Abdullah and I sat in Minna Airport terminal together with Mama, waiting for her departure time to arrive. We had arrived two hours and half prior to the time, could you even imagine that? It was actually Mama who kept disturbing our peace that we must be at the airport as early as possible. As if leaving the house an hour later would make her late.
"Mama the plane will not run away". Abdullah had grumbled. "This is just some minutes after 7 and your departure time is 10 O'clo..."
"Will you shut up, Alu sholobi!". Mama had intruded vehemently and asked him to go get himself dressed as I and her had already prepared.
The terminal of Minna Airport wasn't that bad, the then administration had invested quite well in it. The air-conditioning were working fine, the facilities were good, the security personnel were everywhere, there were no delays hence the passengers were less compared to those of Aminu Kano International Airport in Kano, Murtala Mohammed International Airport in Lagos, and Nnamdi Azikiwe's in Abuja.
"As I told you yesterday, Bilkis is your de-jure wife and you must treat her right!". Mama paused and continued. "Her grocery store is hers, and whatever you want to take from there should be with her full consent, eh gbo? And again, you mustn't..."
Mama had sometime ago overheard me yelling at Abdullah to desist from taking things from my grocery store as the store was already diminishing. It was the day I went for a pregnancy test and came back home with a negative result. Abdullah feigned sadness in Mama's presence that day but immediately we were in my room he laughed out louder and told me he was very happy I wasn't carrying his child.
Due to that, he called me an irresponsible wife who gave her body to a disgusting being. That, hence, led to a serious dispute between us as I couldn't take it anymore.
I began yelling at him oblivious to the fact that my voice was loud enough for Mama to hear from the living room, until she appeared suddenly and demanded to know everything.
I told her everything and the matter was solved. It was on that same day we heard about the death of Faisal, Safiyah's husband.
"...I repeat again, Bilkis is your wife and you owe her a lot. She was the one that saved your life Oma mi, you mustn't treat her badly, okay?"
"Yes Mama." Abdullah nodded. "And I'm so sorry for everything. I really had been a bad husband to her, it's just that I warned her not to..."
"Save your life?." Mama intruded.
"You warned her not to save your life but she did, is that your problem? Tell me, Idada é shé ba? Idada?". She yelled at him, her eyes already red.
"No Mama, wallahi it's not like that..."
"Then what?"
"Lets just forget about it. I and Balqis are already cool now. I had promised not to turn back on my heels, Mama". He said and turned to me. "Habibati I'm so sorry for..."
"No please Habibi, you've said that for the umpteenth time already". I held is hand with a smile. "You don't need to keep saying that to me, okey? I've already forgiven you my love".
"Okey." He nodded.
"And you Bilkis," Mama turned to me.
"Please stop hiding things from me. You have my contact, one call is enough and I will come and resolve things, okay?." She said and I nodded. "I don't want to leave today but I have to, I need to go back to Anpka to take care of Fati Kekele, my sister".
"Yes Mama, and we are really going to miss you". I said smiling at her. "I really can't repay you for fixing my home and for everything, Mama".
"If you had disclose everything to me in time your home would've been fixed long time ago, Bilkis". She smirked. "Isn't it Abdullah, Oma mi?"
"Yes Mama." He smiled.
We talked and talked until the passengers of Arik flight 105 were summoned. Mama held Abdullah's hand, "Lest I forget, that herbal mixture that I gave you please keep taking it. It will wash away the dirty and dead sperms in your..."
"Oh Mama please, you don't have to worry. After all I've taken three bottles already remaining two". Abdullah grumbled.
"No, I'm just reminding you lé o because I know you! And don't only drink it, touch her too" she said as she gestured towards me with a smile. "Touch her very well until she becomes pregnant!". She added. And that made me and Abdullah to burst into laughter.
Mama got her boarding pass and thus, boarded into the Arik twin-engine plane which then taxied to the runaway and took off speedily. I couldn't stop waving at it even when it was already airborne. My eyes were already teary, I'd definitely miss Mama!
"You're acting as if you're the only one that will miss her". Abdullah said as he held my hand. "I will miss her more."
I couldn't say a word to him. I was just speechless. I was already missing Mama. I was already missing her! Safe flight Mama. I heaved a sigh.
"Lets go, the plane is already up and away". He pecked me on my forehead.
"Okey". I nodded. Thus, we left to the garage and went into our car enroute home.