12:00 AM
Wade: Joyce Ann?
Wade: Still nothing?
Wade: Has the anime ever eaten you?
Wade: Have you ever been to Konoha and become a Hokage?
Wade: I miss your insults, Joyce Ann ?
Wade: How did you manage to put up with me?
Wade: ???
1:18 AM
Wade: I talked to Bebe Arisa, you also don't seem to be answering her PM.
Wade: I therefore conclude that it is not my beauty that is the problem.
Wade: Did you lose your wifi?
Wade: Did your neighbor change their wifi password?
Wade: Aba! Their hatred.
Wade: You bitch, speed.
Wade: Susko.
Wade: What is it, monologue?
Wade: Oral declamation? Hahaha!
Wade: ???
5:45 AM
Wade: Lintek Joyce Ann! Will I be called to the police?
Wade: #WorriedSiPogi
Wade: #PaMissSiJoyceAnn