Steve Rogers
Being the gentleman he was he always kept things PG, he was always aware of what he was doing and felt the need to ask you if it was okay for him to even hold your hand or hug you. He was usually very flustered with the thought of physical contact, after all, he was such a reserved person. You two sat in a briefing room, being told about a mission that was going to happen that night. You were his back-up, there for whatever he needed so when, or if, he needed assistance you were there. Both of you were ready for the mission, you dropped him off and waited for any signals or calls for any help. You had eyes on his position the whole time, just in case, he was too proud to say he needed help and a good thing too because he was being surrounded. Jumping from the chopper you rushed over to his position, keeping your eyes aware of your position and the enemies around you. You helped take out the enemy rush and stood with Steve catching your breath "I didn't call for help but thank you miss" taking a deep breath, it was now or never. You grabbed his face and kissed him suddenly but he seemed to be expecting it because it took him no time to react and kiss back. Breaking apart you both shared a tired laugh, "thank you, Steve" his large hand gently cupping your cheek he smiled. Your face flushed, god how you loved those smiles.
Tony Stark
You were much more reserved than Tony was, so each time he had tried to kiss you, you had turned away or put your hand up. You would kiss him when you were ready but he never seemed to understand that and it was irritating. You spent quite a few sleepless nights trying to explain it to him but he just never got it. You were watching the birds fly around the city from the chair on the balcony of Stark tower, it was aimless bird watching as you waited for Tony to get up and you two head over to the SHIELD headquarters. Hearing JARVIS's voice talking to him and Tony simply arguing with him, you decided to see if you could help get him up. Walking into the bedroom you spotted an uncovered Tony sprawled out on his bed as JARVIS calm told him, repetitively, to get up but he was having none of it. So when you told JARVIS to let you try to wake him, he simply let you without saying a word, you sat down on the bed near Tony's head and watched him sleep. He was very handsome but so cocky, it seemed he was growing on you so when you leaned down and kissed his lips softly you felt him grin. He wasn't asleep but it didn't matter to you "you kissed me" he cracked one eye open looking at you "so" you blushed under his stare as he pulled you down on top of his chest. Trying to continue his sleeping he held onto you only to be smack over the head "time to get up if you want another kiss you have to get up" he pouted but eventually got out of bed in hot pursuit of another kiss.
Bruce Banner
You saw the anger in Bruce's eyes and felt the tension in the room, you knew this is what Tony was trying to do. He spent more time trying to get a rise out of Bruce than actually doing work so this was bound to happen sooner or later. You watched at Tony kept egging him on and how hard Bruce was trying to stay calm. The more Tony talked the more you wanted to slap him and calm him down so you did, you angrily walked up to Tony who was still going at it and smacked him hard across the face. There was a long moment of shock between the two men, Tony's face was priceless and Bruce was still struggling to get his anger under control. You walked up to Bruce, no hesitation but he kept trying to step back until his back was planted firmly against the panel of switches and nobs. You grabbed for his hand but he pulled back "look at me Bruce, me and only me" you grabbed his attention, his eyes only focusing on you but he seemed afraid as his fingers began to turn green and his heart sped up more. Going on pure instinct by now you grabbed his hand and squeezed it making him look into your eyes once more. You pulled him into you and kissed him, harsh on the lips feeling his heart rate drop and his body relax into yours you smiled into the kiss. Taking a second to break away from one another you smiled and his face flushed red "don't worry about Tony or that other guy I'm right here when you need to calm down" he held onto you in a strong hug, "thank you."
Thor Odinson
You sat together, no words being said but it was comfortable just being together. You grabbed his hand and gently squeezed it, not to get his attention but to prove that he sat there with you. He looked down at you from the corners of his eyes, he smiled "maiden, is something on your mind?" you shifted to look up at him, hand still in his. You nodded, "yes, I'm just making sure you sit here with me. Making sure this is not some cruel night terror that I will wake from and find you have forgotten me." you smiled at him. You weren't sad when you said it, only insecure and worried but the smile he still wore made all those fear disappear. Placing his hand on your cheek he leaned in kissing you lightly on the lips, "Do not fear, love, I will always remain by your side. I will be here for all of eternity, just for you." Your lips were tingling and smiling you pressed yours to his in a thank-you kiss.
Loki Laufeyson
You were spending more time with Loki because he spent more time here in the dungeons with you. This day he took your hand and brought you to his favorite place in all of Asgard, the gardens. Your eyes took in just as much of this beautiful place as you could, from every small bud to the largest leaf. Your smile, that looks of complete happiness was something Loki craved every day. It made his heart flip in his chest and his body feels light, no pain came when he spent these moments with you. You bent down next to a large buttercup, smelling the yellow flower your eyes closed in bliss until you felt a hand on your shoulder. Looking up you saw Loki's soft eyes looking into your own and you stood taking him in your arms, whispering "thank you for showing me this place." He held you close to him "nothing is too much for you, sparrow" he grinned and you looked up at him. He leaned down placing butterfly kisses on your face until his lips met yours in a soft but meaningful kiss. You were in heaven, completely floating in happy content.
Clint Barton
You were priming your targets, you had just made a friendly bet with Clint that whoever got the closest to the center of all the targets gets one gift from the other. Clint seemed all too eager to win and you laughed as he prepped his bow and arrows. You positioned yourself next to him in the laying position, aiming your sights in the middle of the targets. You shot, he shot, it went like this for the five targets and with a stifled laugh, he laughed, looking triumphant. You rolled your eyes, "let's check the targets first before you get too excited, hotshot!" you grinned as the both of you examined each target. At the end of the inspection, you had won by a few centimeters but you put your hand on your hip "looks like I won." He lowered his head until you hugged him close taking him by surprise "you won, what did you want?" you looked up at him with a twinkle in your eye before pulling him into a deep kiss. He grinned into the kiss holding you closer to him this is what he wanted to win.
James "Bucky" Barnes
It had been seventy years, seventy, not seven not seventeen but seventy years since you heard of Bucky's death and it broke you into so many pieces you sure most of them stayed in the forties. You were in hiding for a majority of this time unable to stick around in case someone caught onto your secret. You couldn't see Peggy, couldn't find Steve and you were left alone again. You were hiding in the woods on the outside of New York, oh boy had the times changed and it only got busier the more time went on. You were around when everything was built and it was mind-blowing but you could only occasionally go into the city. You would be damned if you were found, you would be locked up and experimented on and that was not what you wanted so you stayed hidden. You watched from a tree, sitting on a branch while three Helicarrier's plunged into the bay but below you was a different scene, a man with long hair and a metal arm pulled a blond from the waters leaving him on the bank. You recognized both faces and you nearly fell out of the tree "Bucky?" he stopped mid-step "Bucky, is that you?" you felt the tears prick your eyes and they began to sting to be let free when he turned and faced you. You were kneeling beside Steve making sure he was alright "don't call me that, I am not. . ." he stopped talking and it was clear he was confused. You stepped up to face him after assuring that Steve was alright "yes, you are" you let the tears fall fast "you are James, you are the man I care about" you smiled and he looked even more confused when he gripped his head "NO!" he looked pained and when you grabbed his hands you looked into his eyes "Bucky, stop" you didn't have to raise your voice to get your point across. You were not going to let him beat himself over something that happened in the past, you watched his face calm down but he still looked wild and almost caged. You pushed away all of your rational thought when you pressed your lips to his, "I don't care what happened in the past, I am here for your future and I will not let you leave like that again" you grinned but he didn't. Getting him back would be quite a process but you were there for the long run.
Sam Wilson
It was late and you knew he had business with saving the world and that nonsense and the lack of communication right now was what tore you up inside. You paced around your house, nibbled on food, just anything to take your mind off of worrying about him. You could still remember the gentle words he said to you that morning before he left. You were both in bed, your body curled into his arms "I need to get up and get ready to leave, Baby." You groaned and he laughed. "I don't want to move, Sam." You sighed. "I know and I would love to just spend the day with you right here but I need to help Steve and the others. I promised them and, it's kind of the superhero thing to do." You grumbled and rolled away from him. You both had changed and had breakfast before he stood at the door, you gave him a hug and he whispered. "I will come back to you, I can promise you that. I have a wonderful team behind me and they're great friends. I will be back tonight, I don't know how late it'll be but I'll be back. I'll come back to you." He kissed the top of your head and you nodded. "You better." You said with a sad half-smile on your face. "It's nearly midnight, I'm going crazy waiting for news." You rubbed your face before finally settling down on the sofa. You must have dozed off because you ended up being woken up by the door squeaking open. All of your sense woke you and as he walked in you could see the exhaustion on his face. Looking him over once to check of injuries you rushed into his arms, surprising him. "Oof!" He grunted out but laughed as he relaxed placing his arms around you. "See I pro-" You kissed him, hands on his cheeks and relief in your heart that he was alright. "Wow, I..." He whispered softly and you were nearly in tears. "Thank goodness! I waited for hours to hear from you and now you're here." You carressed his face trying to make sure it wasn't a dream. "I'm real and I'm here, it's all going to be okay. I promised didn't I?" You nodded and after he showered you both curled up in bed. "We can talk more tomorrow, Goodnight, Hero."