"I'm sorry. So, your telling me you could of almost lost your life?" Becky questioned, taking a sip from her hot cup of tea. It's been nearly 4 weeks since everything went down at the house, and of course I had to tell my best friend all about it. "Yup. I-I killed someone Beck." I confessed, looking at her with guilt. I have never killed someone, yet alone in my own home. I feel like a bad person for taking someone's life. "Hey! This isn't your fault. You protected yourself and your baby." She told me, rubbing my shoulder for comfort.
Everyone seems to think that I was right for doing what I did because I was protecting myself. I just can't bring myself to agree. I can't sleep throughout the night. I would have random flash backs and sometimes, I'll catch myself wondering who the guy was since he didn't look familiar at all. "It feels like my fault. I opened the door, I let him in." I shook my head, fidgeting with my fingers.
"L, please stop stressing yourself out. Didn't Zay say he has this whole thing under control?" She asked. I sighed, rolling my eyes. "So he claims." I told her nonchalantly. I'm starting to get frustrated with him. He's been so focused on who did this, why and how, that he hasn't even realized I'm only two weeks away from giving birth to our daughter, and yet we're still cooped up in this hotel room. I get he's all for protecting his family, but sometimes I worry about him.
He doesn't know who these people are that stay coming after him, but he always wants to go and play Scarface. "It's going to get better, okay pooh? Did y'all even find a house yet?" Becky questioned. I shook my head no. "He spends his days and most of his nights at that damn trap." I stated getting annoyed all over again. It's like he wants to put everything on hold just so he can "get blood on his hands" I thought to myself sitting back on the sofa rubbing my now low hanging stomach.
(Izaiah's POV)
"Help me make sense of this bro." I spoke, slamming my hand on the desk in anger. Lately I've been spending day and nights at the traps trying to figure out who's behind this. As far as I know, any enemies I had are 6 feet under. "James said those ain't the dudes he ran a background check on, these are." Dex said, placing a folder in front of me on my desk. I opened it to see two pictures inside. One picture was a mugshot of some bald head dude. He has tattoos all over his head and face. The other picture showed me another dude, who looked to be around eighteen the least.
"Mane, this shit making no sense." I inhaled, tossing the pictures down. "I know bro, we gon find whoever planned and did all this shit though. You have my word." Dex stated, looking at me with a cold face. He is indeed my right hand man, and a very dependable one. Since I've known Dex he's been nothing but loyal. This is one nigga you can definitely call on and not have to question if he's going to be there or not. "I appreciate ou dawg." I told him, dapping him up.
"No doubt." He said before walking out of my office. My phone vibrated in my pocket, indicating there was an incoming call. "Blocked" I answered, placing the phone to my ear. "This call is from a federal prison. Your call may be recorded for reasonable purposes. Please press 3 if you wish to continue this call" The automated voice message played into my ear. I quickly hit my keypad, pressing the number 3. "What's up with you, boy?" My fathers deep southern voice spoke into the phone.
"Ain't shit." I sighed heavily. "What's up with you, pops?" I questioned, happy to hear his voice. My pops has been incarcerated for all long time now. When he got booked that's when everything became mine. He taught me the ins and outs of this drug game business. "Same shit, different day." He said into the phone, chuckling. "I feel you." I nodded, letting out a laugh. "You sound stressed. Problems at home?" He asked concerned. One thing about my pops, he can always sense when something is wrong with me or if something is off.
"Alright, look, since we being recorded and don't have much time I'm going to say it like this. An exchange gone wrong...my place of business was threatened, and so was my family and home." I informed discreetly, having small flashbacks of what all went down that day. "Do you know who's behind this?" He questioned. "I'm trying to figure all of that out pops." I said in distress. "What about the baby?" He questioned. "She's not here yet. She be here soon." I spoke from my end of the phone. "Go be with your family boy. This isn't the time to be stepping out." He told me, more so in a demanding tone.
"This call is from a federal prison, your call may be recorded for reasonable purposes." The automated voice said again. Letting us know that we now have only a little time left on this phone conversation. "Look, go home and be with the fam. You going to get sum in the mail soon." He said, being discreet. "Alright pops." I leaned back in my chair. Even though he's behind bars, he still has a way of making shit happen. "Alright mane. Love you, stay up son. Tell London I said hello." He spoke. I dread this part every time. "Love you too pops, stay up. And I will." I assured just as the call disconnected. I hate the fact that my pops is locked up and I can't even see him as much as I should.
Due to the fact they got him in a maximum security prison all the way by Canada. I grabbed my car keys off my desk, walking out of my office, closing the door behind me. It's going 9:00, the sun had already been set. I decided to stop at this burger joint to get London and myself some food. I know she's probably tired of ordering room service all the time.
I know I promised her that we would be moved into a house by time baby girl is born, but I just haven't been finding any houses that I feel like is safe enough.
I pulled into the drive thru of DQ's, placing the order. I drove up to the next window, paying the nice lady. She ensured my food will be ready shortly. I waited about 10 minutes for my food. I'm tripping because I'm in no rush. The lady handed me all my food before I pulled off. I made it to the hotel we've been staying at in just a little over 15 minutes since it isn't far from where we stay. It's kind of an lowkey upscale secluded hotel, for the white folks. I got out my car, grabbing the food bags.
I greeted the doorman at the door, walking through the hotel lobby. I entered the elevator, pressing the 5 button. Since London can go into labor soon, I didn't want to reserve a room that would be too high up. I was able to get us a nice, fancy, decent sized room up on the 5th floor. The elevator dinged and the doors opened up. I made a left turn getting off the elevator to head to the room. I placed my room key card on the door and the blue light went off, indicating the door was just unlocked. I placed the food on the counter along with the room key card and car keys.
"London? Baby? Where you at?" I questioned, my voice boomed through the living room area of the hotel room. Like I said, we have a decent setup for a hotel space. The beige sofa faced the giant flatscreen tv that hung on the wall. The kitchen floors are tiled in grey marble, the fridge is up to date with the newest technology. "Baby, you in here?" I questioned louder, pushing the double doors to the bedroom open. I seen two suitcases and a travel bag sitting on our bed, open with clothes packed inside. "London!" I called out. She came wobbling out the adjoining bathroom with her hygiene products.
"Uh, where are you going?" I asked in confusion. "My condo." She spoke dryly, placing her things into the travel bag. I gently pulled her arm so that we are face to face. "Why are you playing with me?" I questioned, oblivious to why she is going back to her condo if we are back together. "Ain't nobody playing with you, Izaiah. This real life." She mugged before zipping up the suitcases. "Oh, so you just going to pack all your shit and leave, huh? Pregnant with my baby and all?" I questioned, mugging her ass back.
"Excuse me, but last time I checked, that's all you fucking do!" She spat raising her voice. "You need to calm down. You putting stress on my baby." I stated, touching her belly. She swatted my hand away. "Don't touch me nigga." She looked at me in anger.
"So, I'm a nigga now?" I questioned, looking into her eyes but she looked away. "I'm tired of this. I can't keep being hauled up in this damn hotel room. I need to get fresh air, check on my shop. Get more things for the baby." She said.
"I told you, you can ord-" She instantly cut me off. "Stop telling me that I can order shit! I know that! I've been doing that!" She yelled. "You not going nowhere." I told her sternly. "Move out my fucking way Izaiah." She rolled her eyes, turning to get her luggage off the bed. Pregnancy and hormones definitely make her a lot more bold. "No! You can't walk out on me when you about to give birth to our baby, any day now." I reminded her, hoping that it would somehow stop her from leaving me alone, again.
"FYI, I know that! That's why I'm going to my condo. So, if I have her any day now, I'm fully prepared. You know...with a nursery, a quite place, MY PLACE." She voiced. "B-Baby, please, don't go." I begged as she started leaving the bedroom with her things. "Izaiah move." She said not even looking at me. God, why do I keep fucking up. "London, baby, please don't do this." I tried reasoning. She stopped in her tracks. "YOU please don't do this!" She snapped. "YOU stop doing the things you do, and I'll stop acting on it. You think because I love you that I can't walk away from you?" She questioned, finally looking up at me.
"I never said that baby girl." I spoke, trying to cup her face but she moved away. "You don't have to. I told you that I love you, but I also said that I love this baby more." She eyed me in disappointment. "I know, I'm sorry." Was all I could get out to say.
"I know you are, you always are." She told me, grabbing her things to leave the hotel room. I didn't bother to stop her. I watched her leave. It hurt so much, but she's right. I'm always sorry. Sorry for what I do, how I do it, or even what I say. It's like, I'm this wise soul trapped inside of a stupid, young nigga body. I thought to myself as I watched the door slam shut.
She was no longer insight. She was gone, just like that, just because of me and my demons.