12:00 AM
Wade: What do you get for a pig who is good at karate?
Wade: Easy!
Yes ???
Wade: Eh di PORK CHOP !!!
Wade: But you are very happy. Hey.
Wade: Eh, what is the medicine for a pig skin wound?
Jusko really. Yes ????
Wade: Eh in OINKMENT.
??♀️??♀️??♀️??♀️??♀️??♀️??♀️??♀️??♀️??♀️??♀️??♀? ♀️??♀️??♀️??♀️??♀️
12:12 AM
Wade: Susko.
Wade: It's hard to be a third wheel.
Wade: Ask why, Joyce Ann.
Lintek, 'wag Joyce Ann!
Wade: Why, Joyce Ann?
Seen, 12:29 AM
Wade: Awtsu. See Joyce Ann.
Wade: But we talked differently. Ask why.
I do not want.
The corny of your jokes ?
Wade: I will not joke. I'm serious. Haha.
Wade: I forgot, lintek. Haha.
Wade: We’re watching Barcelona: A Love Untold by Ekis and Arisa today.
Wade: It's nice to beat this mag-jowa.
Wade: It made me look more beautiful view
Wade: It's a good show.
Wade: "Stop acting like you know my pain! Stop acting like you own it!"
Wade: Suskong Daniel, nakakabading ?
Lintek ka hahahaha!
Your fagot.
Wade: Hey.
Wade: We just found out you want a kiss right away.
Wade: Calm down.
Wade: One more day. Don't do that, Joyce Ann. Don't be too aggressive.
Wade: Hahahaha!
Wade: Virgin pa lips ko ?
I can't see where you are getting your arrogance jusko ?
Wade: In the face probably. #SelfLove
Wade: I also fight my abs. Lintek. I'm so perfect. #SuperSelfLove
Oo na lang nga ?
Wade: I wish I could show that I'm just wholesome ?
GOD. You relieve stress!
Wade: That's where it starts.
Wade: You might fall for me. Sorry, I am loyal to Ekis.
Wade: Sorry, Joyce Ann.
Bwisit na 'to!
Wade: Hahaha!
Wade: Wait, I'm back to what I was watching. Kathryn might be jealous ?
Wade: Langya, it's delicious to pour salt on this mag-jowa. Here in front of me hanging out ?
What a word! Hahaha!
Wade: Goodnight, Joyce Ann.
Lintek ka! 'Don't be Joyce Ann !!
Wade: Okay.
Wade: Joyce Ann.
Argh !!!!
Wade: ?
Seen, 12:45 AM
2:34 AM
Joy Silang is with Merry Arisa Salonga
45 mins ago
You are my always, Ayessa. I can't see myself loving someone other than you. —Erice C. #NeverEverAfter by #MargauxAristelle #SaPocketbookLangTotooAngKilig
Merry Arisa Salonga and 14 others like this
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Merry Arisa Salonga: Halaaaa! I hope you like that ??
| Joy Silang: Too much! Erice and her friends are in love ❤️
| Wade Yozon: Is that me? ?
| Merry Arisa Salonga: AHAHAHA!
| Joy Silang: I don't know about you! How did you get here in my status ?!
| Wade Yozon: BDO still ?
| Joy Silang: ???