Waking up the next morning there were already movers outside my condo. See, yesterday Izaiah and I met up for lunch. He told me that he found us a home—a really nice home, and that he wanted me to sign off on the lease with him. I told him that if he really wants me to sign this lease he would have to start making me feel like we are in things together.
I told him about always focusing on all the wrong things, at the very worse times. He agreed to getting his priorities in line and fixing himself. I have no doubt in my mind about him not wanting this—me, what we built together. It's just that sometimes I feel like I'm in the dark. I hate feeling like that. After talking over a bunch of junk food, hearing each other out, I agreed to meeting with his agent to sign off on the lease with him.
We spent the night together at my condo. I felt comfortable with him caressing my body and cuddling with me. I felt safe. I got out of bed after noticing he wasn't still asleep. I wobbled into the bathroom, showering and doing my morning routine. I spent almost 20 minutes trying to figure out what I even want to throw on today.
I'm honestly so over being pregnant. I just want to give birth and feel like my normal self. I finally settled on throwing on some jogger sweats with a white tank top. I'm exactly 39 weeks pregnant today. I feel like a blown up balloon. "Morning." Izaiah said walking into the closet, making his way up behind me. I smirked feeling him place light kisses on the back of my neck, causing me to turn around, blushing.
"Good morning." I spoke, kissing his soft pink lips. "And morning to you too." He said kneeling down to kiss my huge belly. "I wish she would just come out already." I said in an over it tone. "She'll come when she's ready." He stood to his feet. I scrunch my face up at him. Tomorrow is my due date, and I don’t plan on going a day over it. Becky's older sister, Britney has been giving me some tips on how to go into labor. I certainly am about to take advantage and try them all out.
I grabbed my McQueen sneakers and my black puffer jacket before leaving the closet. "When we get back I have to pack all my stuff." I told Izaiah plopping down to put my sneakers on. "I'll do it. Just take it easy ma." He said typing away on his phone. “Thank you." I exhaled as a warm smile appeared on my face. This is the Izaiah I know and missed. The sweet one, the affectionate one, the one who made me fall hard in love. I sat there struggling to fit my foot in the shoe.
"Oh my god! Nothing fits!" I huffed, getting upset. "Baby, don't get irritated." Izaiah calmed me, rubbing my back gently. I let out small sobs. My feet are so swollen and my hormones are just making this whole situation a trigger for me. “How about you put on those cute ugg slippers?" He suggested. "It's chilly out. I’ll have to wear those with socks." I told him tucking my hair behind my right ear. "That's cool. I'll get everything for you." He assured before kissing my cheek, getting off the bed.
Thank god for letting him come to his senses. I need this kind of emotional support. “Got em." He said coming out from the closet. He got down on his knees, putting on my socks for me. "Thank you." I smiled, watching as he finished putting the furry slides on my feet. “Welcome." He kissed my lips. He’s being so sweet and generous. "Ready to go?" He questioned, putting his LV puffer coat on. "Yeah.” I shook my head. He held his hand out so I can get up from the bed easily.
I placed my hand in his. We left out the condo. "Are they going to be here when we get back?" I asked him as he helped me into his BMW. "Possibly." He responded after getting in and starting up the car. He pulled onto the road. About 45 minutes later, we were pulling up to this big ass gated off house. "Is this the house?" I asked with widen eyes.
"Sure is." He rolled his window down to hand the guard his ID. I’m amazed with the outside of this place. It’s like pulling up to a palace. We got out, walking towards the front door. He rang the doorbell. We stood there waiting for a minute. The door opened up moments later. An Asian lady stood to the side. "Izaiah, so nice to see you." The middle aged woman said smiling.
"And you must be London. I'm Cindy, I've been this mans real estate agent for almost five years now." She stated shaking my hand with a warm smile. "I am, and it's nice to meet you Cindy. This house is beautiful." I told her, admiring all the space.
"I had to pull some strings for this one." She laughed. "Okay. Mr. Velez, my second hand tells me that you already made a payment for the house. Your just waiting to sign the lease?" She asked, wanting confirmation. "That's right." He told her. She directed us to the kitchen as we walked through the living room. This house looks like it belonged to someone rich. "Okay, you two have a seat right here." She instructed us as we entered the kitchen.
Everything inside the kitchen looked brand new and very expensive. I sat next to Izaiah as Cindy sat directly across from us. She pulled out a bunch of papers from a folder followed by her laptop.
"If you don't mind, what's the reason for waiting to sign?" Cindy questioned, typing something up on her Mac laptop. "I wanted to wait until London was able to sign with me." I told her before looking at London. She’s beautiful. Her skin has that nice pregnancy glow. Her hair grew longer, her hips got wider and her boobs went up a few sizes. She is looking just right if you ask me. "That's very nice." Cindy looked at the both us with a sincere smile.
"Here is the lease. Everything pertaining to the house is right here. When the two of you are ready, you may both sign your signatures on the bottom dotted lines." She stated, handing us some pens with the paperwork. I grab the pens, giving one to London. I signed my name on the first line then slid the paper in front of London. She looked down at the documents in front of her, then back at me. She gave me a small smile before signing her name on the second dotted line. "All done." She said handing the papers back to Cindy.
She checked it to make sure everything was looking good then signing her name as well. "Okay then. Congratulations you two." She trailed off fixing more papers. “You guys are officially home owners!" She cheered, giving us the keys to the house. "Thank Cindy. I appreciate everything. You did a great job." I told her, shaking her hand. "Y-Yeah, Cindy. Thank you." London thanked her, getting up from the chair.
"It’s my pleasure you guys, and congrats on the baby. Enjoy your new home." She smiled. "Thanks." I told her with a nod. She left us both in the kitchen after wrapping up the conversation. "So, how do you feel?" I questioned London, cupping her face. "I-I feel good. I'll feel even better once I see the upstairs, and of course get the nursery together." She said looking into my eyes.
"I guess we gonna be up all night, huh?" I asked, chuckling. "Yup. Now let's go." She giggled, heading for the front door. It’s just after 1pm in the afternoon, but if we want to get some of our things settled into the house, we will have to get a move on it. We got back into the car, driving off. “You hungry?" I asked rubbing her stomach, but still keeping my eyes on the road. "A little. I'm craving pizza with ranch." She laughed. "Cool. We can go to one of these pizza spots I know." I said, slowing down because of the yellow light.
We got our food and made it back to her condo. It’s a nice little spot. She wants to keep it after moving out.
I wasn't about to argue with her about it. I also don’t want to seem controlling. There is so much I’m starting to learn about being in a partnership. "Just put all that in the big box." She instructed, stuffing her face with pizza. I stacked all her clothing into the brown box before tapping it shut. "I guess after baby girl comes...we'll redecorate her room." I told her, sitting beside her on the bed.
"Yeah. Absolutely." She said dipping her slice in some more ranch. My phone began ringing. I picked it up, to see who it was. "Yo." I said into the phone after seeing it was Jigs. "What up, cuz." His voice spoke. "Ain't shit. What's the word?" I questioned into my phone.
"I been doing some of my own investigating." He said from his end of the line. "Mane, I told you let these people do they job." I told him, referring to the team of analysts and private investigators I hired. Well I should say my pops. He sent them unannounced. That was the package in the mail.
I don't know how he manages to do shit like this, but he does and I’m not going to question it. "Fuck those people." He spat, causing me to shake my head. “What you find nigga?" I asked annoyed. "Check this. The Gonzalez brothers—the real, Gonzalez brothers is saying that they got paid fifteen g’s to give they ID’s and info to some chick." He disclosed.
My face scrunched up. I hopped off the bed. "Some chick, huh?" I questioned pacing back and fourth.
“Yeah, bro...I'll try to find out more soon." He said into the phone. "How the fuck you know this?" I asked growing curious. I'm not saying Jigs no fool or nun, but he isn’t the wisest.
How the fuck he find out some important shit like this? I’m lowkey starting to doubt the people my pops sent. "Nigga my cousin 2Big! He be knowing everything." Jigs informed, sounding honest. "Aight. Hit me when you get more details. Stay up." I told him, ending our phone call.
All these crazy questions are now running wild in my mind. How the fuck could a bitch be behind all this? I don't have no beef with no bitch. This some straight up bullshit. I promise you whenever I find this unknown bitch, ima strangle her with my bare mothafuckin' hands.
"IZAIAH I SAID I THINK MY WATER JUST BROKE!" London shouted. I was so deep in thought I didn't hear her calling me before. I rushed over to the side of the bed she was on, kneeling down. She looked like she was sitting in her own pee. Shit looked weird. “How you know? Y-You sure?" I questioned, looking at her face. "I'm sure!" She yelled looking irritated. "Okay baby. I'll pack some stuff." I assured her rushing to grab a hospital bag, or whatever you call it. She took deep breaths as she held onto the sheets tightly.
"My contractions are getting closer." I heard her say. I zipped up the 2 bags, placing them by the door. "I'll let doctor Myers know it's time." I told her helping her off the bed. I grabbed her a change of pants and fresh underwear. I helped her put her things on, due to the pain she was feeling. It was also less hassle for her. She wobbled slowly outside. I was close behind her making sure she took her time.
We made it into the car. Moments later, I was rushing to the hospital. I held her hand as she took more deep breaths through each sharp pain. I can't believe she's in labor. This all seems so soon—too soon. Then what Jigs told me over the phone. I can’t not take that lightly. It's like my mind is here, but it's everywhere else at the same time. Life of a gangster.