller. They all went back into my granny's room.
Last time I seen Tiffany messy ass was at the gender reveal. I told her that if she comes around me or mine again, I’m gon put a bullet in her head. Even though it would hurt to do so, I’m not going to let nobody disrespect London. So, by her just showing up today she’s clearly asking for it