Maybe she was right about saving her husband's life, but by offering her body to the robbers that broke into their house...
On the day of my wedding, I was happy. I was so happy to see my mother and everyone in our family happy. We danced our hearts out to the awesome kalangu music.
And when it was time for me to be conveyed to my matrimonial home, we all cried heavily. It was a beautiful moment. I was sad and at the same time happy, sad because I would miss my lovely parents and happy because I was finally going to live with the man I loved.
"Ya Allah, as I'm leaving my parents today to build my own family with my husband, protect them for me and also bless my union with Abdullah. Ameen" I prayed silently in my mind as our convoy began moving.
My name is BALQIS and this is the story of my life in Abdullah's house after THE UNFORTUNATE EVENT that eventually led to the "abrupt end" of our marriage.