12:00 AM
Wade: What TV show are you guys watching?
Ano na naman ???? !!!!!
Wade: Hahahaha!
I don’t know if I should be bored, pity, or ignorant, eh.
Wade: Hahaha.
Wade: I asked that to my friends. Engots, never gets.
Wade: All right. In our conversation, I was the one who was smart, handsome, perfect. Well. #SelfLove
Jusko ka. Why is shame not fashionable with you ??
Wade: It's so trendy. Shy-type that I ?
Wade: It's really hard on Monday. Daming work.
It's Tuesday.
Wade: Monday yesterday. Susko. Same. Just a few minutes later. Five minutes ago, Monday still. Hey.
Wade: Its very OC. Hey.
Wow. Thank you ?
Wade: You're welcome.
Wade: That's right. Lots of work in the office. Because our boss is joking. It's more fun than work. So in my department he lost his job.
Wade: Hit the lintel. He is no longer a dragon, he has become a loverboy. Susko. I do not know what we prefer.
The amount of chatter you have.
Wade: Thank you for that wonderful compliment.
That is not a compliment tukmol!
Wade: Thank you anyway. Hahahaha!
My blood will dry up on you. The alien you are talking to.
Wade: They say so. You just can't really keep up with my genius. Hahaha!
Where do you work?
Wade: ARC. My boss is Ekis, Arisa's boyfriend.
Ahh. What are you doing there? Janitor?
Wade: Handsome view ?
Wade: Are you, Joyce Ann?
Wade: Huh?
Why are you sending me messages as if we are close?
Why are you being like this ??
We don't even know each other, do we?
Wade: Well, someone once told me it is easier to talk to a stranger.
Wade: And she's right.
So what? You need a stranger you can talk to? Like that?
Wade: You. You may also need someone to talk to.
Excuse me ??
I have friends!
I have people I can talk to!
Wade: I have friends, too. What do you think of me, loner? Susko. Hahaha.
Wade: But they say, it's easier to talk to a stranger. As in to someone you do not know personally.
Wade: Even if you already have my picture. ?
I don't need it.
Wade: 'My picture? Sus.
Wade: You'll never know.
Wade: When you get stuck, you can sell it. About 3k.
Argh !!
You're so annoying!
Wade: And handsome.
And arrogant !!
Wade: And with abs.
Argh !!!
Wade: Hahaha. Joyce Ann was annoyed.
Wade: You might still cry, ah.
Wade: But I believe we need someone to talk to sometimes. Because we have things we can't say to people close to us.
Wade: It's just that we can tell a stranger whether we are judged or not, we don't care because we don't know him.
Wade: #WWW #WordsofWisdomniWade
Neither. How can you open yourself to a stranger when you can't do it to your close friends?
That's absurd!
Wade: Oh well, paper.
Wade: Just go back to my #WWW when you need it. I listen for free ?
Whatever ?
Then do I look like I have a problem, huh ?!
Wade: Hahaha.
Wade: ???
Jusko ka !!!
Wade: Highblood is Joyce Ann. Chill.
Nakaka-highblood ka kasi !!!
Wade: Chill dude. Chill.
Argh !!!
Seen, 12:30 AM
Wade: Sir!
Thank you.
Wade: What is it, Joyce Ann?
Wade: Excuse me ???
Wade: Hahahahahaha!
Wade: ?
Seen, 12:34 AM
12:38 AM
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12:45 AM
Wade Yozon ▶ ️ Joy Silang
2 mins ago
I said you can't stand me, Joyce Ann ?
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Joy Silang: ???