12:00 AM
Wade: What does Mickey Mouse say when Minnie tickles him? #Lande
Just every day.
Yes ??
You even made an effort to search for a photo!
Wade: Of course. Effort makes perfect.
Baka practice makes perfect! ?
Wade: Same.
Where is the same ?! Jusko.
Wade: Meh.
Wade: It's Monday again. I'll be back later.
Wade: I'm tired of seeing my officemates.
You resign.
They are also fed up with your face.
Wade: Di rin.
Wade: Those people will cry when I leave. Hahaha!
Wade: But I really want to leave.
Wade: I just can't tell Ekis baby.
Wade: Maybe think badly.
Wade: You might think I still can't move on from our break-up so I'm leaving. Hahaha!
Wade: But just a joke. I will not leave the ARC.
Wade: I love that more than my briefs.
What a connection lintek you!
Wade: Meh.
Wade: Hahahahaha!
Wade: Are you? Where do you work.
IT company in BGC.
Wade: Your officemates are afraid of you, aren't they? You are afraid of being bitten. Hahaha!
Excuse me ?!
Well, in the beginning, yes. Because I am like that. Sounds rude when speaking then when looking.
But I am kind to those who are kind to me.
Wade: Another laugh.
Seen, 12:09 AM
Wade: Susko has already seen him.
Wade: Yes, yes.
Wade: You are kind. Hahahaha!
Wade: How's work?
It's OK.
Wade: Why is it okay? Boring? Exciting?
The first one.
Wade: Why are you persevering?
Not everyone in us is lucky that the job we can get will make us happy.
Lucky are those who are able to get their dream job.
But in this world, having a job you don't love is way better than not having one at all.
Wade: I, thank you.
Wade: It saddens me to hear that but I think you are correct.
Wade: Maybe the day will come when you will learn to love. After all, if you did not get what you did not love, why not try to love what was given to you.
Wade: If you close your heart and mind, you won't be able to love it at all. Don't force yourself to love it. 'Don't just insist in your mind that you will never really be able to love. You'll never know what life will bring you tomorrow.
Wade: #WordsOfWisdomNiWade #SoPerfectImGonnaDie
I guess you are right.
Wade: SUSKO.
Wade: Strike two.
Wade: Yesterday there was an optional goodnight.
Wade: Now you agree with me.
Wade: Is this the point in my life that I should be sorry for the sins I have committed?
Wade: Susko ?
Lintek ka!
This is the point in your life where you have to meditate and think of your corny person!
Wade: ...
Wade: Am I really corny?
One more time.
YES !!!!!!
Wade: Capslock with exclamation points means with feelings.
Wade: I'm really sorry, Joyce Ann.
Wade: I'm not ready to accept your feelings yet.
OMG KA !!!!
Are you really forcing that ?!
You are delicious to be stabbed!
Wade: Oh, knife ?
Wade: Hobbies?
Wtf. Suddenly like that?
You are giving me whiplash! You change the topic! ?
Wade: Hahaha! I like it fast.
Wade: In the convo, isn't it when fast-paced, more topics are discussed.
Wade: No idle moment.
Wade: Why, what did you think? ?
Lintek na 'to!
Wade: Okay.
To answer your question, I like reading books. Romance novels, ganon. Especially Tagalog romance novels. Watching animes too. From people-watching. Sometimes I just go out of the apartment to hang out in the cafe and people-watch.
Wade: Maybe you have a high standard for men so you are single. Hahaha!
Gagu ka! Hahaha pero nah.
It's not about the standards. I just don't want to and I don't need a man in life.
Wade: All right. Then you don't need someone to complete you. You have to do it on your own, using your own strength.
Wade: Susko. I'm so damn great. #WordsOfWisdomNiWade
HAHAHA Siraulo. But you are right. Then I really don't want to re-enter a relationship
Wade: Again?
You, your hobbies.
Wade: Aguy, changed the subject. My popcorn is still ready. Hahahaha!
Your hobbies, lintek!
Wade: Aguy, he's curious about me. I will prepare my slambook answer. Hahaha!
Wade: I said 'here it is, eh. Still shaking.
Wade: Playing guitar, hanging out with my friends, watching whatever my little sister wants, ganyan.
Do you have a little sister? ?
Wade: Yep. Eight years younger. Why the shookt emoji? ?
I feel sorry for him, because he has an older brother like you ?
Wade: For your information, I am Wendylynn's favorite older brother ?
Maybe you are the only brother so no choice.
Wade: NO!
Wade: He likes me more than Kuya Wayne.
Wade: I'm more funny.
Wade: Better.
Wade: And more handsome ?
Wade: True!
Weh. Apparently not either. Hahaha!
Wade: That's right!
Wade: I'll prove it, wait ?
Wade: What is love?
Wade: What!
Love is fleeting.
Wade: Naks. What is fleeting. Hahahaha!
What is love?
Wade: Love is you.
Wade: Hahahahaha!
Wade: Love is what makes the pain all worth it.
Please translate.
Wade: Pass.
Wade: Hahahaha!
Wade: Books or coffee?
Wade: Coffee.
Wade: Chocolate or vanilla?
Wade: Vanilla.
Wade: Sex or chocolate?
Wade: Sex.
Wade: Joke. Hahahaha! I asked that in our group chat with Ekis beybeh.
Wade: I sent it to GC with Arisa.
Wade: Ekis baby is mad at me. I was removed from the group ?
HAHAHAHAHA Buti nga sa 'yo ?
Wade: You thought it was Arisa's daddy. Too protective, possessive, then paranoid.
Wade: Daddy Ekis.
Wade: Lintek HAHAHAHA teka ipi-pm ko 'to sa group HAHAHAHAHAHA
Your antics!
No wonder you were removed from GC.
Wade: I'm also coming back because they will miss me ?
Wade: Cafe or bar?
Still not done?
Wade: Bar.
Wade: Lights on or lights off?
Lights on.
Wade: Lights off.
Wade: Susko. Why do we not have the same answer?
Wade: ???
Because I am a normal person, you are abnormal!
Wade: Ha!
Wade: This abnormality, when in love, can not be matched by the most normal person in the world.
Wade: #SelfLove
No, thanks.
Wade: #MayabangSiJoyceAnn
Wade: #FeelingSiJoyceAnn
Wade: Hahahahahaha!
I'm going to sleep! I will be early later ?
Wade: Awtsu. Joyce Ann was hidden at the same time. Hahaha!
Wade: Goodnight, MM. lul.
Wade: It's a goodnight!
Wade: Awtsu!
Wade: ???
Seen, 1:08 AM
1:10 AM
Wade Yozon
21 mins ago
I'm your favorite brother, right, Wendylynn? Answer!
Merry Arisa Salonga and 322 others like this
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Wendylynn Yozon: Kuya Hel is my favorite ❤️
| Wade Yozon: Susko! ???
| Hel Delgado: Labyu, bibi gurl ❤️
| Wade Yozon: Susko! ???
Connor Arke: HAHAHAHA!
| Wade Yozon: @Alexis Ran, it still can't move on.
| Connor Arke: Stupid. Hahaha!
Merry Arisa Salonga: HAHAHAHA!
| Wade Yozon: @Alexis Ran Daddy Ekis please pick up your baby ?
| Alexis Ran Crowell: ??
| Wade Yozon: Susko ???